Good Zumo 550 Deal

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Well-known member
May 11, 2008
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Covington, IN
**Sorry Mods, Just noticed I was in the wrong topic when I posted. Please move to Parts and Accessories**

I first looked at the Zumo at Best Buy. It was $899.00. About a month back they marked it clearance at $759.00. I read a post here where someone found it for under $600.00 at Best Buy so I thought I would take a look today since I was in town anyway. The salesman at Best Buy stated they just lowered the price from $759.99 to 592.99 last week. Of course they were out of stock and the display unit is just that. The salesman went and got a supervisor and she said "no problem I can order you one for the same price with no shipping."

I felt $592.99 was a good deal even though I did have to pay tax. All said and done it was $634.50 and I will pick it up next week. Just thought I would pass this along to anyone still looking for a Zumo. If you wait you might get it even cheaper, it's always a gamble with clearance items. I know the salesman said they were trying to move out the remaining inventory within the company and all Indianapolis, IN stores were sold out. I decided that I had waited and looked long enough and pulled the trigger.

Hope this might be useful for someone else! :drinks:

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I felt $592.99 was a good deal even though I did have to pay tax.
Yeah - it's a lot of money but it's also the best bike GPS you can get. You won't regret it.
You don't know the half of it! I had the wife with me when I decided to get it. We are redoing a room in our house to make her an office and before we left town I found myself buying her new office furniture. :blink: Not really the time to bring up cost when you just spent a chunk of change on an expensive farkle for your motorcycle. She tends to forget that her upgraded radio in her new Lincoln cost about $2,000.00 extra so she could have navigation and loud music.

Oh well I told her "you deserve it sweetheart" and kept on smiling! ;) Now I have to go pickup furniture tomorrow evening. Oh well, it's the price I must pay to play with my toys!

This Zumo 550 sounds like it is about ready to be replaced at Garmen.. They are trying to get there last sales out before the new one hits the marked probably in pleanty of time for Xmas gifts.

I'm still partial to the 276c - I had two of them - unfortunately one of them was stolen and the other was grabbed by my brother for his boat. . .

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This Zumo 550 sounds like it is about ready to be replaced at Garmen.. They are trying to get there last sales out before the new one hits the marked probably in pleanty of time for Xmas gifts.

I was thinking the same thing - the new and improved is right around the corner. I have to remember to just go with what works at the time - sort of like computers - there is always something faster and better around the corner.


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This Zumo 550 sounds like it is about ready to be replaced at Garmen.. They are trying to get there last sales out before the new one hits the marked probably in pleanty of time for Xmas gifts.
If so that is what I have been waiting on. When new models are ready to be announced the older ones take a price dive. I have been looking for a reputable dealer discounting the Zumo with little luck. This seemed like a reasonable deal. I am not sure if the 550 is being replaced soon or if Best Buy was simply having problems moving them. Either way I am a happy camper!

**Sorry Mods, Just noticed I was in the wrong topic when I posted. Please move to Parts and Accessories**
I first looked at the Zumo at Best Buy. It was $899.00. About a month back they marked it clearance at $759.00. I read a post here where someone found it for under $600.00 at Best Buy so I thought I would take a look today since I was in town anyway. The salesman at Best Buy stated they just lowered the price from $759.99 to 592.99 last week.
Is this in store or what?? Online they have it listed for 899.99.

Might just stop by the local Best Buy anyway...

**Sorry Mods, Just noticed I was in the wrong topic when I posted. Please move to Parts and Accessories**
I first looked at the Zumo at Best Buy. It was $899.00. About a month back they marked it clearance at $759.00. I read a post here where someone found it for under $600.00 at Best Buy so I thought I would take a look today since I was in town anyway. The salesman at Best Buy stated they just lowered the price from $759.99 to 592.99 last week.
Is this in store or what?? Online they have it listed for 899.99.

Might just stop by the local Best Buy anyway...
Yes it was in store. As you found it is still expensive online. $899.00 ouch!

The store I was at is in Lafayette, IN.

That Best Buy price is pretty low.Here's another $50 off if it works for any of you guys.

$50 Coupon
Great Coupon. Unfortunately not good on the Zumo 550 since it excludes Clearance items and the Zumo 550 is marked as clearance. It would be good on other Garmin units though.


I have had the Zumo 550 for a year and a half now and have been very happy with it.

I keep telling myself "you don't need to upgrade, you don't need to upgrade" ... seems to be working.

I used my coupon tonight on two Nuvi 200's.

Even with the WA sales tax they were $108 each out the door.

That model is on sale this week for $149

The Best Buy I went to did not have any Zumo (450 or 550) for me to try the coupon out on.

(I know it says no clearance items but you will find many Best Buy employees are "special")

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The Best Buy sales guy showed me the screen where the ZUMO 550 is being clearanced, some stores have it in stock for 539.00, unfortunately none near me and he stated it is an in store pickup only. Oh well, I wonder what they are coming out with.
