Radar Detectors

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Doctor Throckenstein !!!
Jun 25, 2005
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I was excited about the rally that my friends north of my border are hosting this upcoming September. I'm looking forward to being there and checking out the motorcycle playgrounds of Ontario.

When someone mentioned "radar detectors" are illegal in Ontario, it got me thinking. The person(s) who made the comment didn't really specify anything other than that, so I looked into it. I didn't know if it was illegal to USE one or even to HAVE one at all. The news was not good.

Ontario uses the term "Speed Measuring Warning Device" in it's provincial laws (according to E-Law). The rest of us seem to call them "Radar Detectors". Finally when I couldn't find any information about radar detectors on official websites, I emailed E-Law and asked them about it. They promptly pointed me in the right direction.

Speed measuring warning devices  

79. (1) In this section,



https://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca:81/ISYSquery/frame/IHT7D65.c#hit5speed measuring warning device" means any device or equipment designed or intended for use in a motor vehicle to warn the driver of the presence of speed measuring equipment in the vicinity and includes any device or equipment designed or intended for use in a motor vehicle to interfere with the effective operation of speed measuring equipment. 1996, c. 33, s. 12.  


https://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca:81/ISYSquery/frame/IHT7D65.c#hit11Speed measuring warning device prohibited  

(2) No person shall drive on a highway a motor vehicle that is equipped with or that carries or contains a

https://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca:81/ISYSquery/frame/IHT7D65.c#hit13speed measuring warning device. 1996, c. 33, s. 12.  

Powers of police officer


(3) A police officer may at any time, without a warrant, stop, enter and search a motor vehicle that he or she has reasonable grounds to believe is equipped with or carries or contains a

https://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca:81/ISYSquery/frame/IHT7D65.c#hit15speed measuring warning device contrary to subsection (2) and may seize and take away any speed measuring warning device found in or upon the motor vehicle. 1996, c. 33, s. 12.  

Forfeiture of device


(4) Where a person is convicted of an offence under this section, any device seized under subsection (3) by means of which the offence was committed is forfeited to the Crown. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 79 (4).




(5) Every person who contravenes subsection (2) is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $1,000. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 79 (5).




(6) Subsection (2) does not apply to a person who is transporting

https://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca:81/ISYSquery/frame/IHT7D65.c#hit19speed measuring warning devices in sealed packages in a motor vehicle from a manufacturer to a consignee. 1996, c. 33, s. 12.
Fair Warning: This is to let you know that it is illegal to even have a radar detector in your possession in Ontario. Your detector can be confiscated, and you will probably get a big fine, too. I plan on just leaving mine at home. Bummer.

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Very informative. When I went up through Nova Scotia this past July I had a radar detector with me but had it in my sidecase the whole time for fear of getting it confiscated or being fined. The entire time I was there, however, I only saw police vehicles twice and both of them were parked with nobody inside. Speeding didn't seem to be as heavily enforced as it is here. I do seem to remember a couple of threads here on the forum a while back where people actually had the units confiscated and, in one instance, stomped upon. Just remember that a speed limit sign reading 100 is not mph.... :blink:

In Ontario If they catch you with a RD, even if it is not in use they will smash it and return it with I believe a $1000 ticket.

The Ontario police I find are pretty tolerant of "Safe Speeding" but don't tolerant Stupidity

On freeways, major highways and rural areas, running under 20 above the limit you will be fine

i.e. 100 in an 80, 120 on the freeways, 130 in Toronto expressways, (Speeds in Km/H)

In towns and built up areas where you can expect people, and kids, it will be marked 40 and 60 and people get stopped runinng over 10 the limit, IMHO for good reason.

If you are running in rural area's be prepared for the limit to change quickly from 80 to 40 as you enter the town

Aggressive driving (Tailgating etc) and stunting is going to get you pulled.

So in general it's not to bad and anytime I have been stopped it's been for cause.

If you are polite you can get most of the ticket reduced if not get off with a warning.

Quebec is different, they seem to think that any out of province plate is fair game and once they pull you over they run the full inspection, loud pipes, ticket routine.


Radar Detectors are allowed in Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia...and I think New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

If you come to other provinces, unplug it etc and pack it away.

Wanta try any gun up there?

If you are talking about firearms, don't even try. You will not pass Go or collect $200.00.

Trying to take them over the border will surely put you in the crowbar hotel.

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FJR Rocket:

This is some very good info. (I was the one that mentioned it in the original post). A couple clarifying points though. (And this is as I understand it)

1- It is not illegal to own or have a radar detector in your possesion. It is only illegal when you are operating (or are in or on) a vehicle at the same time. That is, If I turn on a radar detector in my living room in Ontario, thats legal. But go outside and get in the car, thats illegal.

2- If caught, its expensive and the unit is taken. period.

3- They do need "reasonable" cause to search you. So if you have it packed in the back of your bike and turned off (not using it) then why would they even suspect you have one?

4- The OPP makes active use of the latest Spectre units (Radar Detector Detectors) and can detect virtually all Radar Detectors. Now keep in mind, they can detect your Radar Detector IF AND ONLY IF your radar detector is turned on. If its turned off in your gear in the sidebag they wont know.

5- Lets say you are a savy individual and have a Bell STi mounted in a hidden location. You are driving along and the police turn on their radar. Your detector goes off, So you immediately hit the brakes. The police now know exactly what vehicle has a RD and they didn't need any special hardware to figure it out

Note: The only radar detector that is currently known to be invisible during operation to the RDD's is the Bell STi Driver. And the real irony here is that its manufactured in Toronto, Ontario. That is very likely the reason for section 6.


That said, dont sweat it. Just pack it away in your gear before you cross the border and you should be fine. You wont be able to use it here, but you can still use it on the way here and back when your in the US.

You will find that many limits are posted excessively low, but they are also universally ignored as posted. So the average speed of traffic is well above the posted limit and you can travel at a reasonable speed. The amount tolerated by the police varies by area and the mood the cops are in. A good rule of thumb is to keep to under 15 kmh over the limit. (If its posted as 80, you are fine up to 95). Of course your trying to do this math on the fly with a speedo marked in mph. So just keep with the flow and you should be fine.

And of course if you are really concerned about getting a ticket just follow Torch around. He has experience in talking his way out of them! :blink:

- Colin

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Radar Detectors are allowed in Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia...and I think New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
RD's not permitted in Nova Scotia but as Axeman said there aren't police here patrolling with the intensity they do in the U.S.


Good advice from Colin. Just pack it away when not allowed to use it.

Another way they catch people is to "instant on" their radar and catch you speeding and catch your detector. Your detector is useless in these scenarios and they can be quite good at hiding.

Hate to correct: The law is quite clear

Highway Traffic Act of Ontario


No person shall drive on a highway a motor vehicle that is equipped with or that carries or contains a speed measuring warning device.


A police officer may at any time, without a warrant, stop, enter and search a motor vehicle that he or she has reasonable ground to believe is equipped with or carries or contains a speed measuring warning device contrary to subsection (2) and may seize and take away any speed measuring warning device found in or upon the motor vehicle.

So if they do stop you, search and find it, even if it is hidden away and not in use, you will lose it and get a ticket.

Ontario Traffic Laws


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Hate to correct: The law is quite clear
Highway Traffic Act of Ontario


No person shall drive on a highway a motor vehicle that is equipped with or that carries or contains a speed measuring warning device.


A police officer may at any time, without a warrant, stop, enter and search a motor vehicle that he or she has reasonable ground to believe is equipped with or carries or contains a speed measuring warning device contrary to subsection (2) and may seize and take away any speed measuring warning device found in or upon the motor vehicle.

So if they do stop you, search and find it, even if it is hidden away and not in use, you will lose it and get a ticket.

Ontario Traffic Laws

Thank you Chris. I posted the law right off the Ontario E-law page. I thought it was very explicit and straight forward. I'm still leaving my detector at home. I don't really need to use it that much anyway. Just something to fart with on long boring trips more than anything.

I think if I got pulled over I would get searched. Not just because I'm a foreigner (but I would have to believe that would have an influence on the officer's decision). I have a perch for my detector that is also my XM radio mount. I think it's pretty obvious what goes there, even if it's missing and packed away. It's just not that big a deal, and I don't want to chance a grand fine, even in Canadian dollars. OUCH.

Like you say, outside the populated areas, the chances are slim you'd get zapped anyway. Probably better and cheaper (if you get nailed) to just pay attention and count on the Mark 8 Eyeballs.

Now, if I was heading from Indiana, up into Canada, then lessay through the Rockies and then back down to Washington or Idaho, then I might pack it away "hidden" in the bike. Maybe put it in the tail or someplace under a body panel if I could fit it. Under the AE computers maybe. But for a weekend hop up to Toronto, just isn't worth the risk.

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Been Speeding about 20 years in Ontario. Last bike the Hayabusa (zero tickets in 30,000km). 120km on major higways always ok. Been through speed traps at 130km no probelm. Been stopped at 140km with a warning. Polite and respectful treatment of cops, and not stupid speeding in built up areas or in bad conditions seems to be the formula.
