Windshield Fasteners

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Intramural Culture Warrior
Staff member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
I was the lucky guy who got to ride Skooter's maimed FJR back to civilization and got to look things over a bit. I know there has been discussion about the plastic screws holding on the windshield and I can say they worked exactly as planned for this occasion. There were seven "nubs" with thread showing where it seemed obvious that the screw portion of the heads sheared off at impact. The windshield actually remained intact and unbroken for use another day. The W frame looked completely unharmed as well.

I can't swear that there is no chance that they could pop off with a +6 windshield at full extension and at FJR nominal speed, but if I had any thoughts of switching them out to metal fasteners....I abandoned that thought this weekend. Partly because I want a windshield breaking off as designed in case of a get-off or an over-the-handelbars Superman....but also because if there had been stronger fasteners in this wreck I think it would have screwed up the W frame.

...just something I thought people might be interested in.

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Thanks for the report.

I left the oem plastic fastners on when I switched to a Cal-Sci taller windshield.

Certainly an unfortunate way to test the fastners design though :(

Get well soon skooter

I came to that same conclusion at the EOM :)

That part was designed just about right ;)

My only complaint with them is that the heads are too easy to strip out! I thought about converting to metal screws, But i think i will deal with the stripping heads instead of getting beheaded! :eek:

I think Rogue has all metal screws... Care to replace them now?

I think Rogue has all metal screws... Care to replace them now?
I'm going to be the last person that suggests anybody do anything. No judgments made or implied. Please don't turn this one into anything other than me expressing an opinion and observation. I'd hate to have to move my own thread to NEPRT. ;)

I think Rogue has all metal screws... Care to replace them now?

I changed mine because of messing up the OEM ones, I have been planning on getting stock ones next time I place an order with Gary... it just isn't at the top of my list. After all its only a problem if you fall down and I don't plan on doing that! (Knock on wood!) :fool: :fool: :D :D :D

I hit a turkey vulture last week while riding in Arkansas. Those suckers are heavier than they look! The plastic windshield bolts broke off. I was able to go back and find the windshield and the "W". If the screws weren't breakaway, there might have been more damage. The rest of the trip would have been a PITB without the windshield. I went to an auto supply store and purchased 5mm metal screws but will replace them when I get home. Ian, Iowa

I was the lucky guy who got to ride Skooter's maimed FJR back to civilization and got to look things over a bit. I know there has been discussion about the plastic screws holding on the windshield and I can say they worked exactly as planned for this occasion. There were seven "nubs" with thread showing where it seemed obvious that the screw portion of the heads sheared off at impact. The windshield actually remained intact and unbroken for use another day. The W frame looked completely unharmed as well.
I can't swear that there is no chance that they could pop off with a +6 windshield at full extension and at FJR nominal speed, but if I had any thoughts of switching them out to metal fasteners....I abandoned that thought this weekend. Partly because I want a windshield breaking off as designed in case of a get-off, but also because if there had been stronger fasteners in this wreck I think it would have screwed up the W frame.

...just something I thought people might be interested in.
I had the experience with my Rifle Touring windshield when I had a get-off in May. Screen was completely undamaged and is back in use. Cost: 7 plastic screws - neat. btw, screen remains firm at terminal velocity, and it is a big sucker.

Getting my Calsci medium this week, and just got back from the Hardware store...

7 Stainless philip head screws, $1.50 One of my plastic screws was totally stripped out on top..

Had to drill it.. messed up from assembly guy (i would imagine).. I never even looked at until I went to replace them...

I honestly could care less myself about it if I hit a F*ckin Duck, I want that thing to stay put...

No beheadings for me either... :)


I came to that same conclusion at the EOM :)

That part was designed just about right ;)

Hmmm how did you come to that conclusion??

I was nice enough to test those out for ya. Now I carry a few extra for the next time I fly through the windshield.


I wasn't naming names :D But yes, test it quite well you did and I much appreciate that.

I'm more glad though that you didn't get hurt and damage was minimal too.


My only complaint with them is that the heads are too easy to strip out! I thought about converting to metal screws, But i think i will deal with the stripping heads instead of getting beheaded! :eek:
I think Rogue has all metal screws... Care to replace them now?

:D :D :D :D

The W frame looked completely unharmed as well.
No... look closer. There are two tabs broken off the back of the W. The tabs are in the windshield support secured by screws. The tabs can be glued back on, but you then have an unknown breakaway force... even if you save $66. Don't ask how I know all this. :glare:

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First of all I totally agree about the plastic bolts/ screws for the windshield but I came across this

Would these be the same screws but in different material?
No. By definition the different material makes them different screws.

They may fit dimensionally, but it doesn't much matter compared with the subject of this thread. Being aluminum instead of engineered plastic they aren't going to strip with the same force. They would require much more force to break or strip.

Also the nuts are completely different. The stock ones are brass or bronze alloy nuts embedded in a plastic or rubber case that act like grommets against the acrylic windshield.

I believe those would be for the R1/R6 style shield, or one of the earlier sportbike style/non-adjustable sport shields, not that barn door we carry.

Also the nuts are completely different. The stock ones are brass or bronze alloy nuts embedded in a plastic or rubber case that act like grommets against the acrylic windshield.
Those are called "well nuts" and are available at your local harware store... in US thread sizes to match the US thread sized nylon screws. At least my local hardware store did not have nylon screws in metric sizes. If he did carry metric nylon screws, I likely would have bought the screws there instead of from Yamaha. (The nuts are reusable, IMO... if they're not lost/missing.)

You'll pay about $14 for the set of seven from Yamaha X 2 = $28. (screws and well nuts)

Personally, that's not enough to bother with so long as you can get your hands on them from Yamaha and the local hardware isn't going to give them away. Plus... Yamaha's fit for sure.

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Those are called "well nuts" and are available at your local harware store... in US thread sizes to match the US thread sized nylon screws. At least my local hardware store did not have nylon screws in metric sizes. If he did carry metric nylon screws, I likely would have bought the screws there instead of from Yamaha. (The nuts are reusable, IMO... if they're not lost/missing.)
You'll pay about $14 for the set of seven from Yamaha X 2 = $28. (screws and well nuts)

Personally, that's not enough to bother with so long as you can get your hands on them from Yamaha and the local hardware isn't going to give them away. Plus... Yamaha's fit for sure.
Once again, Gary McCoy at U motors will better that by more than half. Just got some new screws a bit ago, don't have the slip handy, but way less than expected, about $13 for all (screws and nuts) IIRC.

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