Was going to PM but decided all should hear.

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2007
Reaction score
N Las Vegas, NV-- Phx, AZ
I recently posted a question. I did a search and the answer did not show up so I asked. I thought that is what this forum was for. To ask and answer questions and generally pass info and help one another out. No I don't want to hold you hand and sing Kumbaya. Now if the moderators say search or they climb your ass like a fireman and then they can't make it so the answer shows up in the search then they shouldn't go into attack mode. Yes the answer to my question was in the Forum Guidelines BUT as it was so nicely pointed out I promised to read them back in lets see Dec 2007 when I joined. I either forgot that it was there or I decided **** it I will ask so that I can Piss off as many people as I can beings I am bored. You decide which. Also, if I did a search on here using, I don't know lets say "Service manual" Why did it not send me to the Forum Guidelines page?

I want to apologize to anyone that I offended by asking my question or posting this in reply to the replies I got. Any one who can't accept that can go touch themselves inappropriately where they defecate with a rather large branch. I would think Oak, maybe birch for some of you.

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Seriously? You really need to lighten up a bit. As the guidelines clearly point out, there are really good reasons for this policy. Zero tolerance for pirated copies of a manual that retails for approximately .5% of the cost of the bike seems like a pretty reasonable policy to me.

As for you getting "climbed like a firefighter"? Really? You're gonna need some thicker skin. Did you lose too much water on the LV to PHX trip or what?

Settle down Beavis.

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Seriously? You really need to lighten up a bit. As the guidelines clearly point out, there are really good reasons for this policy. Zero tolerance for pirated copies of a manual that retails for approximately .5% of the cost of the bike seems like a pretty reasonable policy to me.
As for you getting "climbed like a firefighter"? Really? You're gonna need some thicker skin. Did you lose too much water on the LV to PHX trip or what?

Settle down Beavis.
Your right the guide lines clearly state this and I messed it up. I put the whole universe in jeopardy. I am repentant.

The firefighter comment was meant for all the replies that are put up when someone asks a Question. Does anyone really believe that they have a question that has not been asked and answered a couple times. There are guys on here that have been registered from the beginning of time. Yes they have seen the same question many many times. That doesn't mean that They should become the AssHat of that thread. Once 1 person has pointed out how easy it is to search then that should end it. Every Question gets jumped on. Just tired of reading it in every post.

Of course, Rob is referring to this thread.

I think he's right he should have PM'ed instead of post a new thread. Had he PM'ed I would have told him that I closed the thread because I didn't want anybody else to use that open thread as an opportunity to ask more questions about pirate manuals. He wants to risk an attorney sending letters to him...he can go start his own forum and do anything he wants.

And while we're at it....I note that in my palette of administrative choices I could have removed that thread from view, sent a warning to him for promoting piracy, and even bounced him for the transgression a week. However, that is far fetched even by my most jaded admin perspective and didn't do that because I didn't think he was intentionally promoting piracy.

So, IMO, the best action was to close the thread and hopefully have people let it go.

I either forgot that it was there or I decided **** it I will ask so that I can Piss off as many people as I can beings I am bored. You decide which.
Ummm...that's just no good. That kind of attitude will quickly make an admin start dusting off #7 of the guidelines. I would also note that the guidelines have another important clause you really should re familiarize yourself with. They apply to you and everybody.

These Guidelines may be periodically updated as needed.
Refer to them periodically to determine if you can still handle the load.

I want to apologize to anyone that I offended by asking my question or posting this in reply to the replies I got. Any one who can't accept that can go touch themselves inappropriately where they defecate with a rather large branch. I would think Oak, maybe birch for some of you.
Hmmmm...an apology that includes suggestions of taking a crap with sticks?

Tell you what...why don't you take a week off to reread the guidelines and I'll take a week deciding if that was a sincere apology or not.

..and I'm going to close this thread too. Anybody that has issue with that might consider a PM.

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Once 1 person has pointed out how easy it is to search then that should end it. Every Question gets jumped on. Just tired of reading it in every post.
Really? Every post? I beg to differ. In the countless posts I've read here there are many containing a simple, direct answer without drama and somehow nobody else chimes in.

Do we have some "characters" on this site? Absolutely. I agree with you and I do grow weary with those whose main goal in life is to bully the noobs (Waiter-baiting notwithstanding!). I, too, wish some of the comedians would spend as much time posting a link and instructing the new members HOW to find the answer, however, human nature being what it is and with the Darwin Affect in foll bloom, we have some interesting interjections on the FJR Forum.

BTW, did you try the Google method of searching the forum (also in the guidelines for new members):

service manual site:fjrforum.com

Go to Google, type in your question (in this case: service manual), leave a space and type <site:fjrforum.com>

It also works for 3 letter questions like:gas, oil. etc., that do not work on the website search feature.

or they climb your ass like a fireman

Toecutter, could you jump in here and elaborate on this phrase for us?

I was unaware that Fireman had noteworthy ass-climbing attributes.... guess I need to get out more. :glare:

edit: whew! Got in here right before Iggy closed it! See, Rob, you should have waited till Friday morning to start another Mangina Wailing thread.... :lol:

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