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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. exskibum

    Tire Repair (internal patch) in Sacramento/Auburn area?

    Yesterday (4/16/2020), I got a clean nail sized hole in my rear tire about 3 miles from home. Nothing stuck in it, so probably caused by a glass shard. I repaired it with sticky string, inflated it and rode home. Now, for the first time in a dozen years, I'm looking for someplace to patch it...
  2. exskibum

    So, where is everybody going to be hanging out after 9/27?

    Looks like we have less than 5 weeks until this forum disappears. See: Any new fora planned? What happens with the technical resources here? Anybody else planning a migration? Any further thoughts?
  3. exskibum

    Any STARCOM users still among us? Spares question.

    How do you replace parts and keep the system functioning? I loved how the Starcom worked (esp after after a brief dose of bluetooth hell with SENA's POS replacement). One problem drove me away from the Starcom: the regular failures of the wired headsets and inability to fix them. I have 3...
  4. exskibum

    Boots, Cycleport Kevlar suit, RPHA helmet, etc.

    Time to thin out the garage and closet! I cannot post photos but will send via e-mail or text. Will ship to lower 48 states only: 1) Two (2) working STARCOM ADVANCE units, plus multiple cabling, headsets and other Starcom accessories/wiring. (A couple or three of the many headsets may not...
  5. exskibum

    Andrew (OrangevaleFJR) remembrance

    dcarver mentioned Andrew in another thread this morning. And it occurred to me that one of the saddest days ever on this forum was 10 years ago today. That morning, Andrew took his own life. Today, that seems too vivid to believe it was ten years back. Numerous times over the years, especially...
  6. exskibum

    U.S. National Parks daily/weekly fees to rise ?

    Not a small % increase, either. However, annual pass prices are to be unaffected . . . and those of us with lifetime Senior Passes continue to enjoy one of the best deals ever (best $10 I've spent). Note that the 30 day comment period just opened, should you wish to exercise your right to...
  7. exskibum

    RIP, Tom Petty

    Oct. 20, 1950 - Oct. 2, 2017 Teri and I saw him Friday, September 1 in Sacramento, 9 rows in front of the stage. This show was postponed from a week earlier, due to laryngitis. Teri, a nurse, commented that she thought it might have been more than just laryngitis. The performance was great, but...
  8. exskibum

    The bike's steering "locked up"

    Sympathies for the rider's injuries and bike damage, but making up shit in the face of contrary evidence isn't gaining the rider the wisdom he went out of the way to learn the hard way...
  9. exskibum

    Split: Sena Use

    So, these Sena devices actually W.O.R.K. for you guys by providing some sort of electronic communication? So far, my SMH10R has been useful for: investing otherwise useful time installing them in helmets, wasting time reading and rereading instructions, wasting a butt-load of time trying to...
  10. exskibum

    Hero traffic cop / marksman

    First: PLEASE DO NOT TURN THIS INTO A RELIGIOUS OR POLITICAL DISCUSSION !!! From the time I heard about this, I've been saying that this cop did something well beyond amazing, considering he had a handgun and the two bad guys were wearing body armor and had semi-auto military style rifles...
  11. exskibum

    Women's softball pitching feat in defeat

    Perfect game, 23 strikeouts in 8 innings (1 extra inning) -- you know she was having some kinda INSANE day on the mound...
  12. exskibum

    ****** WIN SERIES !

    GIANTS win again. Every other year. 2010, 2012 & 2014 Mad Bum amazing! Clearly the Series MVP. Some great baseball in this Series, both teams were outstanding - 2 class acts played it close to the end.
  13. exskibum

    Anyone here answer to "Johnson"?

    Which of our "usual FJR riding suspects" was in the Brooksville Florida Walmart ostensibly shopping for oil, filters or other sundries and got busted taking a timeout in the beds department with a stuffed companion? Howie, Bust, beemerdons -- any of you guys know anything about this? Somehow...
  14. exskibum

    I'm a stupid shit

    But my FJR runs! Note to self for future - check battery terminals regularly, first, always, etc.
  15. exskibum

    Honda Adventure Bike in development?
  16. exskibum

    The Blackbird is gone. Mostly. Back story here.

    Gone, that is, but I'll still get to ride it on occasion (like in Utah soon). I've had two Honda Blackbirds (CBR1100XX), a '97 that I owned when I bought my FJR new in April 2005, and then an '03 that replaced the '97 as my farkling got out of hand. Warchild was to blame for the over the top...
  17. exskibum

    Fred Phelps' memorial services?

    Anyone know if the time and location of Fred's service and interment has yet been announced? Who all is planning on going? And can I assume someone is organizing the event, the sign making and the friendly greetings for the family?
  18. exskibum

    Utah area dreaming

    Imagine that you had 7 to 14 days in May or early June to spend touring Utah on your motorcycle, with a trip to the Grand Canyon and maybe some locales not too far from the area (e.g., SW Colorado) as possibilities. What roads would YOU ride for sure? Which national parks or monuments must be...
  19. exskibum

    Reno John's birthday

    Happy birthday John!!! 3 years old???* I swear I was riding with this miscreant before he was born, then. Could RJ have thought that the profile spot for age required a listing of emotional age? Needing an explanation, we are. Have a great one, RJ!! And many more! :clapping: :clapping...
  20. exskibum

    Top 10 Reasons *some* Men Prefer Guns Over Women

    #10 - You can trade an old 44 for a new 22. #9 - You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you're on the road. #8 - If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out. #7 - Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup. #6 -...