Diagnostic Codes

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Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
Sandown, NH
Edited 6/6/09 to add Gen II codes.

The five Gen I tables and eight Gen II tables below show the Code numbers and Diagnostic actions for the ECU. You will need the Factory Service Manual (FSM) to troubleshoot using these codes, there is additional code information in the FSM that is not placed here.

How To Access The Diagnostic Screen:

Place your FJR on the center stand, neutral, side stand up. This will let you test the side stand switch.

With the key off and the red Run switch ON, press and hold the "Select" and "Reset" buttons simultaneously and turn the key on (do not start, just ON), continue to hold the buttons until the display next to the fuel gauge says diAG (5-10 seconds). If someone has performed the Barbarian Jumper modification at the ECU connector the first screen will be CO for the CO offset adjustment, the diAG screen will be the next function.

Release the two buttons. Now, press the "Select" and "Reset" buttons simultaneously again. After ~ 2 seconds the display should show dI:01 on top and a two digit number at the bottom. dI:01 is the diagnostic code number. The two digits at the bottom of the meter is the value for the diagnostic code number. Diagnostic Code dI:01 lets you look at the throttle position sensor (TPS) output. The TPS value is the two digits at the bottom of the display. Turning the throttle will change the bottom two digits. Normal is 15-17 with the throttle closed and 97 to 100 with the throttle wide open. This is an example of how the dI:xx top and bottom two digit data works.

Press "Select" to increment the diAG sequence number and press "Reset" to decrement the diAG sequence number. At code dI:09 the fuel system voltage will be displayed and you should hear the fuel pump turn on. Expect to see roughly 11.7 to 12.4 displayed on the bottom, this is the battery voltage to the fuel pump. A reading like 00.1 would indicate a blown fuse or broken wire.

There are also 'Actuator' codes that let you turn on things like radiator fan relay and the fuel pump relay as well as firing the coils and injectors. The Actuator codes are enabled by switching the red Run/Stop switch on the handlebars Off then back On again.

The following tables are Gen I Code Numbers, their value and action. The text size is squint to read and not intended to cover all the information about the codes. You will need the FSM to properly use these codes.

Gen I Codes:








Gen II Codes:


There are no codes #17 or #18






Last edited by a moderator:

I just came back from the dealership and I got an error code SH__23 on my dash (2008 FJR1300AE).

Any idea what this code means on the GenII?

Thanks in advance.

...I just came back from the dealership and I got an error code SH__23 on my dash (2008 FJR1300AE). Any idea what this code means on the GenII?...
To be trite, this means you have an AE with **** SHift problems. I'll work on putting together a list of AE SH_ error codes.

There is a fine line between offering technical help and illegally reproducing the FSM. Like the other diAG codes I'll only list the over view descriptions of the faults; the owners are responsible to purchase a PAPER FSM to glean the full details of the error codes.

SH__23 > No signal from the side stand switch. It means that the switch does not recognize that the side stand is up.

A bit more information on the SH__26:


It looks like it's a fairly general code for unacceptable movement of the clutch. I got this once after assembling my clutch after a soak, re-assembling fixed it.

If you've not done anything mechanical that might have caused it, try a fluid bleed/change. Worst case, it's the actuator gone bad (expensive), I seem to remember someone on this forum had a bad actuator (or at least when a dealer fitted a new actuator, the problem went away).

This tread is awesome.  I'm fighting a cold start problem after replacing the small diameter coolant hoses going to/from the wax valve and for some reason did nto find this thread when doing a search but Ross Kean directed me here.  Thank you very much Ross Kean.  And I thought this deserves a bump. 
