CLASS at Barber

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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St. Louis, MO
There were several FJRs representing all avaliable years at Barber Motorsports on Sunday and Monday Oct 8/9 to take Reg Pridmore's CLASS motorcycle schools.

Official pictures won't be avalilable until Friday, but I got some "aftermath" shots from my bike and should have some video shot from the Museum and off the main building roof maybe later this week.





The FJR seemed to represent well on the track.

And before anyone asks, those are Dunlop Qualifiers. Try as I might, I could never get them squirlly or out of shape, even stepped out the back end on a poor up shift, the tire was predictable and recovered nicely. Now if only I could get 8000+ miles on them...

Looks like you had a good time based on the pictures. Will look forward to seeing the video.


I took the Pridmore CLASS at Barber as well. Met ShadowFax early but we rode in different classes. I enjoyed the class a lot. It was my first time on a track and I absolutely loved it. Pictures come out Friday. I rode on a new set of Pirelli Diablo Stradas. They held the track really well and turned quite nicely. I have no complaints with them so far. The conditions were optimal though. Dry and clean. Will definitely do it again.

I took the Pridmore CLASS at Barber as well. Met ShadowFax early but we rode in different classes. I enjoyed the class a lot. It was my first time on a track and I absolutely loved it. Pictures come out Friday. I rode on a new set of Pirelli Diablo Stradas. They held the track really well and turned quite nicely. I have no complaints with them so far. The conditions were optimal though. Dry and clean. Will definitely do it again.

Did you eat up the tires in a day or can you get another class or two from them??

Which Class did you take? experienced or novice?

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Did you eat up the tires in a day or can you get another class or two from them??
Which Class did you take? experienced or novice?
Last year I did two days at RoadAmerica on a set of new Z6s, then put another 9000miles on the rear and 12k on the front. I could certainly have done more track days with them.

The Qualifiers I ran Sunday/Monday had only two CLASS days at Road America this year on them, so the shot above is after 2 days at Road America and 2 at Barber. They have plenty of time left, tho I did not ask if they would make another CLASS inspection.

Go easy on the throttle and be as smooth as you can and the tires will last.

They split up into "A" and "B", with "B" being more "reserved" riders. I ran "B" on Sunday as that was my first time at Barber and I didn't want to be a mobile chicane for the fast guys. I ran "A" on Monday and didn't have anyone complain.

I rode the "B" class because this was my first time on track. It worked out well. The only time I was passed was by instructors and once by Reg Pridmore when he was 2 up :huh: . I guess that's why he teaches the class. I think riding "B" for my first time on track was a good decision. I did not have to be distracted by faster riders and I did not have to force a line if I goofed. I could have ridden in "A" after a few sessions but then I would have been one of the slower riders compared to the GSXR's and the like. I'm comfortable with my decision. It also allowed me to make numerous passes during each session which was a good experience.

The Strada's are not trashed. They were definitely interesting to look at after a session. You could tell the difference of coming off of the track and say a good run at Deal's. If I get to take the class at Barber again, I will probably buy the Qualifiers or maybe the Pirelli Corsa's.

If you have not gone onto a track before; I highly reccomend it. It was one of the best times I have ever had. :yahoo:

Nice pics and write ups.

I take the CLASS once or twice a year, and I go Nov 2 to Willow Springs. It will be the first time with the FJR, I usually take the R-1 or other sportbikes.

Glad you liked the Dunlop Qualifiers, I have a set waiting to go on, just for the CLASS day.

I know a lot of folks have complained about the CLASS school, citing the lack of instruction, etc.

Of all the track days and track schools I have completed, it is, hands down, my favorite.

Again, great pics and glad you had a good time! :clapping:

I know a lot of folks have complained about the CLASS school, citing the lack of instruction, etc.Of all the track days and track schools I have completed, it is, hands down, my favorite.

CLASS, more than any other school, you get out what you put into it. You need to take the initiative and grab an instructor and ask questions. If you are not obviously screwing up they will not make a point of stopping you.

My first CLASS was back in 99 and I remember the actual class room instruction being much better (same people, same AV boards, but Reg was more structured and gave point-by-point "work on this this time out, how was that, ok now work on this this time out")

Nowadays, to get the most out of it, buy the book beforehand so you get the basics and have gone over the material once.

Reasons I go to CLASS:

Limited bike prep. No taping headlights/taillights/reflectors/ad nauseum. No water instead of antifreeze.

Just pull the brake light bulbs and tape or fold the mirrors.

smooooth instructors

consistent students (no squids, only a few serious fast guys who usually have an instructor with or watching)

good pacing

(pls note I have been to one open track day and no other schools so some of the above is conjecture from talking with others, reading reviews, etc)

Hey Shadow, If I may take from other threads posted here...

with all that Rash on the bike you must not have you suspension set up correctly! :D

The REAL question is did you drag a knee :p

Hey Shadow, If I may take from other threads posted here...with all that Rash on the bike you must not have you suspension set up correctly! :D

The REAL question is did you drag a knee :p

I had everything set correctly except ride height, which I don't want to crank up as I have a hard enough time with my 30" inseam now.

I did crank up the preload a little, but got a bunch of chatter braking for turn 5, so I backed it out.

No pucks = no knee dragging

I'll wait for the pro photos to see how close I got anyway. FYI a big drawback to my Rick Mayer seat is the "comfort wings" on the sides make it hard to smoothly slide on/off the seat. I'm just sure I'm losing a 1/10 sec in the transition :lol:


video from Road America last year, Reg blow by me in the kink commenting on the "big touring bike"

first lap out in the session and I'm not running too hard yet.

Hey Shadow, If I may take from other threads posted here...with all that Rash on the bike you must not have you suspension set up correctly! :D

The REAL question is did you drag a knee :p
I'am leaving for a two day class on monday and tue. This willbe my first time to take a class.

I have been riding for more thae 35Yrs. Have raced on dirt 20+ yrs ago. After riding my new FJR

thhis summer well since July 1, I though I had better learn more.

This FJR is fast . The only thing that I've had in the past was a Saber65. It was fast but only in a stright line.

I'am leaving for a two day class on monday and tue. This willbe my first time to take a class.I have been riding for more thae 35Yrs. Have raced on dirt 20+ yrs ago. After riding my new FJR

thhis summer well since July 1, I though I had better learn more.

This FJR is fast . The only thing that I've had in the past was a Saber65. It was fast but only in a stright line.
Infineon? Make sure you get Reg's book (and get him to autograph it) - much easier than trying to take notes.

Also, after you get used to the track, be sure to stop at the Help Desk and grab an instructor occasionally for fast feebback and pointers. It's a great time.

Oh, and don't tape over anything but your mirrors and use painters tape for that. For the taillights, pop the passanger seat and remove the center two lightbulbs. I always see FJRs with the rear tapped all to hell when it only takes 30 seconds to pull the bulbs.

Have fun

I'am leaving for a two day class on monday and tue. This willbe my first time to take a class.

I have been riding for more thae 35Yrs. Have raced on dirt 20+ yrs ago. After riding my new FJR

thhis summer well since July 1, I though I had better learn more.

This FJR is fast . The only thing that I've had in the past was a Saber65. It was fast but only in a stright line.
Infineon? Make sure you get Reg's book (and get him to autograph it) - much easier than trying to take notes.

Also, after you get used to the track, be sure to stop at the Help Desk and grab an instructor occasionally for fast feebback and pointers. It's a great time.

Oh, and don't tape over anything but your mirrors and use painters tape for that. For the taillights, pop the passanger seat and remove the center two lightbulbs. I always see FJRs with the rear tapped all to hell when it only takes 30 seconds to pull the bulbs.

Have fun
Infineon Yes

Thanks, I wentout side I took the taillights out you'r on the mone

took 30secs. Have lots of painters tape as wife is paining the outside

of the house. Should have the jobe done by the time I get back.

good idea about hthe book.
