Trip to FL to see sweetie then AR - TX

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one of those musician types
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Rockport, TX
After a couple of postponements, it's finally a go. Some of you are familiar with the thread I started on taking care of my Dad - My Hero. Man, it's been a while and he's about the same other than a mild stroke that happened on Labor Day. My sister is going to be able to make it down for a couple of weeks and Mom says she can handle it a couple of weeks by herself so the plan is to head out on Wednesday the 18th splitting the 1173 miles in half and landing in Mobile, AL around 6:00PM (Wouldn't mind some fjr company at the Outback Steakhouse). Looking at leaving FL November 13th for a 3-day trip back through Hot Springs, AR seeing a musician friend, season changes and some twisties and then on back to TX. This will be my first trip and will be curious as to whether all the preperation will equal enjoyment and a good learning experience. I know arriving there safe is the main issue at hand so I get to see my sweetie! :yahoo: :dribble:

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Guess not too many go to this area of the board (14 views). Anyway, left Rockport at 8:05AM and traveled 680 (est) to Mobile, AL. Took 17 hours with two stops for two accidents on I-10. First accident took about 2 1/2 hours to clear and the second one took an hour. It rained almost the whole trip to Mobile and I was beat to a pulp. Arrived in Mobile at 1:20AM and tried to rest up for the final leg which took 10 hours. All and all, arrived in FL around 10:30PM last night safe and sound. Heading for the Yamaha unvieling at Daytona this evening.

I'm with ya, dude....hang on in there.

I get the same response when I ask if anyone can ride in the rain.

It's touchy, feely. Get used to it. Now, if you wanna hit dallas....let me know. I can put you up there. There are other types that can support ya there also.

We road through some of that same weather on the way to Birmingham, so I can understand what you came through. Hope the rest of your trip is a good one.

Thoroughly enjoyed the ride yesterday(elusive restaraunts notwithstanding).Now it's finally cooling down,looking forward to some riding more comfortable riding.

Odot - thanks for the invite. Dallas/Arlington/FW is my old stompin ground. If the FNG's ever need a keyboard dude, give me a holler.

Groo - getting ready for the trip back on November 14th via Hot Springs. A 2-day getting to Hot Springs w/ a 2 day rest then on to TX that Sat hopefully w/ NO RAIN.

Going to see my musician friend in Hot Springs who was hit by a drunk lady driver on Christmas Eve. She (drunk driver) was sliding at 45 mph in the rain and he was loading equipment in the back of a van. Pinned him between her bumper and the van's bumper. His bone graf in his left leg was successful and now has 80 degrees movement on his right and 45 degrees on his left. He is now walking at the mall w/ a walker and hopefully will be back on the bandstand by the time I get there. He's a very fortunate dude and I believe she's doing prison time.

Pickax - :thumbsup: Had a great cruise AND found some twisties in FL! :lol:


gitter.....the fng's are always looking for a good keyboard player. Let us know when you move to the dfw area.....

This has been a great month with the wife to include some great riding w/ new friends here in FL. Got some pics of the Ormond Loop posted in the Ride Reports here.

Due to the forecast, am pushing the departure out a day and now heading to AK Wednesday even though some rain may be in the future, AGAIN. :angry2: First half of the trip lands me in Birmingham, AL and then on to Hot Springs, AR on Thursday with clear skies forecasted.

Anybody around Hot Springs/Little Rock, AR be sure to let me know if you're up for a ride Saturday.

Plan on catching my friend's band "Dragonfly" Friday night at a club there on the main street of Hot Springs AND I get to set in. Everyone's invited.

:clapping: :dance: :clapping: :dance:

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Had a rough trip from FL to AR due to a ton of rain through Atlanta during the cold front passing through. Once in Hot Springs, had a great time visiting and doing a little cruising around. What an awesome place. After 3930 total miles, am back in TX safe and sound.

Stopped for a well needed rest at the Mississippi welcome rest stop. Was greeted with a cup of coffee and sat by a fireplace chatting with an employee. Pretty cool hospitality.


Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs, AR









About 2 weeks late to see the leaves change but still caught it pretty good.


Yeah, the first lake was Lake Hamilton right below Hot Springs and the last three pics after the cows were De Grey Lake taken on my way out on Hwy 7 right before turning on I-30. That lake was HUGE. Didn't have to take any more pics going toward TX as nothing seamed to compare. Gotta find a way to move there some day. My friend said it's the best water you can drink and the best air you can breathe. They don't get that harsh of a winter or summer.

Hi Dan, Glad to see you made back to TX ok. Post up before you leave tX on the return never know, I made ride out to meet you someplace and ride back. Ride safe.


Thanks Wade,

I am flying back for a 10-day visit during Christmas and New Years but won't have the bike. I have to be back right away because of a new inspection business start-up here in Corpus Christi. Our big plan is to do MGM at Disney again for New Years. It's pretty spectacular.
