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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Cyclepath

    Cherry 2013

    Congrats - as you can see from my current profile pic, I too, am enjoying a 2013 Stone Grey Feejer.
  2. Cyclepath

    New member with a 2010 FJR

    Welcome from western Canuckistan
  3. Cyclepath

    My first FJR!

    Welcome to the party!
  4. Cyclepath

    Mixing Michelin Road 6 GT and 4 GT?

    Yes, unfortunately, I think some of the surfaces we are forced to ride on can make quite a difference in tread life.
  5. Cyclepath

    Mixing Michelin Road 6 GT and 4 GT?

    Geez HilltownDave, what air pressures are you using ( and how often / precise do you believe those measurements to be ) ? For more than a decade, I have watched my own FJR tires' longevity very closely (using a tire guage, logging it periodically in a digital file for both front and rear). I've...
  6. Cyclepath

    Anyone have advice for a torn calf muscle?

    Yes, push her to agree on getting the ultrasound - as good as most doctors are, they do occassionally overlook something like a clot. You stated you did have a bruise - so we know that something in your leg bled - and then eventually created a clot. If that clot is any real size and breaks away...
  7. Cyclepath

    Anyone have advice for a torn calf muscle?

    Hey Jammer125, sorry to hear of your current leg issue. This triggered a memory for me - and I thought I would suggest that you go get a soft tissue ultrasound scan done to confirm whether or not your calf now has a blot clot at the site of the injury (?). The scary part of this type of injury...
  8. Cyclepath

    A Bad Blue-ridge Parkway Ride.

    Wow - very sorry tohear of this outcome for you. :eek: Prayers and best wishes for your recovery.
  9. Cyclepath

    How to resurrect Yamaha FJR1300 that's been parked in my garage for 7 years?

    I think change the engine oil, rear drive oil, hydraulic fluids (clutch and brakes), look her over for signs of dry rot throughout on rubber bushings, seals, etc. Likely need to run some Seafoam or similar cleaner through the fueling system (a couple different tanks full?). I would guess that...
  10. Cyclepath

    Parts Wanted WTB: set of Garauld sliders with M12 bolts for Gen 3 (2013) FJR

    I already have a set of MC Enterprises Canyon Cages, so now looking for the Garauld kit that includes those elongated M12x1.25x?? bolts.
  11. Cyclepath

    Has anyone else here ever added a suspending pin to their MC Enterprises Canyon Cages to ease front end maintenance?

    Thanks for jumpin in here Mophead - yikes,. I've always felt a bit wary of those liftjacks, concerned about an unfortunate left or right topple event which could be very expen$ive to fix later. :unsure:
  12. Cyclepath

    Has anyone else here ever added a suspending pin to their MC Enterprises Canyon Cages to ease front end maintenance?

    Hey RiderJoe, I considered that, but I am really looking to implement a more elegant / stable solution.
  13. Cyclepath

    Has anyone else here ever added a suspending pin to their MC Enterprises Canyon Cages to ease front end maintenance?

    Thanks OldJeep - I certainly want to mimic what you're suggesting. The cages I have already mounted would normally make me feel adding sliders would be redundant, but using carefully mounted sliders outside the cages would tick multiple boxes for me: horizontal stubs to rest on top of axle...
  14. Cyclepath

    Has anyone else here ever added a suspending pin to their MC Enterprises Canyon Cages to ease front end maintenance?

    Thanks SkooterG - I hear ya. Yes, I'm not as concerned about putting strain on the exhaust header - just want to have a nice wide / stable method to suspend the front end for various maintenance tasks.
  15. Cyclepath

    Has anyone else here ever added a suspending pin to their MC Enterprises Canyon Cages to ease front end maintenance?

    Thanks for sharing Ross. Yes, I too, built a pipe frame years back, and have used it safely on my two FJRs - until it tipped forward on me once a couple years ago during what I came to call my Crouching Tiger moment (!). On center stand, I had both wheels off, and it was suspended in my pipe...
  16. Cyclepath

    Has anyone else here ever added a suspending pin to their MC Enterprises Canyon Cages to ease front end maintenance?

    Hey everyone; I haven't started a post here in what is probably years, so here goes. After searching through the various topics here, I couldn't find what I am looking for, so thought best to inquire. My Gen 3 Feejer has nice Canyon Cages front and rear, and a couple years ago I thought...
  17. Cyclepath

    New to Forum 2010 FJR in Alberta

    Hello and Welcome from Sherwood Park, AB ! :cool:
  18. Cyclepath

    Anyone use tank bags?

    Yep - for many years now I've been using a Cortech Super 2.0 tank bag, with magnets and a simple webbed strap wrapped around the steering head for stability.
  19. Cyclepath

    Sold 2014 FJR1300

    She's downright purrty Mike! GLWS
  20. Cyclepath

    Going to See the Eclipse?

    Back in August 2017, the band of totality for that eclipse event passed about a thousand miles south of where me and my riding buddies live in Central Alberta. Here are a couple pics we took at about high noon in the hamlet of Lowman, ID that day. Of course we brought proper eye protection with...