Mish Mash & Riff Raff in Manchester

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Miss Demeanor
FJR Supporter
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mountain View, CA
Ever have one of those days where everything clicks? You, the bike, the road, the weather, and it’s all just zen? Well, last Friday was not one of those days! We left the GG Bridge vista point at about 2 p.m., winding our way through the Marin backroads before popping out just south of Jenner. I do not have one photo from the afternoon’s ride as I felt as though I was fighting for my very life along the twisty coast section of Hwy 1 in 30-40 mph winds that would buffet me and the bike from side to side all over the road. I’d say to myself, relax, Tyler, relax, and I’d take a deep breath and start to go into a turn and WHOOSH!! The wheels felt like they were gonna be blown right out from underneath me as we moved sideways toward the edge of the road. I couldn’t get anything to “click”… it was one of those days that I was glad to have behind me when we safely reached Manchester.

Scott’s evening started off exceptionally well, however, when he found his beloved Cheez-Its at the local store.


So arrive we did, stopping off in the town store for dinner supplies and then heading for the KOA just on down the road. It’s a lovely spot for anyone who’s looking for a place to stay… you can camp or stay in one of their Kabins, which I opted for this time around. Here is our little home away from home and Dona, my roomie for the weekend.


We arrived a day early from most of the group, which was mish mash of folks from different forums, social groups, work cohorts, etc., so we could get a good day ride in on Saturday up in the area. We pretty much had the place to ourselves.


We got our breakfast tickets when we checked in and found out that we were a group, a club, a menagerie.


Motorcyclists who camp are always finding creative ways to bring their supplies with them. Hence, Sue brought her popular Bag O’ Wine.


Audrey and Clint showed up to bunk up with us in the Kabin for Friday night.


Scott was showing off some of his high-fashion camping attire much to the glee of the ladies.


He said this was a cover for a camping stove… riiiiiiight.


Tents set up, bikes unpacked, gear shed and comfy clothes on… time to catch up with friends (that’s Patrick over there on the right in the green jacket).


We sat around the fire after dinner and shared stories and lots of laughter. The next day dawned cool but with clear skies and sunshine through the trees.


Stevie and Patrick were our saviors, brewing fresh coffee for those who needed it (that would definitely be ME!!).


We decided to take a walk out to the beach before heading out for the day’s ride. As we walked down the road, all the cows started following us down the way… I think they thought we were going to feed them or something. Stevie tried to make a new friend.


Mooooooove on over here!


We finally reached the beach and found the lupine to be in full bloom both here and all over the countryside we would be traveling through… purple was the color of the weekend.


Shadow play at the beach.


Look out for the snowy plover!! I don’t think we squished any.


Scott for some reason had a desire to take a nap in the middle of the road… I have no idea why… that’s just Scott and we roll with it.


Self portrait.


Scott and Dona played with each other’s dangly bits… there was a lot of that going on over the weekend.


Michael showed up all the way from Sacramento because he didn’t want Steve to feel lonely being the only yellow-helmet guy for the day.


Yes, yes he is.


And so without further ado, we hit the road… up Hwy. 1 to our first treat of the day, Philo-Greenwood Rd.




Mike 2-up with his son, Erik.


We then headed west for Mendocino via the lovely 128, through the redwoods.


Someone decided he wanted to play hide and go seek.


We arrived in Mendocino for lunch and met another rider, Eddie, who found us when he saw this big line of bikes.


If you’ve never been to the idyllic town of Mendocino, you owe it to yourself to take the turn into the downtown area. Lovely houses, shops, restaurants abound… great place to take that special person in your life!


Sated we sallied forth and headed for Comptche-Ukiah Rd. which was recently repaved and is as smooth and creamy as buttah!


Continuing on straight, you come onto Orr Springs which has a little bit of everything… goat, goatier, smooth, bumpy, straight, twisty, and a set of switchbacks at the end that are just a hoot! A few images from Orr Springs…



I loved the mushroom cloud tree at the top of the hill here.


You can see the road that we came up on the middle left over there.


Absolutely stunning views.


And then it was on to the sweepers of 253…




No picture could do these justice… just fun, fun, fun, perfect pavement, no traffic, loooonnnnng sweeper after sweeper, leaning into one turn and coming out of it to dive into the next one… feeling that moment in the middle of the transition where you feel almost weightless and the thrill of the anticipation of that next lean coming up… pure joy.


Upon arrival in Boonville, we found a couple more folks from the FJR forum… Brodie, Dillan, Brian (Dillan’s dad) meeting up with forum brethren, Michael.


Michael was so ecstatic to see his fellow FJR friends that he welled up with emotion and had to leave for fear of embarrassing himself.


Brodie was ready to gooooo on his AE (now that I understand what that’s all about)!!!


We repeated our romp down 128, south on 1, and back to camp for the big bbq.


Nanook, um, I mean Dorothy greeted us with her new head gear.


The place was getting full with all the Saturday arrivals… lots of catching up to do!




Val’s pup, Bounce was gettin’ some lovin’…


And then some!


We ate quite well for “roughing it”


And then it was time to retire to bonfire and just enjoy the moment. You could hear the sound of tales and laughter drift through the trees on the evening breeze. And it was good.


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The next morning we gathered for our breakfast, cooked by the staff at the KOA.


Brian and new friends, Erik and Dillan… I hope someday to see a pic of these two lads all grown up and riding together and remind them where it all started.


We were even provided with supplies for high end artistic creations.


After some discussion and map contemplating, we packed up things, said our goodbyes, and headed out for more fun in the sun.


We stopped in Point Arena for gas and wanted to note for anyone who might be up in the area and have any need for some repairs, check these guys out!



Hwy 1


I couldn’t shake those FJR boys… they kept following me!!


Brian and Dillan, who looks well packed on the bike!


Annapolis Rd.


View from the Annapolis bridge


Stewart’s Point – I usually ride this later in the year so don’t get to see it so lush and green… but it’s changing as the green fades to brown all too quickly.



I am a born and bred California girl but I have been witness to more of this area in the past 9 years since starting to ride my own than I have the first 41 years… and I am still awestruck with the grace, beauty, and majesty of it.





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And then… it was time… the cherry on top… the smooth, lush curves that only a motorcycle could love so well… pavement that lulls you into a false sense of security… that calls, no begs, to be ridden at a pace you know you shouldn’t… to quote a friend, “It just sucks you in and brings on delirium… easy to die on that road.” Yes, the famed Skaggs Spring…




Thankfully, this day provided no sacrifices to the Sausage Creature and we all made it safely to Lake Sonoma Overlook for an impromptu picnic.


And the view of Lake Sonoma


Brian, Dillan, and Brodie headed for 101 but the rest of our merry little band weren’t quite ready to give up the backroads so we journeyed through the wine country 128, Silverado Trail, 121, and Hidden Valley Rd. The weather was absolutely perfect – cool, crisp, and not a lot of traffic out on the wine trails yet.


Couldn’t quite get the right angle with the sun’s position but this hillside was ablaze with the lush purple of blooming lupine… breathtaking.


The vines are just starting to grow into next year’s crop.


Scott found a new way to recycle and make a statement at the same time.


And we all agreed that his current mascot, Rocket J. Squirrel, was looking a little… well, no, a lot mangled.


And Dona continued her tradition of dropping trou all over the state of California, this time in Calistoga.


Lots of these signs on the last road out until we hit the freeway and headed for home.




And so ends another fabulous adventure… I’m going through withdrawals of a sort today… while sleeping in my own comfy bed last night was heaven, the lure of the open road still calls my name, beckoning me to partake in all of its wonders. Many thanks to Patrick for putting together all the details, bringing us coffee, and providing a play space for all of us to get together. It was fun having so many folks from so many walks of life coming together to share a few moments in life and make new friends and new memories. Thanks to everyone for coming out and adding to the flavor of the weekend!


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Well said! and well documented Tyler!.....

I will try to add acouple of pics tomorrow.

Thanks Patrick and all who made this happen......... good job!


Wow, wow, wow, wow ,wow (each wow is said wowier then the previous one). In a week where the Zoo had to go without a ride report from OM (don't for a second think we didn't notice), Tyler has come through in spectacular fashion.

Many thanks to Tyler and Patrick for extending the invite to the FJRForum, I'm glad I could attend. I had a wonderful time.

My buddy Brian (FJRONAMISSION) and I decided to make a lazy run on saturday to meet up with the group near the tail end of their loop at Boonville. This afforded a KSU time of 10 am. Brian's youngest son, Dylan was riding for his first long motorcycle trip and we didn't want to tire him.


Brian's very best friend, Very trusting I might add...


Our first stop was breakfast at Alice's Restaraunt at Hwy 9 and 84. We had a nice run up the hill and were ready to eat!



The sun was out but it was a bit chilly stll and the parasol at the table was still down. Not thinking, we put it up. While we were looking for the pin to secure it we didn't notice the gas heater was setting it on fire. :blink: :shok:


Come to think of it, we were chilly too; but we had our pride to keep us warm! :p

Oh well. Breakfast tasted good, but Dylan made sure he stayed in the sun and warmed up to a cup of hot chocolate.

Smart boy!

We got rolling and enjoyed a quick run on Skyline Drive to the next major road and down the hill back to highway 101. We cruised up 101 through the City and across the GG bridge.


Dylian's first time across...



Another couple hours slabbing and we were ready to peel off at Cloverdale and get on something a bit more interesting. We got to boonville about 20 minutes before Tyler and her group showed up. It was nice seeing Old Michael again.

Once we started rolling it was another 40 minutes or so to Manchester.









It's getting late, I'll talk about Tyler's AE Moment tomorrow...


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Great pics Brodie........ and he is just being kind about the umbrella fire......... he

didn't have anything to do with it....... except....... say...... HEY!! we are on fire!!!........

yep........... never a dull moment :huh: :D


Beautiful country. I have done 96 from Happy Camp both ways, over to the coast, and another time over to I-5. Have also done 36 from Red Bluff to the coast and up.

Any of you N. Cal folks want to play tour guide for two or three days and show me around?

Any of you N. Cal folks want to play tour guide for two or three days and show me around?
Greg, it would depend upon the exact dates and how you look in lingerie,

but let us know ahead of time.

I'm sure someone - or some bunch - would be glad to oblige.

Tyler, your photos are awful damn good, and your narrative makes me wish

I'd been able to join y'all Saturday night for the hammerfest, and Sunday

for more riding. And your group could not have been more welcoming and friendly

- even though they don't ride Yamahas.

Patrick, thanks very much for the organizing work and for inviting

these FJR dorks to your get-together.

Again, the Manchester KOA is just an beautiful place to spend a weekend.

I've stayed at a number of KOA's over the years, in a number of states,

and I think this one is perhaps the loveliest I've seen. The staff was great too.

I did endure an unsettling encounter with that very friendly and talkative

naked dude in the shower/bathroom building,

and it may take me awhile to come to terms with that,

but otherwise, the atmosphere could not have been better.

I posted a number of photos on a different thread the other day, but here are a few more for the pot.

Those cows were very friendly. This one's tongue just about took my glove off.

I got her number. :D



Don't ask.


Yeah. Paparazzi.



Brian, Dillan, the lovely and talented one, the Dr. Brodie, and Jim (who stuggled to contain his enthusiasm.)


Doesn't that gate just NEED climbing. When I was a kid, I'd have.....



And again...


Thanks all.

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I did endure an unsettling encounter with that very friendly and talkativenaked dude in the shower/bathroom building,
Didja get his number too?? Maybe a good addition to Bessy? Stay tuned for the next OM ride report... Two Men and a Cow Mooooving Along. :D
Mock me if you will, but that was a fine-looking Guernsey Holstein Jersey.

(Okay. They all look the same in the dark. Right Bust?)

I did endure an unsettling encounter with that very friendly and talkativenaked dude in the shower/bathroom building,
Didja get his number too?? Maybe a good addition to Bessy? Stay tuned for the next OM ride report... Two Men and a Cow Mooooving Along. :D
Mock me if you will, but that was a fine-looking Guernsey Holstein Jersey.

(Okay. They all look the same in the dark. Right Bust?)

I'm sorry OM............. I can't stop seeing you with a fat naked guy in the showers... :dribble: :dribble: :dribble: :dribble: .....

well........... if that puts lead in your pencil ..... Bust has farm animals.... odot has latex and shock therapy ... its all

good I guess....... :yahoo: :yahoo:


What a GREAT post!

:****: me for not going.

Bad Don, Bad Don..

Glad ya'll had serious fun..

and is Tyler the 'Pollinator', if you get my drift? :lol:

What a GREAT post! :****: me for not going.

Bad Don, Bad Don..

Glad ya'll had serious fun..

and is Tyler the 'Pollinator', if you get my drift? :lol:

Hey D.

you would of had big fun sir....

and Miss T has great wrist action..... Brodie was definitely not ready ..... ;>


Okay.... I am just gettin around to down loading and uploading my pics....

Time for KSU... not yet kid....


Here is one .... Alice ... Burnin down the house



=More later... waiting for uploading to finish=


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[SIZE=12pt]And now about Tyler's AE Moment...[/SIZE]

Let me say one thing, Tyler is one of the nicest ladies I've met in a long time. The few times I've been on a ride with her she's welcomed me with open arms and without question included me in with her group. She's just that kind of person. I feel privileged to have met her.
She's not shy either...

After we arrived at the KOA and set up camp, Brian, Ed and I decided to go to a restaurant in town and not mooch off the kind people who invited us. We didn't think it was right since we weren't prepared to cook. It was late in the day and the shadows were getting long when the three of us were suiting up for the ride to supper. Tyler came over wondering where we were going. We convinced her to let us go and have supper elsewhere. While I was waiting for Brian and Dylan, Tyler spotted my Datel volt meter on my right fairing dash panel and asked what it was. I have it wired directly to the battery and it's on all the time. I pointed out to her how the volt reading drops a little when I turn on the key, and how it bumps up when I start the bike. It got her thinking, she must have been curious and wanted to see if the reading bumps up higher when the motor spins faster. I was thinking about reving the motor so she could see it, when I saw - in slow motion - her hand reach for my throttle grip. Before I could react she gave it a quick twist.

I have an AE model FJR.
I almost always park it in gear.
Some will say that if there aren't any pictures it didn't happen...
Trust me,
It Happened!

Thankfully when the bike lurched forward 3 or 4 feet she let go of the throttle grip. Fortunately for me I had my wheel straight and there wasn't anything in the way. Somehow I managed to keep the beast upright. I looked back and her face was ashen and her eyes wide open. I couldn't stop laughing.

"But but, The motor was running and your hands were not on the hand grips!
You were in

"Well - Yeah" I said, "This is an *AE".

It must have taken a good 10 minutes to calm her down.
:rofl: :p
Now she has a little better understanding about our FJR platform, and as you may have guessed Tyler doesn't own one. She is one of the select few non FJR owners who have found a home on this FJRForum, and I think we are all the richer for it.

Thank you Tyler for a great weekend, I'll think back on this with a great big smile for years to come...


[SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]Tyler had a firm grasp on my joy handle and gave it a good solid tweak!



[SIZE=8pt]*Yamaha FJR1300AE = YCCS - Yamaha Computer Clutch System = no clutch handle, it's all in the wrist action, friends. ;) [/SIZE]

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