noticeable noise coming from gear box while in neutral during warmup

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Active member
Oct 18, 2012
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Ingleside Tx
Hey all, I have recently heard a noise that I would discribe as a "clunk" that seems to be coming from the gear box durning warm up, it sounds simular to the noise that is made when going into gear. This has happened several times. Each time the has been durning warm up while the bike was in neutral, both on the center stand and kick stand. Can't say with absolute certainty which side it's coming from , but sounds like it's coming from the Left side. Haven't noticed any movement/jerking of the bike when it happens. I did have an issue with low idle speed, now fixed. Haven't had much riding time, but havent heard it since I adjusted the idle speed. 2008 gen II. Any thoughts?

Be Good, Be Safe


Hey Commander, I have read some of the threads you mentioned, I'll read more, This was what I didn't want to hear, but I really appreciate the reply. will do more research, thank you.


CCT would be on the right side and foward. Lots of FJRs make a clunking noise in the exhaust when cold. It soinds mechanical but it't exhaust. It's caused by the rich mixture when cold.

This doesn't sound like a CCT noise to me. CCT would do it warm or cold.

This sounds like the "normal" 2nd gen cold start noises. It is just some lean misfiring during warm up. See this thread Not sure how long you have owned your bike, but I'm guessing that, since you mention having just raised the warm idle, and that is one of the very first things we all do with the bikes, that you are a new owner of the bike.

The 1st gens don't do this as much because the throttle body's mechanical fast idle mechanism produces in a higher warm-up idle speed. Around 2500 rpm on a first gen, but only around 1500 rpm (or less) on a second gen. The reason for the lower warm-up idle speed on 2nd gens is the same engine could be installed in an AE, and the auto clutch would begin to engage at 2500 rpm when put into gear.

The noise doesn't seem to bother anything, so you can relax. Try to find another 2nd gen FJR owner nearby and compare your noises to be 100% certain yours is normal.

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My 2008 clunks also. Have heard it several times. Having just completed a 3000 mile trip in temps as low as 16 degrees I think if it were something bad it might have manifested itself to a greater extent during this little jaunt. My 2 cents would be that it's normal and nothing to worry about. The FJR seems to make quite a few strange noises now and then.

FJRs don't have the quietest engines out there, especially when cold and warming up. Others have already confirmed your noise is probably normal.

My advice...put your ear plugs in before lighting off the engine. No more funky clunks!


Almost certainly a mild single misfire that "exercises" backlash in the drive train. Not uncommon in FJRs, my '06 did it once or twice on almost every warm-up, my '10 does it once in a blue moon.

Worry ye not.

Want to thank everyone for the input, I'll give it some time and not worry about it too much. On another note, this morning I talked to the local Yamaha dealer where I purched the Bike and asked about any recalls and mentioned the noise, the service rep stated that there was a recall concerning the wiring harness (read a thread on the forum on this issue) and a ground wire problem. The rep also said that the noise was more than likely not the CCT, but did not give a reason/explanation. Now here is the "but", when I aked the man where the CCT was located he said it on the left, when sitting, left rear. Now everything I've read and seen (photos) on the forum indicates it's on the right. I'm I misunderstanding something? Or should I look for another shop. In all fairness I've had fork seals replaced on this Bike, but had the work done at an independent shop. I've used this shop on my 86 Honda Interceptor 500 as well and have always been pleased, they honor their work guarantee and have never treated me like the Chuckle Head I my face. So what do you good Folks think?

Please, omit the beautiful wife is reminding me...........chuckle head.

The exact same clunk happens when my bike starts up from cold. You described it exactly. I find if I hold the clutch in for 15 or 20 secs it doesn't happen. Warm starts are fine.

Hey all, I have recently heard a noise that I would discribe as a "clunk" that seems to be coming from the gear box durning warm up, it sounds simular to the noise that is made when going into gear. This has happened several times. Each time the has been durning warm up while the bike was in neutral, both on the center stand and kick stand. Can't say with absolute certainty which side it's coming from , but sounds like it's coming from the Left side. Haven't noticed any movement/jerking of the bike when it happens. I did have an issue with low idle speed, now fixed. Haven't had much riding time, but havent heard it since I adjusted the idle speed. 2008 gen II. Any thoughts?Be Good, Be Safe

Using my VERY best SkooterG voice:

"What a bunch of whiny-gash douches....I've ridden FJRs for over 2.73 BILLION miles and none of mine have NEVER done that!!"

Using my VERY best SkooterG voice:
"What a bunch of whiny-ghash douches....I've ridden FJRs for over 2.73 BILLION miles and none of mine have NEVER done that!!"
note:edit for a simple spelling adjustment and also a reminder that poster is also a complete and utter douche himself.

Almost certainly a mild single misfire that "exercises" backlash in the drive train. Not uncommon in FJRs, my '06 did it once or twice on almost every warm-up, my '10 does it once in a blue moon. Worry ye not.
This occurred on my 2007 almost every startup until I installed a PCV. The mixture was so lean that it would not sustain a smooth idle until the motor warmed up, then the noise disappeared. I don't like the idea of "shocking" the internal moving parts so violently. That is one of the reasons that I installed the PCV.


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