Any interest in a ride this weekend?

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Fred W

1 Wheel Drive
FJR Supporter
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Eastern VT
Just checked the weather reports. Looks to be a cool but dry weekend. Anyone interested in hooking up for a li'l ride about?

Open to any / all suggestions for somewhere in the New England states, though W. MA and/or northern 3 would be best. (Sorry, but CT, RI and Eastern MA are just too congested).

Who's in?

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I'm in!
Cool! Your profile says Central Mass. I assume that means the Worcester area?

Do you have any favorite roads in Central or W. Mass you'd like to share? I'm open to just about anything.

How about if we set up a meeting spot at the Dunkin' Donuts in Townsend, MA on Saturday morning at 9:30AM?

We could either head west or north from there and hit some decent roads in either direction.

Any other New Englanders interested in a day ride?

PS - Thanks Ol' Mikey. You too.

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Anyway we could start this thing at say, like 4p.m.? DAMN! Gotta work and no getting around it :angry: .... Perhaps if you wind up in the Townsend area in the afternoon I might be able to catch up with ya??? Took a nice little ride yesterday, sure was good to be out on the road while it's still sunny and dry with the road mostly to myself on a weekday.


I PM'ed dll and didn't hear anything back. I guess I'll just retract the plans for a meet-up in Townsend tomorrow AM since I'm not sure anyone will be there when I get there... :unsure:

It's gonna be gawd awful cold tonight and early tomorrow anyway. Should be warming up nicely later on and into Sunday, reaching 60! :yahoo:

Damn you, Fred. Leaving for London tomorrow. Won't be around. I'll be jealous, though.

Have a great ride, though, and look for me next time!

Next time, Barry. We still have a few weeks left before the snow plows take over our lives...

Boy, that sure sucks that you have to go to London... :rolleyes:

Have a great trip!


If it fits into your schedule, I'm open to ride in the late afternoon into the evening both days of the weekend. I don't mind running north and turning around heading solo back south... your call. I get out of work in Leominster at 3ish.

Hey Fred
Pete and I are riding Sunday. We could meet you were Rt 9 and Rt 100 meet in southern VT.

I sent you email

Wow. Great idea Art!!

I :heart: Vermont!!

Let's do it!! :thumbsup:

What time do you want to meet up there?

Maybe some other folks following along from home will join us?

I just saw your email and will take a look at the route you sent.


Sorry CJ, roadrunner made me an offer I couldn't refuse!!

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How does 9:30 at the Mobil on Rt 9 sound.

For those who want to join us the address is 87 E. Main St. Wilmington Vt.

We could ride from there up Rt 100 and then do the App Gap :yahoo: on Rt 17.

Maybe even Smugglers Notch (although this will put us riding home in the dark and cold.)


edit; I changed meeting time from 10:00 to 9:30

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No worries, Fred. Hope y'all have a great ride! 17 is a blast for sure, just too short! My wife has decided she wants to ride before the snow flies so she's gonna meet me after work with our 8 y.o. riding shotgun with her, so it's gonna be one of those "BMW only" rides anyway, so like, you FJR riders wouldn't be welcome anyway, mmmkay?! :p

Was 21 degrees this morning at 6 o'clock heading into work... at least on the FJR the windshield blocks most of the cold. Won't have the protection from the wind on the GS650 tomorrow. I really gotta get a pair of handguards to farkle onto the FJR!

Have a great ride, all. Be safe!

No worries, Fred. Hope y'all have a great ride! 17 is a blast for sure, just too short! My wife has decided she wants to ride before the snow flies so she's gonna meet me after work with our 8 y.o. riding shotgun with her, so it's gonna be one of those "BMW only" rides anyway, so like, you FJR riders wouldn't be welcome anyway, mmmkay?! :p
:lol: Touche'

Fred W, pmk6v, and myself had a great ride today. :yahoo: The weather was freakin awesome. At 6:30 this morning I had a low of 30 deg F. and at around 2:00 this afternoon I saw a high of 64 deg F. What a nice day.

We all met were Rt 9 and Rt 100 meet, then rode Rt 100 up to Rt 17, over Rt 17 (App Gap). Then we stopped for lunch. after lunch we split up and headed home. pmk6v and I even got to ride a Ferry across lake Champlain for free courtesy NYS.

BTW the Ferry is a boat. Thought I'd clear that up before Bust a nut gets a hold of it.

Anyway I'm home safe and somewhat sound.


The 'Beams are sorry we couldn't have worked the timing better. We did ride to Brattleboro, VT for breakfast but we were just a little too late to catch up with everyone. We were forced to aimlessly wander all the mountain roads of VT and NH for the entire day. Around noon we got down to some of the lower elevations and were rewarded by a rapid warm-up and quite nice riding from then until dark. It got cold quick once the sun set, but it was a special treat to have such a nice day this late in the year. It is looking like this whole week is going to be nice, I may have to play hooky a few days :)


Thanks Art (road runner) and Pete (pmk6v) for a great day of riding. As Art said, the weather was outstanding, and the roads in VT were their usual "best in New England"!

After we split up in Bethel, I rode down 116 to Rt 125 east and back across the mountains through Middlebury Gap. It has a lot of nice twisties a lot like Rt 17 (Appalachian Gap) but the road surface is more beat up. Then I rode down 100 to Bethel Mountain Rd and up and over Rochester Gap. It was one of the roads from the Greens/Whites ride this summer.

From there it was I89 and Rt 103 and 114's high speed sweepers to get home. Started getting dark the last hour, and with visions of kamikaze bambis still etched in my brain, I took it pretty easy that last bit. ;)

Didn't have (or take) much time for pictures:

Wayside rest stop



roadrunner and pmk6v


Hey, what's that sign say?


~10 hours and just a tad over 400 miles door to door. What a great day.

Sorry we missed you Alan. Keep me posted on hooky plans. I'm busy early this week but may have time later on.

Oh, and Dave, when you finish up down there my trim is still badly needing paint! :p

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