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Some call me... The STIG!
FJR Supporter
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
This was in our local OC Register paper this morning. Motorcycle article

At least this article states that cagers must be more aware as well as motorcyclists.

The guy they talk to that's 36, and has 20 years of riding experience, yet in the last 5 years has been in 4 traffic collisions with cars that changed lanes on him, may need to give up riding. IMHO he may not be paying attention very well.

None the less, interesting stuff.

This was in our local OC Register paper this morning. Motorcycle article
At least this article states that cagers must be more aware as well as motorcyclists.

The guy they talk to that's 36, and has 20 years of riding experience, yet in the last 5 years has been in 4 traffic collisions with cars that changed lanes on him, may need to give up riding. IMHO he may not be paying attention very well.

None the less, interesting stuff.
I've just this minute, finished reading that very same article, and came to the same conclusion. Perhaps you can say that a driver surprised you by changing lanes unexpectedly once, but FOUR times? Get a clue!!

The impression that I got from the two articles, on adjacent pages was that Motorcycle = death. Scooter = economical transportation, cool and favored by celebrities. This would have been a great place to suggest what riders, as well as drivers might do to lower the death toll. Keep your (expletive) eyes open and pay attention might be a good place to start.


Simple cure


Simple cure
Enforcement of the talking on a cell phone ban (as of 7-1-08 in CA) will help, but what about the rest of the distractions? Will those same drivers resort to texting (legal) instead? Or will they be too busy with their coffee/soda, cigarette, kids in the back seat, application of make up, shaving, exciting novel/crossword puzzle? Will the dumb ones stay dumb? Will the 'I'm more important than you, so I'm going first, in my 3mpg urban assault vehicle' mentality still exist? Bike, what bike? I didn't see no bike. He musta came outa nowhere.

Simple cure
Will the 'I'm more important than you, so I'm going first, in my 3mpg urban assault vehicle' mentality still exist?
Unfortunatly, that mentality will haunt us til the end of our days. Most people are self absorbed and could care less about anyone else that they do not know directly. Americans for the most part, are not particularly smart.

My comments here about the lane-sharing graphic.

"Kimberly Dunn, a 46-year-old mom from Huntington Beach, has been riding for three years, and she still doesn't feel safe riding on freeways, she said. She rides only on city streets...."

Give me the freeways any day or night of the week over city / town traffic!


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