Vulcan Rescue!

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Purveyor of Crooked Facts
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Skootsdale, AZ
If you have payed attention at all, you know that I, my girlfriend Jane, and over 20 other folks traveled to the north rim of the Grand Canyon 8 days ago. Read about it HERE. Most will also probably remember that Jane's Kawasaki Vulcan 500 did not return from the trip, stranded at Jacob Lake with a flat tire. Well this Labor Day weekend we again traveled to the area to retrieve her poor, lonely motorcycle.

I decided the best course of action was to upgrade my AAA membership to RV+ so I could get the towing for motorcyles (Up to 100 miles). So I did that, and early on Friday morning we left two-up on my FJR for the return trip and Vulcan rescue.

The wildflowers were blooming all over the Flagstaff area. The below photo just doesn't capture the essence, but the best I could do.


Once we arrived at Jacob Lake, it was only a short wait for the AAA flatbed to arrive. It was the same guy that towed the BMW motorcycle mentioned in my ride report from the week prior. He had a long drive to Salt Lake City and back delivering that sick Bimmer. Needless to say, transportation of the two wheeled variety has been keeping him busy.

He towed the Vulcan the 36 miles to Kanab, UT. Below is a photo of the view on the way down the mountain.


The Vulcan's flat was repaired at Kanab Country Motorsports - a small Yamaha and Polaris dealer in Kanab. They installed a new tube (old one had several holes in it) and once again, Jane's Vulcan 500 was ready to strike fear into the hearts of all who dared get close enough. Or at least into small, furry rodents and even that might be a stretch. ;)

We stayed overnight in Kanab, a delightful little town in the middle of nowhere, but with all kinds of great scenery nearby. The evening weather was perfect and a pleasant respite from the Phoenix heat. We enjoyed a nice walk around town. If ever passing through Kanab, a nice place to get a bite to eat is the Three Bears Creamery Cottage. I highly recommend the black licorice ice cream and apple pie. Mmmmmmmm.

We were up early the next morning and before making the trip back to Phoenix, we first diverted to Zion National Park. It's not far from Kanab, and Jane had never been there. So, off we went. This is where my words finally end, and lots of photos begin........















The beautiful Zion National Park behind us....


An uneventful ride home for the two of us thank goodness. Jane's Vulcan is back safe and sound, but she won't be riding it much anymore. But that story is for another post.

If you have never been to Zion, I highly recommend it. The views are incredible. Just be prepared for some heavy traffic during peak summer season. It wasn't too bad for us, but I have seen it much worse.

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An uneventful ride home for the two of us thank goodness. Jane's Vulcan is back safe and sound, but she won't be riding it much anymore. But that story is for another post.
Glad to hear the Vulcan (and the both of you) made it home in one piece. I hope Jane enjoys her new ride.

BTW, nice pics.


Thanks for the pics, very nice!

I made one my desktop background.

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Outstanding pictures and great ride report like usual Senor SkooterG. You should be working for Cycle World or Rider mags.

Technical question: Was there a 2nd nail/brad in the tire that we missed or did we just miss another hole in the tube? Pinch?

Has anyone seen the new movie "Traitor" with Don Cheadle? Outstanding action thriller set against the world of terrorism!

Plot of the movie has you wondering if Samir Horn, the ex US Army Special Forces/CIA operative, is working for the United States or Muslim extremists. A very real similarity would be if we had an FJR Forum Administrator that secretly lusts after and currently has a motorcycle of another marque in his/her garage at this moment and conceals it from his FJR comrades.

When Warchild obtained a Suzuki Hayabusa he did the honorable and right thing by immediately informing FJR Forum of his acquisition. No hiding in the closet for Mr. Dale Wilson! Just for food for thought if an FJR Forum Admin had another make.

Has anyone ever noticed a physical similarity to Greg Marbach and Don Cheadle? Not saying anything of course, but Skoot does have a full sized poster of Ewan MacGregor on his Long Way Down BMW on the wall of his garage. AUTOGRAPHED!!!

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Thanks for the great pics and glad you got the flat fixed. Geeezzzz, it has 20+ years since I've been in that area... need to get back!

Nice post and pictures Greg. Gongrats on the retrieval, the GF and the bike(s). ;)

Beautiful pictures, which bring back fond memories of the trip to NAFO. Isn't Zion of of the most beautiful places there is, to visit on a bike?

You mention that Jane will not be riding the Vulcan? Is that because she fell in love with the FJR and claimed that for her next bike? Women have an eye for style you know, and this is one beautiful bike....... :)

