Ride to Prescott Tomorrow 7/14; The Good Egg Breakfast.

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Certifiable Old Fart
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
Chandler, Arizona
We of the Arizona FJR Forum are riding to Prescott tomorrow 7/14. We'll meet for breakfast at 0730 at The Good Egg Restaurant located at 2957 W. Bell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85035 (602)993-2797. SkooterG will be Ride Leader and will be selecting our days routings. Kickstands up promptly at 0830! Group consensus on our lunch stop.

Purpose of this Run is for Papa Chuy Viejo to check out a red BMW K1600GT for sale at Star Island Motorsports. The bike was bought new from BMW of Scottsdale and the new owner dumped it. If not too badly damaged, Papa Chuy is damn interested! SkootyG's Cousin (El Primo) Enrique "Henry" Garza will be riding with us; El Guapo has the exact same bike, so his K1600GT wisdom will be invaluable to see if this bike is worth the asking money. Skoot is only along to scare away coyotes!

https://www.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2957+W.+Bell+Rd.&sll=33.568289,-111.998749&sspn=0.462282,1.057434&ie=UTF8&cid=33639685,-112122816,13474790779973532421&ll=33.642063,-112.122817&spn=0.014434,0.033045&z=16&iwloc=A This is the restaurant location; it's just West of I-17 at Bell. Any Questions for Chuy: (480)440-4666 or [email protected]

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I'd love to join y'all, Don, but .......I've got a headache.

I see that the greater Phoenix area is in the midst of a cold snap.

I'd love to join y'all, Don, but .......I've got a headache.

I see that the greater Phoenix area is in the midst of a cold snap.
https://weather.aol.com/forecast/todays/us/az/chandler/id/85225;jsessionid=FCDFA5AE7609F641AE193A356AEF4A53 Chilly spell going on right now Mick, only 100F today; but thankfully, it'll be 115F a week from today! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

You do know that Bokerfork, MadMike2, exskibum, James Burleigh, TomInCA and Patrick are showing up for this Prescott ride tomorrow, don't you?

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....You do know that Bokerfork, MadMike2, exskibum, James Burleigh, TomInCA and Patrick are showing up for this Prescott ride tomorrow, don't you?
All the more reason to stay home, Don.

(You've the makings of a contentious circle-jerk, though! )
Yeah Mick, I don't know exactly what Eileen - JetGrl is going to be doing while that "event" is going on!

BUMP REMINDER: Breakfast at 0730 at The Good Egg at I-17 and Bell on 7/14; westside.

AZ FJR's: If you arrive by 0830 you can still ride with the group. We will return to the Valley by 1700 hours!

Old Michael, see you soon Brother!

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The bike was bought new from BMW of Scottsdale and the new owner dumped it.
So much for getting back on the horse that threw ya! Oh well, his loss, your gain. Good luck!
Thank You So Much, Denver_FJR! I bought it, only 287 miles; mild scratches and only $22.5K total; that's $6.5K off a new one! Papa Chuy's a Happy Camper right now!

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The bike was bought new from BMW of Scottsdale and the new owner dumped it.
So much for getting back on the horse that threw ya! Oh well, his loss, your gain. Good luck!
Thank You So Much, Denver_FJR! I bought it, only 287 miles; mild scratches and only $22.5K total; that's $6.5K off a new one! Papa Chuy's a Happy Camper right now!
Congrats, Don :clapping: . Pics?
Thanks Greg, I love her! Her name is Gisele, I will put Fraulein Bundchen's likeness on both sides of the tank. SkooterG shot 6+ photos, I'll post them up tomorrow!


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I can't wait to take his new POS BMW for a ride. I am going to drop it on the right side so it will have matching and symmetrical scratches! That's what friends are for don't you know.

Gisele? You have got to be ******* kidding me. Rosanne Barr maybe. This thing is a fat overweight pig but has so many damn roundels attached all over the place that the kool-aid sippers just can't say no!

I mean, the original owner figured it out REAL quick. Only 287 miles and he figured out it was just another POS from BMW that he wanted no part of. Hell, he hated it so much he threw the damn POS to the ground! :lol:

I can't wait to take his new POS BMW for a ride. I am going to drop it on the right side so it will have matching and symmetrical scratches! That's what friends are for don't you know.

Gisele? You have got to be ******* kidding me. Rosanne Barr maybe. This thing is a fat overweight pig but has so many damn roundels attached all over the place that the kool-aid sippers just can't say no!

I mean, the original owner figured it out REAL quick. Only 287 miles and he figured out it was just another POS from BMW that he wanted no part of. Hell, he hated it so much he threw the damn POS to the ground! :lol:
Did our Bustanut joker fart again, or did SkooterG just say something?

Ach du Lieber, the ever delicious and so refreshing Bleu und Weiss BMW Roundel Kool-Aid; Papa Chuy Viejo just cannot get enough of this fine motorcycling elixir!

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Isn't the garage full? Who is getting the boot to make room for the GT?

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...I bought it, only 287 miles; mild scratches and only $22.5K total; that's $6.5K off a new one! Papa Chuy's a Happy Camper right now!
When they said *Bring My Wallet* they weren't kidding...Congrats on the purchase Don, leaves more FJR's for me! ;)



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