What's The Latest Greatest Farkle For The Fjr

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Here's Randy's home-made storage box...




Looks kinda uncomfortable. :bleh:

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It does look useful, I can't, though, get over the fact that it's....


...what's the word I'm looking for....

...oh yea...



If you put your feet on the passenger pegs, can you squat over the opening? Would be handy on the side of the road, although you need to be able to put a roll of Charmin on one of your handlebars, and a magazine holder in your tank bag.... Where's the flush handle though? :bleh:

Actually, I'm just giving you crap (pun intended)... I think it's B)

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Well fellas, I'd take MY creation over one of those dumbass Givi garages any day.

I can't for the life of me see how ANYONE would even consider something that huge way up high on the back like that. That's what lead me to make this one.

But then again........you're all safe. There won't be two of 'em out there. :****:

pewww !! :haha:

I took one look at that new fiberglass farkle and realized it's really for long-distance racing "stops" when there's no bushes nearby.

You just hit the automatic electric extender-bar switch, pop a wheelie, your butt hits the back "can" (oops, I mean "compartment"), it opens up, and you can then literally s#it all over your competition while you ride in style.

As for armament, why not go with something a little more dramatic, and have twin 20 mm Vulcans facing forward ? The recoil would just about stop your bird in flight, just like on a gunship, so your high-definition DVD video camera can record your shot pattern in the back ends of your targets. Mount them in place of the luggage so that they can get some air without toasting the pilot, and you still have room for two cases of rounds.

Give 'em the whole nine yards !!


Randy, you gonna be at WFO4?  I just gotta see that in person.  :bigeyes:
No, but if you ever venture to NJ I'll be glad to show you.

And I know I'm getting $hit for it, but it DOES look better in person. I can keep my rain gear in there and not have to bring the side bags along.

That's an old pic too. I've since made a matching tank storage from the same Speedpac.

I don't think I'm even making the EOM in TN this year. No way in Hell I'm making WFO4.

That first big closeup picture, the FJR looks like one of those two-headed Dr. Doolittle push-me-pull-you llamma's. :haha:

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