ANOTHER Sunday in the sun.

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Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Shingle Springs, California
Yeah, I've got no life - so I go riding. And I take shitty pictures. And I post the whole mess. It's a compulsion.

I just wish there was somebody to ride with around here. :huh: It's a friggin' wasteland.

I had planned a day up to the north coast, but it was too cold and windy when I got up, and I've gotten soft- er.

So I headed south instead.

Went down through the valley before dawn, then west to Santa Cruz, then up the coast, through the City by the Bay, across the Golden Gate to Sausalito, up and then east past Sears Point and Vallejo before heading home.

Windy as HELL! DAMN WINDY! It really wears on a fellow. 430 miles seemed like a thousand. No real twisty roads other than the bit between Gilroy and Watsonville, but lots of pleasant sights. Here's some pictures.

Mount Madonna (Love to! :lol: - sorry) approaching the coast and Watsonville.


For the compilation?




Wind at least means no fog and clear views of Ms. Pacific.


It looks balmy, but mid 50's and the beach people are wearing jackets.





Almost dropped the Feej coming down to get this shot.




Is this one better?


Didn't stop in San Francisco, but went into a frenzy of lane-splitting as I worked my way toward the Golden Gate.

It's a special kind of joy, slicing through the mess. I LIKE it.

Last pic. Really attractive power lines, with Sausalito in the distance.


Thanks again forum brethren. :D

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...Mount Madonna (Love to! :lol: - sorry)
Dude, you crack me up! You and I need to get together for a 'ride'. I think we're kindred spirits. Those pics were righteous and I know what you mean about the wind!

I too went out for a solo ride to no-where this afternoon. Stopped and watched some 1/4-scale RC modelers flying and went exploring some remnants of the old Ridge Route (Grapevine Rd.), the original route from LA to Bakersfield. Didn't even take any photos. It was a very nice afternoon. Lots of flowers in bloom and snow on the Tehachapi mountains. The wind here was fairly mild.

At least you got to see and smell the ocean! I spent most of my life living near the ocean, including five years in the middle of it (Marshall Islands). Kind of need a salt air snort every now and then.

Let me know when you decide to come down south for that Bill Mayer Saddle. I'll ride down the 33 with you.

I wish we could have connected. In fact, I was just a couple of miles from you this afternoon. I rode over to my buddy's house in Marin for a 1PM rendezvous, then we toodled over to Tiburon (just north of Sausalito), where we had a latte while sitting and looking across the Bay to San Francisco.

Hey, you were right about that wind. Makes your heart skip a beat when all of a sudden you're pushed over a couple feet in your lane as if someone had grabbed the handlebars and shoved 'em.

When I went out to get my newspaper this morning and saw the frost on my car windshield, I thought, "That poor Old Michael son of a bitch heading up 80 at 4:30 this morning is gonna be coooooooold. :cold: Sure glad I'm not with him! And then you go and change your plans to come riding in my hood without even a PM. :glare:

Okay, so you're a bad person. :p But you take great pictures, and I love the way you just jump on the bike and go! :clapping:

Looking forward to riding together and snapping photos real soon (between 10 and 4 of course :rolleyes: ).


P.S. You were in Silent's neck of the woods too. I don't even wanna be around when he gets wind of the fact you came down and didn't call. And then there's Highlander....

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Windy as HELL! DAMN WINDY! It really wears on a fellow. 430 miles seemed like a thousand.
I hear ya!

Last year, when CAJW and I pre-ran my CABB1500 route, it got so bad I almost had my bike blown to the ground while stopped. Any gravel on the road and I would have dropped it. And football-size rocks being blown into the road on Monitor Pass. 700 that day beat me to pieces.

As always, great pictures.

Use to camp at the joint where you turn to go into the light house. Was going to do that just before Thanksgiving only to find out no more camping. Just the cool little cabins now but you have book through some agent & stay at least a week. Damn!

Sorry for the hijack.

Looks like you had a nice day, and some great pictures.

Like JB, I was riding today too.

My ride was from Sugar Pine in the snow, had to knock an inch of snow off Terri's car Saturday morning, to Sonora then up 49 to Plymouth. Plymouth to Roseville then back to Dixon.

I rode up toward Sonora Pass to Sugar Pine on Friday night to visit some friends.

Stopped by the bar at Confidence CA. to ask directions and 5 of the 7 town residents were in the Bar. Bartender told me it was a slow night since it was only 27 degrees outside.

... You were in Silent's neck of the woods too. I don't even wanna be around when he gets wind of the fact you came down and didn't call.
A purple FJR passed me headed south on Hwy. ONE, just south of Pacifica, and I thought it could've been him.

And football-size rocks being blown into the road on Monitor Pass.
Ya see Toe, THAT'S a sign to turn back. :blink:

Hycle, thanks for the comments, but everyone but me wants some PHOTOS backing up one of your previous posts. Hopefully, there'll be squirrel-biters placed strategically. :D

... we used to hike up stream from the bridge and let the water take us back down to the bridge. No kayak, no tube, no flotation device, no brains, just being 14 years old and immortal.Back then it was also a clothing optional area if you hiked far enough up stream.
There's gotta be a story behind a town named Confidence.

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Great Pictures... And you're right, it was really windy yesterday... Coming back on I-80 was a real treat in the cross wind. Nice Job Michael. Rich

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Lucky bastid!!!

no life = riding all day

NoCal = shitty pictures (yeah, right!)

A choice between heading to Santa Cruz or Monterey... aww, you poor thing. You've got it rough!

I swear, one of these days I'm gonna rent a feejer when I visit my Monterey client just to see how bad you guys have it over on the left side.

Thanks for the report, I enjoyed it.
