Searching for Dry Roads
**No affiliation** Received the email this afternoon and passing along the savings! Great time to pick up a Penske at great pricing.
Small Business Saturday - November 28th 10am-6pm, One Day Only Sale! Small..... is the new black!
KFG BUCKS ARE Back! For every $100 you buy - get $20 back!, Buy $1000 - get $200 back. NO LIMIT! Buy now and use anytime from now until the end of 2016. Good for service, parts, apparel, EVERYTHING!
25% OFF All Products & Service!
Offer is going on one day only Saturday 11/28. GET SUM! GET SUM! *Not valid on any jobs currently in process*
Small Business Saturday - November 28th 10am-6pm, One Day Only Sale! Small..... is the new black!
KFG BUCKS ARE Back! For every $100 you buy - get $20 back!, Buy $1000 - get $200 back. NO LIMIT! Buy now and use anytime from now until the end of 2016. Good for service, parts, apparel, EVERYTHING!
25% OFF All Products & Service!
Offer is going on one day only Saturday 11/28. GET SUM! GET SUM! *Not valid on any jobs currently in process*