GPS Class correction

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, NC
I probably should put together a post that lists summary points of what we discussed in the GPS Routing-101 class. Maybe I can do that next week after I dig out from under the workload that pays the bills.

Something I attempted to cover in great detail during the class was how many places routes can be "buried" in the Zumo. I completely forgot to mention the fourth place and only covered three. Here's a quick attempt to correct at least one thing I said wrong over the weekend!


The Zumo tries to do many things for the techno-challenged and generally to prevent us from doing something stupid. One problem all this Zumo anti-stupidity activity presents is it creates four, yes FOUR! places that the same route, with exactly the same name can be stored and you have NO idea from the display which one is where.

We all get stuck in the ritual of trying to reload a route that didn't work the first time over and over.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice, but expecting different results."

I just love that quote, don't you?



1. SD Memory Card - If you have one installed (and IMHO you should!), this is where I recommend you place your GPX files containing routes and waypoints/favorites that you want to load into the Zumo.

I recommend creating a folder structure off the root of the SD card; "\Garmin\GPX\" and drop your (.gpx) files in there for faster loader.

2. Zumo/Garmin Internal Database/Memory - If a route or favorite shows up in the WHERE TO menu, this is where it's stored. Here's my simple way of remembering how to delete those things...

"To delete routes and waypoints, pretend you are going to use them, then EDIT."

Once you are in EDIT mode, you can select one or all and delete away!

3. \Garmin\GPX\CURRENT.GPX - On the Zumo "drive" itself. When you plug up the Zumo to your computer via USB, it goes through the routine of saving a backup of all your routes, waypoints and trip logs in a file named CURRENT.GPX.

4. \Garmin\GPX\TEMP.GPX - Also on the Zumo "drive". This file is created by MapSucks whenever you TRANSFER TO DEVICE. It gets read whenever the Zumo starts up, just like any other GPX file that you place on the Zumo. So if it has new information that's never been seen before, or if you TOOLS, IMPORT DATA; it will be read again.

So there you have it. Four(4) areas that can be holding that same screwed-up route. How do you get rid of all the "bad" copies and start over you ask? The easy answer is making it to EOM and hand me your GPS. But I'm off that hook until next year.



1. Power up the Zumo. Pretend you are going to use the route or favorite, then EDIT. Arrow down and find DELETE. Do it, you'll be okay, I promise! While you are in there, select some of the other 10 million things you don't use and delete them too.

2. Attach the Zumo to your computer via the USB. Assuming you have a SD card installed, you will eventually be presented with two more "drives" on My Computer. (This is where the only friend I allow to own a MAC can chime in to give that perspective... Scab???)

3. Delete the GPX file(s) containing the route(s)/favorite(s) from the SD card. Hopefully you DO remember what you called it/them, don't you!?

4. Delete both the CURRENT.GPX and TEMP.GPX files from the Zumo drive, in its \Garmin\GPX\ folder.

If you are confident in doing the procedure above, you can go ahead and put a fresh copy of the route/favorite GPX file on the Zumo. When you disconnect and the Zumo starts up, you'll get that all-so-familiar prompt of new data being found, do you want to manage it now Dummy!

If you are NOT confident in the procedure, disconnect the USB cable and check the Zumo when it restarts. There should be no sign of that nasty route.



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Thanks for posting this info and for the class Friday night. I learned some good stuff !

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice, but expecting different results."

I just love that quote, don't you?

Yep, reminds me of the times I've tried to reinstall a part on something I'm working on and keep trying to fit it on the same way a few times, even though it won't work :huh:

Thanks for the help with my 2610 while up there Jeff, it worked great after that. Got home today (Monday) after a fantastic ride with gasportrider and buzzz down 219 to 61 west, then 16 south to near Charlotte. Great roads.



This sounds like it would work on a NUVI 760 also....... I would think this thread should be added to GPS bin-o facts, may I cut and paste this ????


and any more info is greatly appreciated ... you sound like you know your stuff... I'm still a fledgling :p :huh:

For those of us who didn't make the class at EOM is there a site (pdf, or whatever) that helps with the topics covered?

I'm being asked about the newer Zumo's and I have an ancient 2610 :) - I can't afford the Zumo yet but I still want to help those who are asking me...

