Biker Shot in Road Rage Incident

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When will people figure it out? You gotta bring a GUN to a GUNfight.
Dude, what's he supposed to do... pull the gun outta the tank bag and walk up to the car? That's guaranteed not to end well. I think the lesson-learned here is don't walk up to anybody's car window in a dispute.

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She will be charged with in voluntary manslaugther and put on probation,

She was Dead wrong in firing that weapon She has no defense

Two idiots confronting each other, somebody gets shot. And what kind of dimwit uses a motorcycle to "block" an SUV? This story is not even motorcycle-related. Could have been two guys on riding lawnmowers. No sympathy for any of them.

poor guy

I hope that both he and his family pull through this challenge .........

..... and from the little info I have, the car driver needs her head examined.

ride safe dudes (and remember - some of them are definitely out to get you!)

I find this an interesting article, combining drama, terror, and mystery in a reasonably novel way. I expect to soon be watching television episodes with this plotline. Perhaps it's worth a movie-of-the-week. I'd cast Wally Cox vs Virginia Mayo, except I think they're both dead.*

From a purely cyclists' viewpoint, here's my critique:

Arguments with automobiles are never a good idea. Maybe some guys haven't noticed that all there is between you and the road, or a Suburban, is what you're wearing. I'd say that was mistake #1.

Dismounting and approaching someone can always be percieved as a threat. That was mistake #2. Compound it by the fact that this was a woman transporting her son.

Mistake #3 was being unprepared. The woman driving the SUV certainly wasn't. For entertainment, or actual value, I offer this:

Mistakes #1 and #2 (and possibly #3 - your choice), indicate mistake #4. That of being stupid, which seems to be a common cause of death for many cyclists. Maybe this guy will live and learn. Two cents says he gives up riding, after this is over.

I can't say who was 'right', because I wasn't there. Further search yeilded this:

My guess, based on what is currently available, is that the woman will get off. Perhaps, deservedly so. At this point, nothing would surprise me. I am amazed, however, that it hasn't been picked up by FOX and CNN. If ever there was a story they could beat to death, for weeks on end, this would be it.

* Please make your casting suggestions for an upcoming movie-of-the-week. Who do you think should play the main characters? What bike should be chosen?

whatever happened the motorcycle rider sure got more than he bargained for.

This sounds suspicious:

Legal experts tell WAVE 3 exactly who opened the door could be key to claims of self-defense.

If Mosier did, it could be perceived as a threat and Parrish would be justified in using deadly force. If Parrish opened her own door like we just heard from the witness, that clouds the issue.

Also a factor is what our witness says happened after Mosier had been shot. Legal experts say it sheds light on the credibility and state of mind of the shooter.

The witness says, "He fell to the ground and then they got out and was over the top of him cussing him, her son was kicking him."

The witness also heard the claims of self defense. She's just not sure what Parrish was defending herself against.

"I didn't see him do anything except for get off the motorcycle and walk back to the vehicle. Why didn't she roll up her window, lock the door? And then if he would have busted the window, yeah, I could see that being self defense," the witness said.

I don't know if it changes with each viewing, but at the end of the article one of the sponsors is the "Dr. Suess Book Club". :D

I have my concealed permit and Va is an iminent danger state-it has to boil down to them or you. Using deadly force to protect property is a one way ticket to the pokey. That being said, in agreement with many posts, a car, a wallet, a tv is not worth ending a life. If she had a permit, and Kieth maybe could fill us in on KY's laws, then she must have had zero training. Sometimes good training convinces you that you are not mentaly equiped to carry. It appears, just from the article, that she was too skittish, insecure and hot tempered to handle the responsibility of carring/possesing something that can end a live toot-sweet. Beyond that, just think of the message of conduct and gun ownership she sent to the youngster with her. Off topic slightly I guess, but one subject with which I care greatly.

Carry on. (pun intended) B)

For entertainment, or actual value, I offer this:
Good article, yes could seem a little 'out there' but does cause one to consider what can happen. I have referenced this one a couple of times here. I agree that by dismounting, he was the impetuous here. Deadly force justified? This one won't make the "Thank God I Had a Gun" sequel.

Good topic starter Kieth.

Add>>>She was sitting in one heck of a weapon, I would tend to use that one first.

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Scrolling down to the comments area was this...

"I know that not many details have been left about this shooting,but I'll fill you in with the ones I got from his nephew. This woman thought that Wes spit on her (I don't know if anyone knows whether he did or not,she was behind him in a car,he may have done so accidently). she then chased him through traffic,cursing and chasing him. Wes ran from her until he got to a "safer" place where he stopped to confront her. He went toward her car and she immediately hit him,then shot him. they then kicked him in the head after he fell to the ground. anyone who knows Wes knows that ome reason he rides a motorcycle is because he has really bad ankles and he hopes riding will help strengthen them. Wes is a Vietnam Vet who is disabled and wouldn't do anything to deserve this."
