Is this the dreaded "tick"?

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I Miss Beemerdons!
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Winter Haven, FL
My '04 has started making a noise.

The best way I can describe it is a rattle, or a growl, or maybe a grinding sound? It's hard to label.

Here's a link to about a minute's worth of the sound, with the microphone held right up to the right side cowling, in front of the driver's right knee.

Sound file

The noise is NOT constant, although it's more noticeable when the bike is cold. That doesn't mean it goes away after warm-up, just that it's a lot less constant than you'll hear in this sound file.

The noise comes from the front-right side of the bike, from the rider's perspective.

About 10 seconds into the sound file, I increased the RPMs slightly and the noise goes away. Drop back to idle and it's right back.

I stopped by the local Yammy dealer this afternoon to see if anyone might recognize the clatter and say something like "Oh yeah...that's the cam chain!" or "Yep, that's the framistat." Y'know, something obvious. However, the Service Manager and two techs all three shook their heads without the slightest idea what the noise could be.

Interestingly, after sitting at idle in the dealer's parking lot long enough for the bike to heat up to "Fan On" mode, the clatter pretty much had gone away. The sound file I recorded is about 2 hours later.

If anyone has an idea what this low-idle grumble/grind/clatter might be, holler away, okay???

By the way, the audio file is Windows Media, if that matters to your system or browser.

What a wonderful recording. Since I'm all business here, let me suggest it's not a ticker.

Why? Because as a Paduan learner, my master Obi-Wan-Warchild said it's not. The Ticking Force is strong with him.

He'll be along shortly I would wager.

That is not a ticker.... that is something else, something that is very disturbing. I don't think I'd run the engine any more.
This needs to be looked at.... I think towing to a dealer might be indicated.

How long has this been making this noise?
About 3k miles. Started, intermittently, before my 39k oil change. No only is it an audible "rattle" (whatever), you can feel the vibes up through the bars when the growling begins.

The placement of the sound does meet the notion of a cam chain issue. This sure doesn't sound very good at all.....
Got Y.E.S.?
Unfortunately, N.O.

The Service reps a the local stealer suggested I pull the plastic and prop the tank to see if I could narrow down the source, or at least, specific area of the noise. At least the guy was honest enough to tell me "no sense in throwing money at a noise we can't figure out."

So Howie, what the hell did you do to your FJR?
Wish to hell I knew.

The noise is SO inconsistent, that is, coming and going with no particular pattern, that I've been pretty much just living with it, especially since it's only present at idle. And when it stops grumbling, it completely disappears. Not diminished, mind you, but GONE. Dead silent except for the typical exhaust, motor noises. Then, for no particular reason, it comes right back.

There for 20-30 seconds...gone for 20-30 seconds. Then back.

Hell, I was looking for squirrels in the bodywork for a while!

my '05 ticker did NOT sound anything like this ---> The best way I can describe it is a rattle, or a growl, or maybe a grinding sound?

The true ticking sound is more like two spoons clacking together inside the engine.

More like the sound of a steam train (With a tick amongst the steam noise) in regard to the ticker noise from what I have heard it is very distinctive and Howie that aint it...

That is not a ticker.... that is something else, something that is very disturbing. I don't think I'd run the engine any more.
This needs to be looked at.... I think towing to a dealer might be indicated.

How long has this been making this noise?
About 3k miles. Started, intermittently, before my 39k oil change. No only is it an audible "rattle" (whatever), you can feel the vibes up through the bars when the growling begins.
Well, the fact that you've been running it this way for 3000 miles and the engine hasn't come un-made is slightly encouraging (I guess), but just based on the sound alone, I don't think I'd personally be running the bike much until you nail this down.

Bummer about not having YES. This could end up badly.

Or, who knows.... maybe it won't. These things are hard to say without being able to inspect the bike in person.

But I'm pretty sure we can all agree that, based on the soundtrack alone, something Not Right is occurring here.... :unsure:

The noise comes from the front-right side of the bike, from the rider's perspective.
I'd start with the cam chain tensioner, being the noise is coming from the right side of the bike. You might also drop the oil and have a good look inside the filter, if only for piece of mind.

+1 - That's not the tick.

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Either valve-lash (get it adjusted) or a worn upper wrist pin bushing (replace it).

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More like the sound of a steam train (With a tick amongst the steam noise) in regard to the ticker noise from what I have heard it is very distinctive and Howie that aint it...
Hey Thug...didja check with "Lost and Found"? I think they found your neck! :D

I have a '05 and it does the same thing. It started about 3k miles too. Same intermittent pattern and gets fainter when it warms up or is restarted, although warm, after a Lunch or gas stop (15min) The bike usually runs at 2bars on the heat guage. The Corona Yamaha dealer in Corona, CA didnt know what it was either.

I can tell you that I dont worry about it much. Just a noise....I guess.

AND I dont know if WC recalls this but I had him listen to it in Reno, NV last year and he said it did NOT sound like a "Ticker". We then did the Throttle body job on it but didnt notice any difference. The bike just runs strong though. Until it stops, I just keep my AAA card current and go have fun.

I will say that I helped the situation by increasing the idle RPM's about an extra 50-60 revs. B)

First reaction was - gee thats an awfully slow idle speed - sounded more like 800rpm than 1000/1100 rpm. at least it is smooth and even - what did you record it on???


First reaction was - gee thats an awfully slow idle speed - sounded more like 800rpm than 1000/1100 rpm. at least it is smooth and even - what did you record it on???
Good IS about 800 revs. Smooth as silk...with a grinding growl on occasion. :)

Recorded on a mini-disc recorder.
