Rules To Follow When Waving!

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
I did some research and these are the Rules For Motorcycle Waving as approved by the Wilmington Institute of Holistic Dry Cleaning.

1) Do not wave with both hands.

2) Do not wave at someone pointing a gun at you.

3) If indicating the other rider is "Number One" in your book, do not do so using the middle finger.

4) Do not wave if the other rider is about to jump 5 or more parked cars.

5) Do not wave at large men wearing badly-sized women's clothing with poorly applied lipstick smeared across their faces.

6) Do not wave at anyone sporting a swasticka.

7) Do not wave at anyone wearing a tee shirt that says, "It puts the lotion in the basket."

8) Do not wave at Amish buggies with flames painted on the sides.

9) Do not attempt to warn oncoming riders that the "Bridge is out" by waving.

10) The modern wave is to extend your left arm outward and downward at a 45-degree angle, hand straight out and palm flat, without glancing to the side. This says, "You're cool, but I'm a little cooler."

11) The classic wave is to extend your left arm upward and slightly forward with your hand in a clenched fist. This says, "Screw everyone except us."

12) A head nod is fully acceptable when you're hands are busy.

13) Wave like you don't care if you get a wave back.

14) Wave considerately at bicyclists (as you blast past them) struggling up those huge hills.

RB in TN B)
