Met Bob Carter Today...

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I Miss Beemerdons!
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Winter Haven, FL
So, who the hell is Bob Carter?

He's you...he's me...he's just about every guy in here who loves owning and riding motorcycles. When you add 20, 30, or 40 years to whatever age you are.

I met Bob on a whim. Woke up late after staying up late, anguishing over an FJR purchase. (Look HERE to see what I'm talking about). Based on a reply to my original post, I grabbed my mouse and clicked on over to

That's where I met Bob. After trying his home phone # a dozen times without success, Bob finally answered. "Bob can I help you?" What a nice greeting. Told him I wanted to take a look at his Feejer. "Come on's a beautiful day for a ride." Suggested a meeting point a few minutes from his house, but 1 1/2 hours away from mine. Suggested I call him when I got there.

So I had a nice ride through Florida cattle country, heading to Sebring, home of the world famous 12 hour race, stopped at the Shell station at 98 and 27 and started calling Bob. Busy, busy, busy, busy. DAMN! Went inside to grab some bottled water. Just about to check out when I see a Silver FJR sitting next to my Rex. Could it be? Sure was.

"Hi Steve, I'm Bob. Glad to meet ya!" with a firm, manly handshake that belied his 70+ years. Gnarled from years of hard work and play, and probably arthritis, Bob shook my hand like an old friend. "Let's head to the house. Wife's on the phone to her sister and you'd probably never get through, so figured I come look for ya."

Followed Bob to his little cottage in the woods where his early '90s K75 Bimmer with 175,000 miles on it was parked, just a few feet away from his '70s vintage R100T with probably a million miles on it. His garage is festooned with dozens and dozens of "Iron Butt" stickers going back decades. Everything is laid out in military precision. Even the jugs of Rotella 10w-50 synthethic stand at attention, waiting to do their owner's bidding.

So I opine "guess Mama said one of these bikes had to go, huh?" "Nope" Bob shot right back "waiting for an '06."

Seemed BMW had lost a customer who bought a new bike every couple of years or so when he had problems with a new R1150RT, and they made the mistake of not covering under their vaunted 36/36 warranty. "Bastards won't ever get any of my money again" Bob practically spit the words out. "That's how I wound up with the Yamaha...twice the bike the RT was at 3/4ths the price. Here, take the key, take her for a drive."

Off I go on Bob's spotless '04, scared to death I'll make some stupid rookie mistake and sully his precious darling. Riding through the Central Florida countryside, my mind wanders from what a great ride Bob's 1300 is to Bob himself. 5 foot 3, if he's lucky...maybe a buck-25 soaking wet...showing every bit of his age from his thinning hair to the age spots on his hands and arms, testament to the hundreds of thousands of sun-soaked miles he's done on two wheels. Do I pass muster? Am I worthy of Bob's FJR?

Half hour later, I'm back at Bob's. We exchange pleasantries, he gets me my 2nd glass of water. "You won't be sorry" Bob adds, "25 thousand positively trouble-free miles. I'll miss her, but not for long" he grins, referring back to the '06 he's already riding in his mind.

Guess I won't be waiting for an '06 along with Bob. I'll be riding his '04 instead, complete with the "Lucky Penny" he's epoxied to the gas cap key flap. I think I'll leave it there.

To remind me of Bob.

Sounds to me like you got a double deal-nice story, and welcome to the club.

That was a MOST EXCELLENT write-up RadioHowie. From your ramblings, I am sure you yourself will make a most welcome addition to the fjr community.

As for Bob, please tell me you directed him here to this forum so we can enjoy too?

Thanks for sharing.

I think I'd like Bob.

Although, to be honest, any time I hear the name "Bob", I think of that episode of "Black Adder Goes Forth", "Private Plane", IIRC.

That was a MOST EXCELLENT write-up RadioHowie.  From your ramblings, I am sure you yourself will make a most welcome addition to the fjr community.
As for Bob, please tell me you directed him here to this forum so we can enjoy too?

Thanks for sharing.
I mentioned this little corner of the cyberverse to Bob. Said he "doesn't do computers." It was a friend of his who took the digital pic and created the ad.

I asked him how long the ad had been running....said it was put up this weekend. He was surprised someone responded so quickly.

I'm thinking I did something very very good recently that I forgot about and just got back a karma dividend.

Oh, did anyone every mention, Cerulean Silver makes all other FJR colors look like dog squeeze? :bleh:


You my friend, are a pretty good writer. I enjoyed that story ever bit as much as the ones in the front of many bike magazines. You might consider a submission of this one in the future.


WOW, nice story...Its to bad Bob"s not on line...and for your story writing I give you this...

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Awesome story. Makes you have a little more faith in people and how motorcycles should change hands.

I sold two bikes this year and it was like losing two children. My friends kept telling me that they are only motorcycles and don't get too attached. One was a 1980 Yamaha Maxim 650 that I frame up restored over two years. I had bought her from the original owner of 20 years, a Tucson motorcycle cop. It was in great shape aside from a rusted tank with rust in the carbs. I polished that bike with a diaper daily and loved it, but it would get me in trouble after riding my new R-1 and becoming accustomed to modern brakes. That and I had to make room for the FJR...

I ran an ad and was thrilled when the first response was from a 22 year old and his dad who came by immediately. They could not believe how clean the bike was for being 25 years old. They took turns riding her while I sat and talked with the other, showing receipts, etc about the restore and the care I took of her. The young man paid cash and rode her home. He emailed me about two weeks ago that he has been riding her every day around LA commuting and that he just loves her and the great gas mileage he is getting with her. I was sad to sell her but glad to send her home with someone who is enjoying her.

Went to go see Bob again today...yeah, I know, I'm being a little obsessive about the pending adoption.

I had to get Bob's signature on an "Intent to Sell" form so the credit union would release the funds, so I figure, what the heck...another 3 hour round trip jaunt would be the cat's ass.

This time, with "legal" documents involved, I inadvertently discover Bob turns 80 this coming February!!! And he's still doing the Iron Butt Boogie! Heading to North Georgia at the beginning of next month to ride the mountains and see some fall color. 80! Hell, I hope I can still remember how to pee without getting my leg wet, much less ride a motorcycle when I'm 80. Said he's gonna take the R100...the one with 675,000 miles on it...since it hasn't been "excercised" in a while. He's absolutely a crack-up.

Got to meet Mrs. Bob, too, since we needed a witness on the form. 4'9" if she's an inch and maybe 85 pounds. She'd probably fit inside a top box. I asked her (Jean) if she was surprised Bob was selling his FJR. "He's surprised me about every day for the last 58 years." "What didn't surprise me was the old rascal was buying another motorcycle."

This couple is priceless. I hope Missus Howie and I are still surprising each other 30 years from now.

Oh, Bob spent the entire day cleaning and waxing the Feejer. I ran my hand along the bottom side of the swing arm and around the rear shock linkage. My hand came away clean.

I may never have to wash this bike.

I'll be riding it before the weekend.

Thanks RadioH for the update on Bob. Must be a terriffic guy and a REAL motorcyclist!

Quick someone forward RadioHowie's post to MCN. Very nice read! Made a great bedtime story :D
Right up to the end when he had to mention the color of his bike. Doens't he know Galaxy blue is faster. :haha: :haha:

Folks like Bob and RadioHowie help us forget about the nasty and obstreperous people who get most of the publicity.

Thanks for the writeup and the story, RadioHowie.


Oh, did anyone every mention, Cerulean Silver makes all other FJR colors look like dog squeeze? :bleh:
Someone's mentioned it before, I'm sure, but they'd be wrong.


Sorry, it's been a while since a gratuitous bike pic posting by me. I had the "urge."

Okay, tempus must fugit.

Today I am a Feejer owner.

Picked up the bike tonight, said my goodbyes to Bob and Jean, and made Bob swear on his airhead boxer to call me when he had his '06 and we'd go find us some wild women. Jean wasn't too appreciative, but she knows where Bob hides the viagra, so she's at least not worried.

Two hour ride later, about 150 miles, and here are my first impressions...

This sucker needs a cruise control in the worst way. Or a throttle return springectomy. My carpal tunnel is screaming at me in most unkind phrases and tone of voice. Amazing how a "real" Audiovox CC is almost $60 cheaper than a Throttlemeister...$90 vs $147.

Gonna have to get a new helmet. Basically for two reasons...colors don't match, and the visor doesn't lock in the up position. Never thought it would be a problem, but with the windshield in the fully up position, the backblast slams my visor down faster than a French Revolution guillotine. God forbid my fingers were in there adjusting my glasses. Doesn't Shoei make a helmet with a positive visor lock?

My (as yet) unnamed sweetheart doesn't have the raw, brutal, visceral acceleration of my ZRX, but it's so much smoother and quieter, doing the ton is much easier on the Feejer than on the Rex. Could be a problem keeping the license "points-free".

Maybe my fat ass is sagging the bike more than Bob's buck and a quarter pounds, but the highbeams are for shit, unless your trying to spotlight flying deer, roosting for the night. The lowbeams are nice and bright, with a great pattern, but until I read the manual and learn where the adjusters are, the highbeams are useless.

Probably have to go with a larger windshield, too. With it retracted, the majority of the windblast is right at my face. With it fully extended, the blast is crossing right over the top of my head and Bernoulli keeps trying to rip my helmet off. Didn't I read somewhere the stock '04 windshield was the same as the Cee Bailey +1/+1? Gonna have to do some thinking on this, but definitely on my short list.

Top bag....Yamaha, Givi or Shad? Best quality, price notwithstanding?

I know 150 miles is a trip to the corner for a pack of Camels for a lot of you clowns, but I'm twitching with anticipation to put some miles on this machine. Damn it's comfortable. Gonna have to put 8-10 hours in the saddle before I start thinking about custom seat options.

So, after almost 10 months of wishing, waiting and wondering, I don't have to wish, wait or wonder anymore. I'm an official Feejer pilot, notwithstanding my avatar ranking.

It's great to be aboard.

Both figuratively and literally.

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