Japan - Kyushu, Takayama - some pics from out east

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
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Tokyo, Japan
Following Goldenbutt SS2000, I found myself way out in Kyushu Japan. So from there it's all about seeing stuff and great roads! Spent 4 days in Kyushu, then went to meet the girlfriend in Kyoto, after which we went to Takayama, which is an oldy mountain town, some call 'little kyoto' for its old world charm. which many places have lost over time.

So here's some pics, hope you enjoy. If you want more detail on routes, I can get those, but probably doesn't mean much to most of you.... And of course any of you heading out this way, lemme know! (and if you never thought about it, well, let's just say this is the BEST place to ride in terms of good roads, toleration of hooliganism, food, sights.)

Here's the general route. We didn't follow this to letter. Numbers indicate the date (apr 28, 29, etc.). I peeled off o nthe 2nd from Nagasaki....


Here's the crew. People tended to peel off over time and head back. all gaijin..... ! couple aussies, canadian, couple americans, an english guy, 1 norwegian....


This road came to a very abrupt end back there, since the bridge wasn't done. Bit of a pucker moment on that left turn....


Don't see signs like this too often here....


Plenty of beach. Road went right by this spot, didn't get off the bike....


Unfortunately it was a bit hazy in the south.... but you get the idea....


The east coast had some pretty striking coastline with whatever geological term stands for the rock formations leading to the coast.


(those are people wandering around down there)


A smoking mountain.... lots of sulfur smell around this. many parts of Japan are famous for onsen, or hot spring baths, this is one of those regions.


some landscape....


This is some volcano crater lake thing. Kinda neat. Couldn't quite fit it in one shot with my little point and shoot....


them's good roads....


bit more in a sec....

This is a fairly normal dinner. Actually, a bit on the small side, sometimes you get many more little dishes of 'stuff'.


In the spirit of the holiday, I tried strapping this thing on. It didn't last very long. I don't have it anymore....


They have these mirrors EVERYWHERE on small little roads. Makes it much nicer to get through goat tracks that we normally end up on at some point.


Can you see the roads going out there? just awesome.....



Takachiho Gorge. Massive Gorge. Ruined a bit by the stupid rowboats. But still neat.





Nice pictures,k Colin. I forget that Japan is a volcanic island, but the truth comes rushing back when I see your pictures with the different strata on the beach and the picture of the walls of the gorge.

Oh yeah....nice roads!

Nice pictures,k Colin. I forget that Japan is a volcanic island, but the truth comes rushing back when I see your pictures with the different strata on the beach and the picture of the walls of the gorge.
Oh yeah....nice roads!

The gorge walls look fake...it really is funky. I got reminded several times last night about how this place was created with several small-ish earthquakes shaking the house around. I really don't like that part!

ok, after struggling with iPhoto, finally sorted out my upload....few more tidbits to come....

Still on the east coast, campsite right on the water.



same place, a little shrine in the middle of the water.


kinda looks like scotland..... This is going into Aso, which is a biker's paradise. Awesome roads. Unfortunately, it was raining most of the time. also unfortunately, I was not with the group on the return trip to the area....



The group in front of Kumamoto Castle.


FJR only.... :)


This is what you sleep on in a traditional Japanese house. Friend's family place here. Old house. Near Nagasaki.


More of those crazy fish streamers....


Now it gets political. sort of. :rolleyes:

There is a town called Obama, which is famous for hot springs. You can see here even during the day the steam that gets vented. At night it is even more pronounced....


Now, as you can probably guess, a town named Obama is a bit funny.... inside the tourist office there are two kites:


and in the onsen (hot springs bath) i went to this kite, with some form to fill out in support of obama.


was cool to hang out all by myself in the bath overlooking the water.... if you've done it you know what I mean....


My first time to Nagasaki....this is what it sorta looks like. I didn't have time to tourist much more than this tho. So i'll go back sometime....


Big rice fields....


Sake!! This is in Takayama, famous oldy town.


Thanks for the amazing photos and commentary.

In my mind's eye I could not picture (until now) what riding in Japan would be like. The roads, the sights. (The food I was more familiar with ;) )

Well done and keep'em coming.


PS: As for the pic of the Takachiho Gorge, I must disagree with you :huh: the rowboats give you a sense of proportions. Without them, it could have been a huge Norwegian fjord seen from afar...

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Thanks for the amazing photos and commentary.In my mind's eye I could not picture (until now) what riding in Japan would be like. The roads, the sights. (The food I was more familiar with ;) )

Well done and keep'em coming.


PS: As for the pic of the Takachiho Gorge, I must disagree with you :huh: the rowboats give you a sense of proportions. Without them, it could have been a huge Norwegian fjord seen from afar...

yeah, it does help for perspective. But they are really loud, stupid giggling and other doofy noises coming from them. so being there loses a bit. But according to one sign, it says that the best way to see that waterfall is from the river below.... so I guess i should try it before hounding it too much!

And now..... for the just plain silly.

Random series of waterwheels. No, I don't know why.


These yellow plates mean there are 660cc engines in these guys. These are Daihatsu Copen's, mostly souped up. An army. Amusing.


This one is really tricked up in MoMo gear.



Then this thing showed up.... poor thing used to be a harley.



I've decided to start a series on "Dogs (or owners?) that should be Shot or be Cats. And Shot."

This little feisty loved one gets his own stroller (pram). I'm sure he really wants to get out. But then I think you'd hear a 'meow'.


This handsome couple wouldn't let their pugs hit the ground (later they did...admittedly). So stuffing their face with some ice cream, carrying around these little fuzzy things. They wondered what I was taking a pic of. :)

If you look closely, the poor pooch on the right has some stupid little barret (sp?) type things on the 'cheeks' with little blue flowers. sad. very sad.


well, that's about all I got outta this trip....stay tuned for more later kids!


Very cool shots! I have always been somewhat enchanted by Japanese culture ever since I started Ju-Jutsu in high school.

Man, I'm hungry already, and then you have to go and post some real Japanese food. For the love of god, don't post that unless your willing to ship me some!

Beautiful pictures. Was in Japan last year myself. It was lovely. Didn't have the FJR but I don't think I would have negotiated very well with all the signs in Japanese. Do you have to pay road fees to drive in Japan? Some of the people we talked to said the road fees and registration was very expensive. The roads did look very well maintained, but we got around pretty easily on the trains and subways. :rolleyes:

Beautiful pictures. Was in Japan last year myself. It was lovely. Didn't have the FJR but I don't think I would have negotiated very well with all the signs in Japanese. Do you have to pay road fees to drive in Japan? Some of the people we talked to said the road fees and registration was very expensive. The roads did look very well maintained, but we got around pretty easily on the trains and subways. :rolleyes:

Tolls are pricey, all highways have tolls. If you check the Goldenbutt link, the 2000km on the highway cost almost 300$, and that includes 1) the fact that motorcycles are cheaper than cars and 2) a 12a.m.-4a.m. discount gig which made over 1/2 the trip 40% off.....

Signs. No big problem actually. All the national signs are in 'English', so if you know the name, you should be able to figure it out. Most all roads outside the city have numbers. So even with my Japanese Zumo, you can plot your way around using road numbers. There are even some free maps for those of you with US Garmins that you can upload and use to nagivate around here...!

Registration sucks. The inspection every two years is on the order of several hundred dollars. Cheaper if you can do it yourself, but requires some amount of Japanese, and time, neither of which I really want to give to getting a bike inspected!

Bikes themselves are fairly cheap, especially Japanese. Euro ones are a bit pricey compared to what I see in US mags.....

Thanks for the info Colin. I have a son who is an Eastern studies scholar. He served as tour guide for us in Japan. He is traveling to Taipei later this month to study Chinese, so there is a good chance he will have an extended stay in the far east at some time in the near future. Unfortunately, he does not ride motorcycles so I don't think I will be able to borrow a bike if I visit. I hope you have a great time. We spent most of our time in Tokyo and Kyoto. The Japanese people were very friendly, but although they study English in school, most that we met were not comfortable speaking English. We spent a night in a ryokan in Kyoto that looked very much like your pictures of a Japanese house. We ate on the floor and slept on a mat on the floor that was surprisingly comfortable. We also had a 17 course sushi and sashimi dinner that was delicious but I have no idea what most of the dishes were made of beside some type of seafood. Great memories. Thanks for sharing.

If you come to Japan, especially any city, there are plenty of rental places to rent some kind of bike..... just get an International Driving Permit from your local AAA for 5 bucks or so and you'll be good to go....!!
