Wayne and Annette - Accident recap

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red diver

Jun 26, 2007
Reaction score
Savannah, GA
Hi Everybody - this is my first chance to really post - I see J Willy and others have given an update on their condition, and Wayne's always strong sense-of-humor shining through.

I was riding with them on Monday when the accident happened. We wanted to get in one more day of riding, and were on our way out to Burke's Garden - EOM 3, on rte 61, maybe 20 miles from Bluefield. As those who have ridden this route - it barely counts to be called twisties. Slow turns along a tree lined river bank. Perfect weather, road conditions great.

As always, Wayne was probably 2 turns in front of me (or maybe 4...). Slow lazy left-hander which opens up into a straightaway. Absolutely nothing remarkable about this curve. Trees and stream on left hand side, right hand side has about a 4 foot shoulder, then drops off about 10 feet - steeply - into a large level field of tall grass. Some 1-2 foot boulders line the drop off. The bike shows tracking off to the right, with about 1 foot of braking prior to hitting the shoulder. After about 5 feet along the track the tires begin to show separation, and then deep gouges in the soil on the right side. Both Wayne and Annette were at the bottom of the incline, the bike about 30 feet beyond in the field. They were both beyond the boulders, but likely they hit them going down.

I came up to the corner seeing a man waving his arms to me, my heart sinking, then saw the site. It took well over an hour before Wayne and Annette were loaded into an ambulance - closer to 1H 30M. It was a pretty tough wait. The EMTs arrived about 20 minutes into the accident, requested a helo immediately, and it was about 20 minutes later that the helo said they were still waiting for confirmation to come to the scene... No bad actors here, but that miscue, and then the pilot decision not to land in what could be a football field was pretty disconcerting. During this time Annette is telling me she cant breathe, (punctured lung and 4 ribs broken) and Wayne's vitals keep dropping. He kept saying to me over and over, "Annette first." "Charlie, when they come, Annette first." "Yes Wayne, Annette first." We repeated this dialogue about 15 times.

So his vitals are dropping, and the helo is still flying around first trying to find us, (I am attempting to signal with a broken mirror in my hand), and then making a decision to land or not, when the EMT looks at Wayne and says, "He has to go now!" Terrific - I am thinking, "You dont need to say it, you can think it, but dont say it outloud standing over him." I was pretty helpless because none of their injuries were external - no bleeding to stop, everything was internal. The suits did not have but scratches, nothing was torn through. But it was evident both had internal injuries, and both were in terrific back pain. I just tried to keep looking them both in the eye telling them the helo was coming, etc... "Keep your eyes open Marine!"

They both were taken to Bluefield initially. From there Wayne was flown to Roanoke. Several hours later they did the same for Annette because the hospital did not have anyone available for her broken wrist surgery. - Which is a small blessing in disguise as it put them in the same hospital together.

Cause of accident: Wayne remembers the curve completely, but told me he thinks something happened to the bike. He remembers trying to lean the bike but it would not, and he felt the front tire wash out. I did not check to see if the front tire closely - not sure if flat or not. I'd be guessing about anything further.

I visited both of them in the hospital in Roanoke yesterday before driving back home. Very happy to report that Annette is strong and recovering well. Perhaps today or tomorrow she will be able to get into a wheelchair and visit Wayne on his floor.

Wayne has all the Wayne light in his eyes. It may be a long recovery because the extent of the injuries to his back are still being determined. But they both have very strong will and that makes a big difference.

I did not take any pics from the site, I had my own issues that day dealing with the post-accident, and then the interesting drive back to Lewisberg in the dark with my presciption sunglasses on. "Hello Mr. Deer, please keep munching on the side of the road and dont cross in front me...That's a good deer..."

I brought Wayne his laptop to the hospital - who knows, we may see him posting in the next few days.

Only recommendation for folks is to contact Annette and not Wayne if you want to reach out to them. He cannot hold the phone very well, and Annette can pass info to him. Hospital # 540 981 7000.


Good thing you were there. Scary to think of this type of thing happening under different circumstances (ie. middle of nowhere with no fellow riders).

Sorry that it happened but glad to hear they are recovering.

Hi Everybody - this is my first chance to really post - I see J Willy and others have given an update on their condition, and Wayne's always strong sense-of-humor shining through. Charlie
Thanks for the details! Scary stuff.

My prayers for a fast recovery.

Not long ago, Wayne strongly suggested that since areas of WV are so desolate (& curvy), you should have a riding partner. Glad that he'd taken his own advice.

I'll be looking into riding out to the hospital to see them this weekend. Roanoke is about 4ish hours away... but it'd make me feel a whole lot better seeing them.

Charlie, thanks for the 1sthand account.

Wayne is a skilled rider. It very much sounds like he had a front tire problem.

I've had my front tire go flat very suddenly. There is very, very little control over the bike when this happens.


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That had to be long 1 1/2 hours for them and you. :unsure: Sounds like you did your best for them, good for you Charlie

Good thing you were there Charlie. :yes:

I hope they recover quickly and fully. Some accidents just defy a logical explanation...



Thanks for the report...that was one scary report. Glad Wayne and Annette finally made it to good care.

Godspeed to both of them during their recovery. :clapping:

This is the first time I've logged on after getting back from EOM. My heart sunk when I read the title of the two posts. I'm glad to see things are getting better and they will recover. Thoughts and prayers are with you Wayne and Annette! Charlie, glad you were there with them.


They were both beyond the boulders, but likely they hit them going down.
Sweet Jesus.... That made my ribs hurt in sympathy pain.

Damn glad you were there, Charlie. It makes my skin crawl to think of what the outcome could have been had you not been there. Also makes me second-guess my decision for Susie and I to go on a ride by ourselves on Sunday.

OK - enough skin crawling and second-guessing.

Positive mojo get well and heal up thought vibes to Wayne and Annette.

Riding alone in the mountains is taking a chance. But sometimes you just want to get out and go. No time to look up riding partners... :huh:

I do not like riding alone in the mountains. I have done it... but very rarely.

Jeez, they weren't even pushing it & something like this happened. Very scary stuff.

I am overjoyed that they will be ok... well, eventually they will be ok.

Charlie, Ingo posted in the other thread that there are 2 hospitals in Roanoke. Can you please clarify which hospital they are in?

Thanks, Heidi

That is a terrifying tale, indeed. Knowing Wayne, I just can't see this being caused by anything he could help. Sometimes, the cards are stacked.

Damn. I want to see my friend.


I'm glad you were there to look out for them and offer comfort. My thoughts are with Wayne and Annette as they recuperate.

Scary stuff...I almost always ride alone. Points out the importance of riding partners. Having a cell phone on your person is only useful if you can use--and that's what I usually rely on.

Ok, a little phone # research & it appears the hospital that they are at is:

Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital

1906 Belleview Ave SE

Roanoke, VA 24014-1838

Phone: (540) 981-7000

Their last name is Reeves

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Kudo's to you Charlie for being there for them at such a fearful time. One can only imagine how anxious each of them were, worrying about the other. I was riding alone at EOM for 3 or 4 hours deep in the mountains and this accident makes me think it probably was a bad idea. FENCER showed me his SPOT tracker and that is definitely going to be my next purchase.

Let the healing begin....

Can someone please PM me with Wayne and Annettes last name so I can send them something.

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