Driver's Backrest for '06 FJR?

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2006
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Any comments or experience with this driver's backrest? I am planning a trip to Colorado the 3rd week of this month. My back is the first thing that gives out on long rides.


Very interesting find. Buy it and give us a full report!

I've been carrying a velcro wrap back brace with me but havn't had to use it yet. Longest day has been 700 miles. Maybe when I do my 1K, then I'll use it. But a back rest like that looks good...

Any comments or experience with this driver's backrest? I am planning a trip to Colorado the 3rd week of this month. My back is the first thing that gives out on long rides.
I have one on my cruiser (the one that came with my Mustang seat). I don't know that it's as necessary on a bike with a lean-over/upright seating like the FJR has, but on the cruiser with its legs-out, slouched seating, it allowed me several 700+ back-to-back mile days w/o incident. I have 4 herniated discs in my lower back, to varying degrees.

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I've used one on my Harley and when riding all day they are nice , but that one is WAY overpriced. The Corbin detachable is 140 less

I have one on my cruiser (the one that came with my Mustang seat). I don't know that it's as necessary on a bike with a lean-over/upright seating like the FJR has, but on the cruiser with its legs-out, slouched seating, it allowed me several 700+ back-to-back mile days w/o incident. I have 4 herniated discs in my lower back, to varying degrees.

At times after informing my wife on the intercom, I get temporary relief from setting the Throttlemeister and leaning back against her for a few seconds. After this exercise, I can go for several more miles. I may have to install Helibars also to get full benefit from the backrest.


I've used one on my Harley and when riding all day they are nice , but that one is WAY overpriced. The Corbin detachable is 140 less
I was not aware that Corbin makes one for the driver. I have emailed Corbin asking about such a product or of the possibility of one in the future.


that sure seems like a lotta beans for a backrest.... is that price comparable to others?
Yes, everything like this seems overpriced. We are paying a premium due to low quantity sales, but I usually don't complain much because I am proud to see companies take enough interest in the FJR to produce such accessories. Most of these companies are not getting rich off us. The corporations we should be complaining about are the oil companies that are getting way more than their share!

This is the only "driver's" backrest I have found so far for the '06 FJR.


Yes, everything like this seems overpriced. We are paying a premium due to low quantity sales, but I usually don't complain much because I am proud to see companies take enough interest in the FJR to produce such accessories. Most of these companies are not getting rich off us. The corporations we should be complaining about are the oil companies that are getting way more than their share!
This is the only "driver's" backrest I have found so far for the '06 FJR.

I wish the US would consider motorcycles as viable, worthwhile transportation like they do in Europe. Things cost too much, and bikes get little or no serious consideration on the road. In part because they're "motor sports" instead of vehicles, and (sadly) also in part because of the squids.

I used to complain about my back, too, and a trip back from the Dragon on the FJR was no exception. I've used velcro elastic back braces, etc, but the final solution came with a new seat. I had Rocky Mayer build a custom dual seat, and both my girlfriend and I have been thrilled with it. Not only did it save my butt, but my knees don't hurt anymore and my back never gets tired. We just got back from a 2 1/2 week trip to Canada, with at least 7 600+ mile days, with absolutely no discomfort. I never woke up sore anywhere, and have been quite happy!

I posted the one I made, but no one seemed too interested.
It gives me MAJOR relief.
It also has less padding than shown in the picture.

Very interesting find. Buy it and give us a full report!
I've been carrying a velcro wrap back brace with me but havn't had to use it yet. Longest day has been 700 miles. Maybe when I do my 1K, then I'll use it. But a back rest like that looks good...
Ordered one today. I will post with pics after I receive and install it, assuming it indeed fits the '06.

Also received an email from Corbin stating that they do not currently have a driver's backrest, but will forward my inquiry to development.


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Any comments or experience with this driver's backrest? I am planning a trip to Colorado the 3rd week of this month. My back is the first thing that gives out on long rides.
You might also want to consider getting your core muscles in good condition. There are a variety of abdominal and lower back exercises that strengthen your core muscles which reduce back problems when riding.

I posted the one I made, but no one seemed too interested.
It gives me MAJOR relief.
It also has less padding than shown in the picture.
I'd be interested when I get my 06 later this month. Please email me back channel about this. Thanks.

I am sorry if I gave the impression that I am making backrests for sale. I am not, only showing what I have done.
