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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Goodyear, AZ
Time for some new shoes before Reno (Michelin Pilot Roads - $236 from Cycle Gear)

Anyone who would like to stop by in the evening 6-9pm over the next few days is welcome.

Maybe you're on the fence over working on your own bike.

Want to see what it looks like taken apart.

Have questions.

Just want to say Hi?

I'll be out in the garage over the next few days, PM me for directions:

-New tires

-Wiring up my Garmin 2730, autocom, smartire & valentine 1

I'm in Mission Valley.

Less than 2 miles from the I-15/I-8/I-805 intersection

Both wheels off tonight, more work tomorrow



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While you have it off, make sure you grease the splines, check the steering head torque, lube the universal joint, grease the pivot points, check the kickstand switch, lube the clutch cable, change the oil, change the oil filter, dump the radiator fluid and replace with toxic free radiator ICE, clean the sparkplugs and regap if not iridium plugs, check the inline fuel filter, install K & N air filter, clean the radiator fins, put 90 deg angle air valves on the rims, replace tail light bulbs (remember they weren't working on the last trip), do a TB sync and adjust idle, clean & polish windshield, Check all your diagnostic codes when you put everything on, run to the store and get more beer, fill in the blanks of your owners manual of all the stuff you did on the bike, make a list of all the tools you are going to bring on the trip, make a note to yourself that you will leave a nice card for your wife, telling her how much you will miss her when you are on this terrible, long, and hot trip away from her, go for a test ride, scub the tires good, polish the bike, clean my tools and put them away, comeback and fall on the couch, now say to yourself, "I'm the man!"

While you have it off, make sure you grease the splines, check the steering head torque, lube the universal joint, grease the pivot points, check the kickstand switch, lube the clutch cable, change the oil, change the oil filter, dump the radiator fluid and replace with toxic free radiator ICE, clean the sparkplugs and regap if not iridium plugs, check the inline fuel filter, install K & N air filter, clean the radiator fins, put 90 deg angle air valves on the rims, replace tail light bulbs (remember they weren't working on the last trip), do a TB sync and adjust idle, clean & polish windshield, Check all your diagnostic codes when you put everything on, run to the store and get more beer, fill in the blanks of your owners manual of all the stuff you did on the bike, make a list of all the tools you are going to bring on the trip, make a note to yourself that you will leave a nice card for your wife, telling her how much you will miss her when you are on this terrible, long, and hot trip away from her, go for a test ride, scub the tires good, polish the bike, clean my tools and put them away, comeback and fall on the couch, now say to yourself, "I'm the man!"
That's it? What's a fellow to do after the first hour and everything is done?

Ya gotta love it man. Look at the FJRTech instruction printed out right on the garage floor next to the centerstand for handy reference. Just like I do it when I'm wrenchin' on the bike.

Catch up to you in Reno;


Man....what are us farmers supposed to do? Other then be confuzzled. :dribble:

Ya gotta love it man. Look at the FJRTech instruction printed out right on the garage floor next to the centerstand for handy reference. Just like I do it when I'm wrenchin' on the bike.
<coughblowjobcough> ;)

I call bullshit on that whole set of photos... shit stacked up all willy-nilly everywhere and then the tools all neatly laid out on a perfectly cut piece of plywood... Yeah, right. I bet that epoxied floor is photoshopped in, too!


That's what I'm sayin', twn. Except for the background....that has to be a fake pic. :huh:

what picture - what instructions.....

I was too busy watching the naked girl walking and waiting for her to turn around

Ya gotta love it man. Look at the FJRTech instruction printed out right on the garage floor next to the centerstand for handy reference. Just like I do it when I'm wrenchin' on the bike.
That's what I love about the FJR community.

I mean I could do all this stuff by trial & error or even use the "gasp" service manual but it is even easier when you have so many people who have gone before you and went to the effort to document the jobs so well.

Saves some $$ and you know it was done right

Ya gotta love it man. Look at the FJRTech instruction printed out right on the garage floor next to the centerstand for handy reference. Just like I do it when I'm wrenchin' on the bike.
That's what I love about the FJR community.

I mean I could do all this stuff by trial & error or even use the "gasp" service manual but it is even easier when you have so many people who have gone before you and went to the effort to document the jobs so well.

Saves some $$ and you know it was done right

<coughblowjobcough> ;)
I call bullshit on that whole set of photos... shit stacked up all willy-nilly everywhere and then the tools all neatly laid out on a perfectly cut piece of plywood... Yeah, right. I bet that epoxied floor is photoshopped in, too!

It's actually not plywood.

I knew I wanted to raise the bike up a bit to make it easier to get the back wheel/tire off.

With me moving to Italy soon I am doing some serious downsizing of crap I have and didn't need a full or even half sheet of plywood.

I checked out my Lowes, 1 block across the street (comes in handy) but no half sheets or scraps to be had.

What I did was get a 6 foot long fence plank and have them cut it in thirds (free cut)

Funny part was when I told the guy to cut it in three equal parts, his reply:

Lowes Dude: "How long do you want each part to be?"

Me: "Ummm the same as the others :blink: ..."

Lowes Dude: "You want to work the saw, here's my code"

Me: "Let me borrow that tape measure on your belt, Hmmm 6 feet long, each part should be 2 feet, minus the thickness of the radial saw blade"

Lowes Dude: " :dribble: What does blade thickness have to do with anything?

Me: "Forget it, just cut them each 2 feet long please"

Lowes Dude: "After he almost cut his finger off he handed me three pieces 2 feet, 2 inches, 1 foot 10 inches and 2 feet

$2.97 for the board

My daily fill for humor (priceless)

No photoshopping here.

One bad thing about an epoxy floor is it hides tools and screws real easy.

You have to keep things off the floor so they don't get lost.

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Just got two little brown truck of joy emails.

One Friday, One Monday :)

Vstream and some parts from Gary McCoy & a camera mount so I can make some videos for you guys when I am in Europe next year

New shoes with smartire system are mounted and balanced

Tonight I start on wiring, picked up some asphalt loom from Napa (0.69/foot from the Napa San Diego warehouse)

Local Napa store would only sell me a box of 50'

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Just got two little brown truck of joy emails.One Friday, One Monday :)

Vstream and some parts from Gary McCoy & a camera mount so I can make some videos for you guys when I am in Europe next year

New shoes with smartire system are mounted and balanced

Tonight I start on wiring, picked up some asphalt loom from Napa (0.69/foot from the Napa San Diego warehouse)

Local Napa store would only sell me a box of 50'
I'm right behind ya... got to mount 1 more Smartire sensor tomorrow, and maaaybe cut some holes in my stock windshield... last of a shopping list of things I've done pre-WFO...

I was going to wait until after WFO to mount new tires & smartire system but a combination of riding 2000 miles last month and a nail put me much closer to the end of my rear tire than I wanted to risk on a Reno & back trip.

One drawback to not having an off season to work on the bike.

In San Diego, everyday is where should be go today - day

I know what you're thinking...

Did he just complain about not having winter, and "having to" ride year round :blink:

Sometimes I get homesick for MN.

I don't miss 40 below, but I miss the seasons & people.

Well the combination of the fires in southern California and these 100F + days convinced me it was better to stay home then go out riding. Perfect time to do some winter maintenance...

Help my FJR exploded :)


My wife came down to the garage to bring me a cool drink and I told her with a straight face "Honey, I'm not sure if she's gonna go back together, I might have to get a new one"

The look was priceless, but she was 99% sure I was kidding.

So far:

-FJR "blowjob" coolant flush/change


-New brake fluid F & R


-New Michelin Piolt Roads F & R


-Wheels cleaned

-Smartire sensors installed

-New angled valve stems from sportbike effects


-U-Joint cleaned & lubed

-Drive shaft splines cleaned & lubed

-Shaft drive fluid changed

Farkle pile of stuff to wire & install


Naked look


Lots of room under the seat without any ABS stuff


Weatherman says it looks like rain Monday & Tuesday. Perfect day for some electrical projects.

Thanks to Warchild and anyone else who has documented all the projects I have tackled this past week.

Makes it really easy to wrench on the FJR. :)

Should be all back together and ready for Reno by Wednesday

More pics

Future home of my bluesea


PCIII & autocom unit


Napa wire loom (0.69/foot)


Wire, wire & more wire


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OMG! I think I've just discovered FEEJER PORN!
Speaking of porn, this Blowjob technique is the shit!

A few notes on my coolant flush/change.

-Factory fill on my 05 was green coolant.

-A drain and blow leaves room for a refill of about 0.75 gallons

-First flush was about a 60-70% change in color (still see green)

-Second flush was nearly clear

-Third flush I could not smell or see any color in the water

-Since I still had water left & I was changing coolant color I flushed it once more for the hell of it

-To make up my 2 gallons of fresh coolant I used 1 gallon of water. Poured half a gallon of water into an empty gallon jug, then topped both off with fresh coolant.


I bought 4 gallons of distilled water ($0.46/gallon is cheap insurance)

1-New coolant

0.75 gallons for each flush

Might be able to squeeze by with only 3 gallons of the pricey juice (nearly clear after 3 flushes, 2.25 gallons)

Hose I got was from Lowes, 5/8" ID clear vinal tubing (SKU 22275), I got a foot of the stuff for $0.36

Slightly larger ID than the neck of the filler hole, but smaller OD than the cap. I seated the hose tightly inside the cap to get a good seal (Didn't have to shove it down into the neck as it appears in the write-up)

Might be a good idea to mark the mouth end of the hose, if it tastes sweet you have the wrong end :)

When blowing out the stuff that won't gravity drain I found by tucking an 8" x 8" washcloth type of rag in between the hose above the drain plug and then drape the rag over the bucket helps to direct the spray into the bucket vice all over the garage.

I didn't see the need to change out the copper drain washer either but did since I had the part.

Part number if you need it: 90430-06014-00

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My V Stream & 14 spare screws are arriving one day early!

Little brown truck is out for delivery

Gary McCoy rocks! :yahoo:

Just about anything you need, Gary can get for you

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