Detector in Glove Box?

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2005
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Prescott Valley, AZ
Anyone tried using their Escort 8500 X50 wired to work inside their glovebox? I tried mine tonight and it fits just great with just enough room for my H.A.R.D. transmitter as well. Pretty well shoots the glove box for anything else, but if it worked in there, I'd gladly trade off that space to keep my RD somewhat more secure and dry. I've read of others mounting their RD behind fairings and such so I'd think it would work ok in there. Anybody tried this yet and if so, was the sensitivity affected? I'm going to have to find one of those roadside radar signs to test both handlebar and glovebox mounting for comparison, but if someone has already done this homework, please share.

Thanks much.

While it fits in the glove box, I doubt that it would work there.

Metal in front (front cowling stay) and metal to the rear (engine, frame, etc.) would block the signals.

And you can't see the cool voltage display.

Let us know how it works out.

Reduced visibility due to obstructions.

No laser at all.

Not mounted high, so more reduction in effectiveness.

Easier to just ride the speed limit.

While it fits in the glove box, I doubt that it would work there.
Metal in front (front cowling stay) and metal to the rear (engine, frame, etc.) would block the signals.

And you can't see the cool voltage display.

Let us know how it works out.

I just spoke with a tech at Escort who said that no laser signal would be received unless the plastic it was behind was clear. Ka & K band would still get through as long as it's not mounted behind any metal. We discussed the headlight reflector and was told as long as it's not metal, radar signals would still get through to the detector.

Reduced visibility due to obstructions.No laser at all.

Not mounted high, so more reduction in effectiveness.
This information along with quotes like this lead me to believe that this would work. Another option, (too rich for my blood) is to purchase their ZR4 Shifter which has remote sensors (2 front, 1 rear) which is powered off of the X50. You can leave the laser shifter portion off and then put the detector out of sight. $449 is way outa line for me, so I'll be moving mine to the glovebox for some evaluation.

The radar detector will work in the glove box, but will have attenuated signal strength from some angles. While the headlight buckets are plastic, they are metalized to make them reflective. You will be giving up a bit of sensitivity which most of the time won't matter. As the tech at Escort pointed out, you are conceding LASER to the police.

If you can, do something to soften vibrations between the glove box and the detector because any vibes are bad vibes. Heat could be a problem because the radar detector already runs hot and now you will be trapping it in an enclosed box that also gets hot. Next time your radar detector has been running for a while feel the bottom of the detector for heat.

Radar speed signs don't give tickets. Ka-band instant-on Highway Patrol does!

No way would I attenuate the sensitivity by placing the RD in the glove box. Too much metal fore and aft, mostly foreward.

+1 to that.

I turned off the X-band on my Escort because I don't give a damn where the automatic door openers are (and I don't ride much in New Jersey, which is apparently the last bastion of X-band speed radar). Riding and driving around New England highways I have learned that the K band is most often NOT a cop, but is a speed sign or on the Maine Turnpike one of those damn signs that flash the reduced suggested speed for inclement conditions.

These rules change on the 2-lanes as many of the back-road townies ride around with their K-bands on full time, so I pay a little bit of attention there.

But when that Ka does its chirpy-chirpy thing (even just once) you'd better get on the binders, 'cause there's a Smokie nearby for sure. And the next time it goes off it very well may be at full blast, indicating you will be getting hassled with a ticket very soon. If you attenuate that weak signal from the scatter of him hitting some other vehicle ahead of you, that may be your only advance warning of the impending performance award.

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If you guys will just wrap aluminum foil around your wheel spokes, it will defeat the radar, and you won't need detectors. <_<

Trust me....


I have used the Beltronic clone of the Escort in my glove box since I bought my 05 new. I have it wired to my J&B intercom system so I get the audio alert in my earphones . Here are my thoughts:

1. No laser - Yeah, but generally speaking, you are toast anyway if you are lit by laser anyway.

2. No heat problems - The detector has worked fine (at least it hasn't melted!)

3. Attenuation Loss - Can't really speak to it, since where I live (Virginia) outlaws radar detectors. I have to hide the damned thing!!!

4. Real world results - No tickets! However, I can only remember 2 instances where the unit saved me. I must either have a guardian angel, simply ride where the cops aren't, or I'm not speeding fast enough...

I have used the Beltronic clone of the Escort in my glove box since I bought my 05 new. I have it wired to my J&B intercom system so I get the audio alert in my earphones . Here are my thoughts:
1. No laser - Yeah, but generally speaking, you are toast anyway if you are lit by laser anyway.

2. No heat problems - The detector has worked fine (at least it hasn't melted!)

3. Attenuation Loss - Can't really speak to it, since where I live (Virginia) outlaws radar detectors. I have to hide the damned thing!!!

4. Real world results - No tickets! However, I can only remember 2 instances where the unit saved me. I must either have a guardian angel, simply ride where the cops aren't, or I'm not speeding fast enough...
Since you are aware of that, I'm sure that you also know that the VA cops aren't just looking at you to determine if you have an illegal RD. They are also listening to their radar detector detector (no I didn't stutter). In areas that radar detectors are illegal, law enforcement use a device called the Spectre that is able to detect the use of radar detector in your car, truck or motorcycle's glovebox. For more information on the Spectre, click here.

What they would (legally) be able to do after they pull you over, to find a hidden but operating RD I am unsure.

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Escort claims that their detectors are undetectable by detector detectors,but since I don't have a detector detector I don't actually know if my detector is undetectable.

Dont have a 8500, but I do have a 9500i, and it wont fit in the box. Besides that the 9500i has GPS which allows you to silence all those pesky false alarms and radar speed signs, you just need to be able to hit the button when the false alarm goes off.

With a laser you are usually toast as was mentioned earlier, tight transmission, about a 36" dia circle focused on the front license plate of cars.. HOWEVER they have to be where they can see you and that is a two way street so stay alert, lerts live longer. like my 8500s and like them out in the wind so to speak, more sensitivity IMO, beware of any little flickers. Have a screamer plugged in, quite audible. X is off usually although I was told this is still used in some national parks. Tickets in NPs stay there so that could be a small blessing for folks, they just collect the revenue. Only accessory electronic on my bikes are detectors. It is all part of the riding challenge.

I have used the Beltronic clone of the Escort in my glove box since I bought my 05 new. I have it wired to my J&B intercom system so I get the audio alert in my earphones . Here are my thoughts:
1. No laser - Yeah, but generally speaking, you are toast anyway if you are lit by laser anyway.

2. No heat problems - The detector has worked fine (at least it hasn't melted!)

3. Attenuation Loss - Can't really speak to it, since where I live (Virginia) outlaws radar detectors. I have to hide the damned thing!!!

4. Real world results - No tickets! However, I can only remember 2 instances where the unit saved me. I must either have a guardian angel, simply ride where the cops aren't, or I'm not speeding fast enough...
Since you are aware of that, I'm sure that you also know that the VA cops aren't just looking at you to determine if you have an illegal RD. They are also listening to their radar detector detector (no I didn't stutter). In areas that radar detectors are illegal, law enforcement use a device called the Spectre that is able to detect the use of radar detector in your car, truck or motorcycle's glovebox. For more information on the Spectre, click here.

What they would (legally) be able to do after they pull you over, to find a hidden but operating RD I am unsure.
There is hope that Virginia will agree with the rest of the United States on Radar Detectors. This was in the Virginian Pilot, Norfolk, Virginia Beach paper.

Already, the Senate and House of Delegates have voted to raise the speed limit on interstate highways to 70 mph, a measure championed by Gov. Bob McDonnell.

Now a proposal to repeal Virginia's long-standing, unique-in-the-nation ban on radar detectors is advancing through the House.

Del. Joe May's bill, HB674, was approved 11-8 by the House Transportation Committee on Thursday morning and now moves to the House floor. May, R-Leesburg, is the committee chairman.

The ban on radar detectors has been on the books since 1962, and similar laws have been enacted in other states. All but Virginia have repealed them.

Hope it happens.

I have used the Beltronic clone of the Escort in my glove box since I bought my 05 new. I have it wired to my J&B intercom system so I get the audio alert in my earphones . Here are my thoughts:
1. No laser - Yeah, but generally speaking, you are toast anyway if you are lit by laser anyway.

2. No heat problems - The detector has worked fine (at least it hasn't melted!)

3. Attenuation Loss - Can't really speak to it, since where I live (Virginia) outlaws radar detectors. I have to hide the damned thing!!!

4. Real world results - No tickets! However, I can only remember 2 instances where the unit saved me. I must either have a guardian angel, simply ride where the cops aren't, or I'm not speeding fast enough...
Since you are aware of that, I'm sure that you also know that the VA cops aren't just looking at you to determine if you have an illegal RD. They are also listening to their radar detector detector (no I didn't stutter). In areas that radar detectors are illegal, law enforcement use a device called the Spectre that is able to detect the use of radar detector in your car, truck or motorcycle's glovebox. For more information on the Spectre, click here.

What they would (legally) be able to do after they pull you over, to find a hidden but operating RD I am unsure.
I use a radar detector (SOLO S2) when traveling outside VA. I do enough traveling out to middle US that I wanted the added help as speeds tend to creep up in those states like NE, KS, SD, etc where the roads go on forever. That being said, I was aware the VA and DC say 'no,no' to the RD. I always thought that they were ok to own just not use. That is the case, but state law says that they are illegal to have in the vehicle. They can be confiscated on the spot. The police have to have sufficient cause to search your vehicle. I would bet that a positive alert on their RDD would be it.

On a side note, because I am a noob to RD usage and do not trust them, I leave all alerts on. To me it is assuring when I hear the thing go off and then see the "You are speeding sign in a work zone" sign. I tend not to use it when I go through a town anyway, so I am unaffected by automatic doors. Thus because I still do not trust it, I would put it just as high and unobstructed as possible.......just not in VA.

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