Another Bag Fell Off

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Evanston, IL
Before everybody starts shooting at me, let me explain.

I had an '05 and hit a big bump and the saddlebag fell off. I'm sure that it was my fault for not latching it properly because when I checked the other side it was loose also and I was just lucky that one didn't fall off too.

I now have an '06 (I figured with the cost of the new bag I might as well just get a new bike--just kidding--long story..)


Here's the Issue: I was coming south down 41 just north of Milwaukee, center lane, Gigantic bump (the bump was giant, I thought the rim or forks were going to be bent), and the left bag flies off. Now I KNOW the bag was properly latched because I now check them EVERY time I ride. I may be stupid but I'm not dumb(leave it alone :D ). I check those bags all the time. I was on my way home from a 4 day trip and I had been in and out of the bags several times and checked and re-checked them. I am convinced they were latched correctly. Like I said it happened to me once before and I was always paranoid about it happening again.

I know I should have installed toecutter's fix, but as all things, I was going to get to it "next week".

Now, Bag falls off, Semi promptly runs it over, my camera, some camping gear (my cool jetboil stove), 5 rolls of film (all my pictures), and miscellaneous other items are completely destroyed. I mean powdered. The only thing I could do when I got back was run out there and kick the big piece to the side so no one would get hurt trying to avoid it.

Needless to say this totally sucks. But, I firmly believe there was some kind of a malfunction in the mechanism, or that the bump somehow caused it to jump out of the lower attachment point.

Now before the flames start, I know there's been millions of miles logged without bags falling off, and this topic has been covered before, but maybe it needs another look. Like I said, it happened to me once before so I always made sure it was latched properly.

I'm not expecting Yamaha to replace my bag or the Wisconsin DOT. (so no comments about whining or victim hood) Although when the Sherriff pulled up he said "Oh yeah that big one in the center lane, we get calls on that all the time".

Oh really? WTF :angry:

So here's what I want to know: How many people has this happened to? Is it really just the one-in-a-million occurrence or is there something wrong with the way it was designed? It could just take that one really big bump. Any thoughts? Constructive thoughts that is.

Oh yeah.. and to the guy who got home and found a pair of black boxers on his antenna... you can keep 'em, sorry 'bout that.

I think the question would be...or was...could you have possibly demonstrated that the bag would come off while the bike was parked?

If you could reef on it or twist it at a certain angle (within reason....or less than the maximum weights Yamaha specifies for loading) and get the thing to come off?

I did have a bag that became defective and I had it replaced before the chance it could pop off. The latching mechanism skipped a tooth one day (probably because it was gummed up and I forced it), but it was obvious when I felt and heard a "pop". Careful examination and I could see how one of the two latch points could pop off.

I haven't seen it in any other bike since.

...also, you've had two bags come off still has to seriously wonder if it's not operator error. :blink:

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you've had two bags come off still has to seriously wonder if it's not operator error. :blink:
Way back when, some guys were destined enoichs. :unsure: Ya think maybe genetics has something to do with being "bagless"?


Yeah I do but I wanted to be frust inn line. U no what eye mean? Plus I haven't taken the time to drink since last week Monday.

I'll try harder tomorrow


...also, you've had two bags come off still has to seriously wonder if it's not operator error. :blink:
It could be operator error. But I find it unlikely as I think I learned my lesson the first time. Is it impossible for the bag to come loose from a big bump? The first time they fixed the road shortly there after because several cars had their rims bent. Even so, I'm sure that one was my fault.

This time I Know that bag was on right.

I even considered that I may have overloaded it. But when I took stock of what was in there, it didn't weigh all that much.

Plus, the cop said that this had happened before because of that bump, a lot of stuff had been flying off vehicles from there.

The right bag on my bike is VERY loose and could, I fear, fall off if jarred. It's as if the retractable tongue on the bag is not fully engaging into the slot on the bike. I'm taking it into the dealer soon to have them take a look.

I would be interested in having a look at the hooks on a "fallen" bag. Before the semi finishes the destruction.

I can see a hook getting broken, especially if a passenger leans on them like this, or uses them instead of your shoulders to lift her little tushy off the seat for a position adjustment.


They aren't gonna carry that kinda weight very long or very often without damage to the hooks they hang from. If the hooks go, the lower latch could slide out pretty easy.

Check your crack for hooks . . . uh, I mean, check your hooks for cracks.

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I'm not savvy enough to supply the link, but if you simply do the "no bag left behind" clip pin, the bag absolutely won't come off, I don't care how big the bump is. A very easy bit of bag insurance. I wouldn't think of riding the bike with the bags on without my clips.

Been some talk of broken sub-frames due to over loaded top cases, possibly yours is broke and allowed just enough flex to send the bag south ?

Also if the chuckhole is known to the police maybe you can get the state to replace your bag. A defective bridge expansion strip took a gouge out of the side of my brother's car and the state of Michigan made good on the repair cost for him. Might be worth a shot if the police have you on record.
