Winter Farkles on my AE....

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Doctor Throckenstein !!!
Jun 25, 2005
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I was able to do a lot of "upgrades" to my AE this winter. The ice finally melted (mostly) and I started getting out of my driveway. Here's some notes and comments on some of my farkles. Mostly I'm REALLY pleased with what I got goin. You've probably heard (but don't care) about most of these things, but I was jazzed when I got back from riding today, so I just HAD to share! This is long winded (but there are a few links to pics), so skip this thread all together, or get a cup o joe and try to stay with me here....(You can see pics of most of this stuff (without text) on my website, you can Google the rest.)

VStrom Hand Guards: WOW, now THAT was a NICE addition. Probably the biggest bang for the buck out of everything I added to the AE. I still think that either my AE heated grips aren't right, or they just suck in comparison to the ones I installed on my '04. But with the VSHGs, heating is nearly not required. I had light gloves on out riding at freezing and my hands were quite comfortable. With the heaters on, I could easily ride down to zero... but I ain't gonna. I REALLY like the VSHGs and if you get cold hands, or would rather wear lighter gloves and don't want heated grips, you'll like them too! 5 out of 5 stars, and 2 thumbs up! :yahoo: :thumbsupsmileyanim: You may not think they are pretty, but your fingers will definitely thank you!

Warning: If your Audiovox cruise control doesn't seem to work right after installing the VSHGs, you might need an extra washer under your Top Gun Heavy Bar ends to keep the hand guards from dragging on your throttle grip. :blush:

Stock Windshield: I dunno why I bought that CEE BAILEY 4+4. It's still in the box. Make me an offer. I may eventually put it on, but I don't know why I'd bother. The stocker is fine. Llike many have said, especially in the summer, perhaps cutting one SMALLER than stock isn't a bad idea. I may try it. I might throw the CB on for the rally next month, and I'm waiting to hear how the Vstream works out (if it ever actually materializes) and get one of those. But I'm really content with stock. The more I ride with the stocker, the less it matters having a big bay window in front of me.

HELI TRIPLE CLAMP SANS RISERS: 5 more stars and two thumbs up. :thumbsupsmileyanim: I like having the bars closer to me. My seating position (in my Corbin Saddle) is about perfect. The load is mostly off my wrists and I sit more upright. But the bars aren't way up in the air, either. My shoulders seem to like the position, even with my 50 pound Harley leather jacket on. (It's the armoured "performance" kind, not the orange black flamed out studded embroidered kind) No one has come up with a good set of risers for the second generation FJRs yet. The HELI puts the bars back in about the same position as the first generation bars, witht the TC attachement next to the steering nut, not out in front of it. It might be psychological, but when I turn the bike, I like the way it feels a LOT better. Even MUCH better than with the DH risers (which I still think were GREAT!) The HELI setup is a little pricey, but it IS just what the doctor ordered! :yahoo: With a couple recent posts stating guys have installed these without removing anything but the triple clamp, and taking less than an hour to swap out, there's NO excuse not to make this change. You WILL like the result if you need the bars closer to you, or you want an slightly different hand position.

Avon Storms: I haven't put these tires fully through their paces yet, and the Metzlers I had on before I swapped were so trashed, that I can't really give an unbiased opinion on that comparison. And I'd end up in the NPERTS anyway. But I can tell you that so far, I REALLY like these Storms. I have NOT felt anything that resembles a head shake or wobble. Not that I've noticed. (I've never ridden on Azaros yet, so I'm not sure what that feels like.) Didn't hurt that they were free as a doorprise at WFO, though, either. Can't wait for road conditions (salt and sand) to improve over the next couple weeks so I can really wind these things up. For the time being, I have major chicken strips and it's going to stay that way. :blush:

HyperPro fork springs: Wow, the front end of my AE really feels stable. Now keep in mind that I have new Storms and the Heli TC, and a new rear shock too, so those add to the mix. But the front end really seems to take the bumps and the bike stays positioned, turns in and out quite nicely. I can flick it around VERY MUCH better than before. I STILL haven't got it dialed in, but I already like it better than it did stock. Doesn't hurt, either, that I also took advantage of the GB (Thanks WC!) and got the...

Penske 8981: Still not dialed in. The new 7x800 spring is still too stiff, so I have to turn down the adjuster some more. But OH BABY, the bike feels more like my '04, which always felt like it was on rails with the Wilbers (and Pirellli Diablo Strada/E). I like the remote adjuster bracket that G P Suspension made for the FJR with this unit. I can reach down and tweak the knob on the fly. That might come in handy down the road. When I get the bike more dialed in and then change the load or the road, it would be nice to crank the knob a few turns and keep movin on. Two thumbs up and 5 stars! :yahoo: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Rino 530 GPS: This is a decent GPS, but I bought it more to kill two birds with one stone. I finally hacked a RAM handlebar/ball mount and have it up on the bars. I've actually got to ride with it and the GPS, although small screened and meager in road/poi memory, is adequate for my purposes. What I really like is that I have a so so GPS and a KICK ASS GMRS radio. 5 WATTS BABY! If you be on da channel, I'll implode your eardrums! Ok, maybe not, but you might be able to hear me, even if you are... uh... slightly out of sight. More testing to be done with that when I get a chance to ride with Smitty or others with GMRS. This radio isn't for everyone, and the GPS was pretty low tech when it hit the market in comparison to what all is out there. But to have a 5 watt GMRS and a color detailed GPS with driving/turn directions for 5 bills, it ain't bad. 3 stars and two thumbs up. :thumbsupsmileyanim: (I got the RINO for under 4 bills, but had to buy $100+ Garmin City Navigator software to increase the map detail and get POI.. frankly, that SUCKS GARMIN!!!!)

Autocomm Super Pro Avi: I still don't like being tethered to the bike. That aside, the Autocom is way cool. I have my RoadyXT and the Rino plugged into it (under the seat). I use ER6i in the ear headphones, and the VERY good mike that comes with the SPA system. It works VERY well with the RINO (and my phone), and the Autocom features are quite nice. I did have to install a ground loop filter and an alternator filter (yes, I cheated and took the easy way out), but the system is VERY clear overall. And I can talk on the GMRS RINO using the VOX. In fact, I can plug my POS Kyocera (Virgin cheap ass Mobile.. Sprint No Towers lousy coverage PCS SYSTEM) cell phone into it (although not running the phone on bike power due to GLI) and make hands free calls enroute. Phone calls are not one of my big conerns, but I know I can make/receive them, and that gives me some satisfaction. Now if I could just get a signal most places I like to ride. NOT. But the Autocom SPA works EXTREMELY well, 4 stars (cords/tethers suck) and 2 thumbs up! :thumbsupsmileyanim: (I could get a special cord and run my Excort X50 through the SPA, too, but I have a HARD system, and like that just fine!)

Blue Sea 5025: Remote that power under your seat, 6 pos blade fuse positions and and a ground bus, too. Easier to get to fuses if you toast something. I LIKE it! Switch that baby. Get the FORTY amp relay to switch it. You'll sleep better... :thumbsupsmileyanim:

SmartGlow blade fuses: when they blow, they glow! If you burn a blade fuse in the middl of the night, all you have to do is look at the fuse block and you'll know which one to replace. They are color coded per their rating just like the other fuses. Too bad they don't fit inside the Blue Sea's lexan cover very well. I just take a file and grind the plastic tab down and little to get it under the lid. They still work fine. On the road, I have replacements, but they aren't "adjusted". All you have to do is drag them along the pavement and that will file them down enough to go under the lid. Or just don't worry about the lid until you get to where you are going. These little guys are a bit pricey, but the convenience of locating a problem under potentially nasty circumstances is probably worth the few extra pennies. Ok dimes.. :thumbsupsmileyanim: Don't leave home without them.. and always carry spares!

Audivox CCS-100: Well we all know the sweetness of the Audiovox cruise control. Mine STILL hasn't burned to a crisp up in the chin of the bike. I'm carrying a fire extinguisher and a spare servo just in case. (just kidding) So far so good. But children, don't try this yourself at home. If you want a cruise control somewhere besides under your seat, you can put the servo up under your gas tank at the front of the frame. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

FZ1 Mirrors: Almost forgot! I bought these mirrors two years ago. I got so used to looking at my elbows on my '04 and nothing behind me that I never bothered installing them. Then came the tip over. Then came the mirror request from Skyway. He wanted to try a set of '06 AE mirrors on his '04, and test them for the super secret incredibly coveted future GB of the Soltec Fuego lights and brackets. Hope he's coming along with those, I need some more light! Anyway, WOW, these FZ1 mirrors are VERY nice. Sing with me: "I can see clearly now, my elbow's gone..." Those mirrors seem WICKED WIDE on my AE. But I can see WAY to the side and WAY behind me, clear as a bell, and no body parts to look at. Not mine, anyway. I think they will make good curb feelers, too. Sort of "lane splitting feelers". If you can get your FZ1 mirrors between anything, you can ride right through. Probably even your saddle bags. I'll never admit "rubbing" a car's bumper cutting around them with my saddle bags, but with having to go out around a little farther is gotta be a good thing. Heck, the mirrors fold back, so even if you hit them, it ain't that big a deal. Plus, if your new AE tips over and you **** up a painted mirror, the FZ1 mirror not only gives you a LOT better view behind, but it's CHEAPER TO REPLACE!!! 5 stars and two tumbs up! :yahoo: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Ortlieb WATERPROOF tank bag: Someone pointed me in the direction of a waterproof tank bag. I'm not sure I like it. It was like 100 bucks from Aerostich. Only one moderate sized compartment. All sealed with plastic lining to make the stitching waterproof. That's very good. It has a heavy magnetic pad for the tank that clips to the waterproof bag that clips to the separate clear waterproof map pocket. That's what you get. One compartment for "stuff" and one compartment for "maps". The way you seal them to make them waterproof is by folding the open ends over 3 times and latching/clipping them down. Not rocket science, but it works. I still like my Yamaha tank bag better, but it isn't waterproof (although the rain fly works on it VERY well... long as you remember/are at the bike to put it on). BTW, neither bag is a big deal with the HELI TC. The bars do collide with either bag, but I can still go practically lock to lock with the bars and negotiate really tight "parking lot" turns. 3+ stars and two thumbs up for either tank bag. :thumbsupsmileyanim: I bought the Ortlieb bag to protect my tabletpc. It works, but I don't think I'll ever feel comfortable running the tablet on the bike with bike power. Might get wet with the Yamaha bag (and the map pocket doesn't allow the extra life battery... it's too wide), and it probably defeates the purpose of having a waterproof bag if you poke a hole in it for a power cord. Or run the cord out the tri fold that makes the map pocket or tank bag waterproof. Also, then you're tethered. And when you move the tank bag to put in gas, the cords can foul stuff up. Guess I'll just run that thing occasionally, and on internal battery. <_<

Fujitsu p1610 with Holux SIRFIII USB GPS, Mogo Mouse, 2GB SD card, etc...: Ok, this isn't really a farkle. But I'd been wanting to get a laptop to carry with me for business, flying and riding. So I bought the dinky (8.9 inch screen) p1610. It's a real notebook but its about the size of a UMPC. It's not for everyone, that's for sure. The screen is quite small, and the keyboard is sized to match. But it fits in a tank bag EASILY.. even a map pocket. Too bad the "daylight readable" backlit LCD screen really isn't all that daylight readable. And the angle of the tablet sitting under my nose (remember I'm short) in the map case it's hard to see. I can't hardly read maps, either. I have to tip my head back to get down to my bifocals, then of course the chin of my helmet blocks the view. Maybe I should go back to riding without a bucket? That way I can see the screen and maps better while enroute? (Boy THAT ought to get a dogpile!) Ok, Ok, just kidding. Anyway, the p1610 has really great WIFI, and handwriting recongnition, and voice commands. It's a very versatile tablet. Just don't think it's going to work in my tank bag as well as I had hoped. It did work very well in my airplane today, though. I was using Streets and Trips to track my flight... cruising along at 144 across the heartland below. It should be a nice backup routing/gps system, great asset on trips, and is just a cool gizmo. It's amazing what people can come up with these days.

Lessee... oh yeah, Fenda Extenda... they should put these on ALL the FJRs before leaving the showroom.

Oh, and I put those BIXENON (butterfly shutter kind.. do not buy!) HIDs into my '06 AE. The guts are either under the tank, or up in the cowling. Mostly under the tank. These lights ROCK on low beams and SUCK on high beam. Waiting for WC to get some new quad beams going, Skyway to get the SOLTECs lined out, and/or bmwhd to try out a solenoid style bixenon setup. The FJR reflectors are just not conducive to good HID HIGH beams... yet. Standing by for a better HID solution.

Other farkles I've had for some time and really dig: Roady XT, Escort X50 BLUE, HARD system (doesn't like the blue X50; get the red escort if you plan to use the HARD system), Magnum Blasters, Randy's harness, Corbin saddle (might get a Russell instead), and Corbin Smuggler (dogpiled on another thread).

That's about it. I still have to dial in the whole system. Get used to the tethers, get the suspension tweaked, and test the radio tx/rx with someone that has GMRS. Soon as some rain and wind cleans the road, I'm READY TO ROCK!!!

For those of you who are Daylight Savings Virgins, don't forget to SPRING FORWARD. I've never had to do that in my 48 years, so it's new to me. Sucks, but what ya gonna do? Just glad my PC makes the change automatically. I just hope the the software knows that GEE DUBYA dictated that we do it three weeks earlier than normal!! Will we know tomorrow... or is it the next day? Who cares. If the sun is shining, I'm HITTING THE ROAD and I don't care WHAT time it is!

I think I'm done farkling for a while. Time to RIDE!

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that's alot of stuff!

glad you like everything, and im sure it will be even better when you get everything dialed in!

Hello fellow Indiana rider. I wish it would rain and wash some of that salt off of the roads. I road about 200 miles this weekend and wanted to kick it up a notch but played it safe. I added a bunch of farkles this winter but your list is much longer then mine. I’m jealous. See you on the roads.

Dragging up a real old one here. What did you do to get the RAM U clamp to fit on the bars? I'm not familiar enough to know if there is room,but it looks like the U fits behind that plastic piece sticking off the control towards the bar.


Dragging up a real old one here. What did you do to get the RAM U clamp to fit on the bars? I'm not familiar enough to know if there is room,but it looks like the U fits behind that plastic piece sticking off the control towards the bar.

I have the U-bolt that comes as part of Utility Strap and ball mount (mfg: RAM-B-231Z-2U) and the only way the RAM supplied U-bolt will fit at that location pictured is by taking a hammer to the U section and pounding it thin on the horn of small anvil to fit. That should retain the bolt' cross sectional tensile strength as opposed to taking metal off with a grinder to make it fit in there.

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