attendees from points north of Mid Missouri

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glory racing

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2008
Reaction score
Harrison, AR
For any travelers from points north, we have a guest bedroom/bath available if someone needs a stopping point for Wednesday evening. We are in Columbia Missouri (right in the middle of the state on I-70) which is about 4.5 hours north of ES.

Although the direct route is 4.5 hours south, I usually take some of the scenic routes on the way down to ES as there are some really nice roads in southern Missouri that the FJR insists I travel. Initial plan is to leave Columbia Thursday morning around 7:30 - 8 and arriving in ES around 5p.

If you need a stopping point or maybe just want to hook up for the ride down, let me know.



9 hrs to do a 4.5 hr ride. Now who is really "All Day".

I'll catch up, just let me get another tire spooned on.

9 hrs to do a 4.5 hr ride. Now who is really "All Day".I'll catch up, just let me get another tire spooned on.
Ya know I run a pretty conservative pace as I would never knowingly exceed the speed limit. And well, sometimes my little brain just get confused...should I turn left or turn right? I wonder which way has better twisties?? Decisions...Decisions???

Speaking of tires, after last weekend, my rear tire was toast.

FYI for attendees new to the AR area...with so many twisties, it can certainly do a number on your tires. If you are in doubt, put on a new set. Seems like every outing

to AR with a new group, someone ends up needing a new tire during the trip. (Trust will not want to lose riding time once you get there)
C'ya there,

Speaking of tires, after last weekend, my rear tire was toast.
FYI for attendees new to the AR area...with so many twisties, it can certainly do a number on your tires. If you are in doubt, put on a new set. Seems like every outing

to AR with a new group, someone ends up needing a new tire during the trip. (Trust will not want to lose riding time once you get there)
C'ya there,
Mark is right!! Every year several people show up with less than stellar tires and end up wasting a day of riding to get new skins. Definitely change them before you leave for maximum riding pleasure! :D

I might be able to make it for thursday, And if so, Would love to meet up with you for the ride down. :)

Great offer! I'm a bit north but I'm sticking to the western edge of MO (HWY 71) to get there.
The ride through KC and down 71 sucks ass! Course, You already know that. ;)

I suggest taking 71-7-13 to springfield, Then we can all hit 125 to ark, Ride 341 123 and then casually hit Eureka Springs... :yahoo:

Great offer! I'm a bit north but I'm sticking to the western edge of MO (HWY 71) to get there.
The ride through KC and down 71 sucks ass! Course, You already know that. ;)

I suggest taking 71-7-13 to springfield, Then we can all hit 125 to ark, Ride 341 123 and then casually hit Eureka Springs... :yahoo:
I've taken 71-7-13 a few times.... IIRC, that was a sloooow ride behind some slow cars. Unless 13 is 4-lan, I might take 71 to I-44 and meet up with y'all.

What time and where do you want to meet? I'll have to adjust the "launch" time accordingly and ask the pillion about it. We were just planning to "blast" to ES on Thursday and take a leisurely route (through Kansas) on the way back home.

PM me for contact details.

Where is 341/123? I'm looking on google maps...what towns do those roads go through?

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341...aka Push Mountain

I was halfway joking, But we could make this happen! hwy 123 is south of Jasper off hwy 7

BTW, 71-7-13 is ALL 4 lane now, With only a few lights

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Where is 341/123? I'm looking on google maps...what towns do those roads go through?
341 runs south from MT Home AR. It connects 201 and 14, considered by many to be one of the best twisty roads in Arkansas. I agree.

123 is just south and east of Jasper, from Hasty to Lurton, also considered one of the best.

Michelle posted up some GPS routes a couple months ago, 341 and 123 were both included in those files.


I finally found them :)

I'm not sure how the pillion will tolerate 500miles in the saddle. She's not ridden a bike that far before and I'd rather that she be ready to ride Fri/Sat. Also, with a pillion I make more stops than I would just by myself.

I could set the "launch" time and we could haul-ashe to get to Springfield by a certain time. If we decide to just get to ES more quickly, we'll let you know so that you're not waiting. Does your original route take you through Springfield or were you planning on a different route entirely?

125/14/65/62 might be the route I take from Springfield. We'll have ridden almost 370 miles to get to Springfield.

Tempting....but I'll discuss it with the pillion tonight.

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Lets see if this works:
Cody,MO (Springfield) hwy 60&125


Lead Hill,AR

Eureka Springs,AR
That's the route I had planned as well. It didn't strike me until just now that you live *in* (or around) Springfield. Sheesh.... all of this in your backyard. :)

Let me chat with the pillion.

Maybe this could be the route home. She doesn't work Mondays and I could just as well take Monday off.

I do love living here! :)

My plans are penciled in at this point, But should solidify in a few days.

PM sent to you and Glory with contact info.

I think, after the flurry of texts with the pillion, we'll take the boring and more direct route to Eureka Springs. However, this route might be fun to ride on Sunday on the way home.

Lets see if this works:
Cody,MO (Springfield) hwy 60&125


Lead Hill,AR

Eureka Springs,AR

That is a good route. 125 from Bradleyville to 160 is 16 miles of pure sweetness! After riding the ferry across BS Lake, when traveling north on 125, most people turn on 160...They miss the best section of 125. If time/weather allows, I would actually be up to trying to get push mountain in???? We can discuss and adjust as necessary on Thursday.

Lets communicate via pm regarding meeting times/places etc.

Whoo Hoo...more ridin'!!!

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With you being close, We can load up our day and arrive in ES late afternoon.

Push Mountain about 10 times should do it... :lol:

On a sad note, I had a buddy wreck REALLY bad on 14 south of Yellville today... He broke his Tibula and Fibula and arm, With lots of bruises. :( He was air lifted to Springfield today.

With you being close, We can load up our day and arrive in ES late afternoon.

Push Mountain about 10 times should do it... :lol:

On a sad note, I had a buddy wreck REALLY bad on 14 south of Yellville today... He broke his Tibula and Fibula and arm, With lots of bruises. :( He was air lifted to Springfield today.
Sorry to hear of your friends misfortune. Hopefully he/she is doing better today and no internal injuries!

I always hate hearing when people go down. We should use them as a good reminder for us all to be as alert and safe as we can out there. We participate in a sport that can jump up and bite ya!

Looking forward to the trip...c'ya in Cody,

