Passing rednecks in the country

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
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Bloomington, MN
Forgive me if this was posted anywhere else here already, I could not find it. This is one of the reasons I slow way down and pass people in a fairly civil manner, usually with a little polite wave. Not that I'm afraid of violence so much, but more so the idea I have that most rural folks are buddies with the Sheriff and have their phone number ready to call in 'pesky crotch rockets' like the FJR! I'm always of wary of pissing someone off and having a speed trap setup 5 miles up the road when I'm doing double the speed through the twisties.

The video pretty much explains it all. However I would have kept my gloves on and gone after this guy, crow bar or not.

what a ******* redneck,***** his sister and iq deficit ,inbred *******.love to see what happened when the cops showed up.

Redneck probably earned a few citations there, but it's the "assault with a deadly weapon" charge that will probably cost the most, and won't require an officer to have witnessed it.

Loved the redneck's body language. Amazing that didn't escalate even further after the stop, but judging from his driving and then grabbing a crow bar, that's one redneck who is on borrowed time -- sooner or later, someone is going to be armed and react out of fear for his life.

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Amazing! I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when the cops showed up. Wonder why Mr Redneck didn't just take off? Did he honestly believe that he was the innocent party and that the crotch rocket pilots were the ones at fault? I hope the tape is able to be used to nail him. Assault with a deadly weapon, plus one citation for each time he crossed the double yellow line.

What saddens me the most is not that he did it, but that he appeared oblivious to what he'd done.

My last assault...

A dark blue Nissan Titan extended cab. Tinted windows. AR tag# 149ESN.

He tried to kill me. 3 years ago. *******...(I carry the info in my wallet in case I ever do get run off and die. It might not be him that did it that time, but at least they'll check him out...)

Dealing with redneck drunks for 35 years or so, your best bet is to stay clear.

If, when you start a pass and they swerve to put you in the ditch, stop, turn around, ride a few miles the opposite way. You are pissed and want to kill them, sure.. Take a deep breath...

Remember why you are there riding. It sure as heck is not to get in a fight... Or shot.. (Usually guns are nearby.)

Let 'em go. You will not be able to correct their behavior. (Yes you could shoot them, if you're carrying, but it will make you miss several days of work.)

Call the tag if you can get cell service.

You can't fix stupid. Don't try.

Words to live by....


Still alive in Arkansas....

Call the tag if you can get cell service.
IME not even worth using the battery power.... One time I was heading into Frontage road near Orlando Int'l Airport. There's a 30mph blind right hand corner, and as I start tilting into it WHOOSH the Caddy behind me passes me! WTF! Then there's another WHOOSH as an oncoming pickup gets run off the road by the Caddy! WTNFB!?!

So I got the tag number, went back to the pickup (the driver is freaking out and REALLY PISSED OFF) and we call FHP. Their reaction is "who cares? we didn't see it, so it didn't happen."

"but I have the driver here who got run off the road..."

"We didn't see it, so it didn't happen."

Nice, huh?

So I got the tag number, went back to the pickup (the driver is freaking out and REALLY PISSED OFF) and we call FHP. Their reaction is "who cares? we didn't see it, so it didn't happen."

"but I have the driver here who got run off the road..."

"We didn't see it, so it didn't happen."

Nice, huh?
There's a reason I distinguished (in post 3 above) between other possible charges that are minor traffic charges (e.g., driving over the yellow line) and the "assault with a deadly weapon" felony charge. In most, if not all states, a LEO can only cite for a minor offense (in Calif, that's infractions and misdemeanors) IF he witnesses it occur. That's NOT a requirement for a felony. There's a bit of a gray area about witnessing the act vis witnessing evidence of the act (e.g., as occurs with drunk drivers parked on the roadway), so it'd be nice to hear a LEO's take on it, but I'd bet that's why you got the response you did -- they were seeing it as a right of way offense that required a LEO to witness to cite it. Not the most diplomatic way to deal with concerned members of the public, however. :(

In the YouTube video of this thread's starring *******, the video should be analyzed by the DA to decide if there's evidence of the necessary intent to turn a merely negligent or even reckless traffic offense into an intentional assault with a deadly weapon felony. I'd say he has cause to worry that he will be charged.

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Here's another one:

"DC's highest court ruled that the police do not have a legal responsibility to provide personal protection to individuals, and absolved the police and the city of any liability."

Nice, huh? We're on our own out here.
Yep. That's one of the best appreciated and most cited facts that we gun owners and proponents of concealed carry cite regarding the reasons for owning and training to use defensive firearms.

And the issue is well illustrated in the YouTube video and Crash Cash's story -- the cops can't be everywhere to stop the criminal acts; they're usually only responding after the fact -- to arrest and/or clean up the mess.

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Happened to me about a year and a half ago. Guy in front of me at a light. Doesn't move when it goes green. Just as I'm reaching for the horn button, he goes, reaches all of 8 miles an hour. When the double yellow for the intersection clears I make to pass, thinking he's got some kind of engine trouble, and he swerves to block, speeding up a little at the same time. I drop back to give him room, he slows down, eventually stops up ahead. He starts again as I approach slowly, and again reaches all of 8, and is swerving back and forth while I sit behind him, just because he can. I see an opening, gun it and get by, and he comes after me! I keep the twist in my right hand, it's a long straight empty road (we have a lot of those here) and I'm up to 90 when I need brakes for the yield at the end, a 45-degree right into a merge lane. He's there, and merges first behind me and tries to overtake. I gun it and pull in front, then turn left into a crowded restaurant parking lot. (I'm certainly not going to lead him home, right?) He pulls up, gets out and comes at me. I'm like, "C'mon dude. I'm wearing armor, a helmet, and hard gloves!" His buddy gets out of the truck and restrains him, apologizes to me, says his friend is drunk and doesn't know what he's saying or doing.

Drunk???? No ****??? Why the **** is he driving, and why the **** is he trying to kill me? Does he think by passing him that I grabbed his gonads and stole them while I went by? Is he less of a man because I passed him? And why the **** are you riding with him if he's drunk? Do you not value life?

About this time another truck pulls up and blocks the offender's truck in, he was behind the merge and saw that part, and came to offer assistance to me. Just as I'm explaining that all will shortly be good, the cop arrives from my Bluetooth 911 call during the incident. 3 minutes from my call! Awesome.

Why didn't I turn around? I felt that he would turn around and come to me. The road had no cross streets, no way off, narrow wet shoulders with ditches, and the intersection I went for is much easier to negotiate than the one I just came from. (45-degree right with a merge lane vs. 90-degree traffic light crossing a 4-lane road.) And there was a commercial location just past that intersection, a crowd I could use for witnesses, while turning around just led me to a residential area.

The cop took my story, tried to take the other guy's, but all he could say was why he didn't have to take that **** from that piece of **** biker. Credibility fell a bit from that, I think. And the breath smell. Both guys in the truck were taken in, and I hope the passenger pulled out OK. He wasn't drunk, but he certainly didn't help by letting his buddy behind the wheel. Apparently justice didn't need my assistance, as I never heard from anybody that my presence was required anywhere to give testimony.

Nevertheless, seeing him try to stay with me was the most fear I've ever had on the bike. I fully believed the bike was capable of loosing this guy, and had I stayed in it rather than settling for 90, it would have. He stayed there, though, and of course I had no idea of his intentions, thus the 911 call and the dive into witness heaven. I sincerely hope he's in jail, still.

Some people have such a low opinion of themselves that they take personally the slightest imaginary offense and do whatever it takes to set things "right."

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I also had a hick in a big red pickup try to hit me on a 30mph road on the way to work simply because I merged in front of him because there was a fire truck blocking my lane ahead. He re-passed me IN my lane and swerved over to try to hit me, then brake checked me once I was behind him. I really considered some revenge on him since I had his license, but I figured he's not worth my time.

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In most, if not all states, a LEO can only cite for a minor offense (in Calif, that's infractions and misdemeanors) IF he witnesses it occur. That's NOT a requirement for a felony. There's a bit of a gray area about witnessing the act vis witnessing evidence of the act (e.g., as occurs with drunk drivers parked on the roadway), so it'd be nice to hear a LEO's take on it, but I'd bet that's why you got the response you did -- they were seeing it as a right of way offense that required a LEO to witness to cite it.

If that is true then there is no reason for riders to be worried about cell phone calls to the police after passing a motorist illegally? I know this possibility is what keeps many from passing on the double yellow even though it may be safe to do it. I'm sure that I have heard stories of cops tracking down a biker after only getting a complaint by phone. Maybe it varies by jurisdiction?

In most, if not all states, a LEO can only cite for a minor offense (in Calif, that's infractions and misdemeanors) IF he witnesses it occur. That's NOT a requirement for a felony. There's a bit of a gray area about witnessing the act vis witnessing evidence of the act (e.g., as occurs with drunk drivers parked on the roadway), so it'd be nice to hear a LEO's take on it, but I'd bet that's why you got the response you did -- they were seeing it as a right of way offense that required a LEO to witness to cite it.

If that is true then there is no reason for riders to be worried about cell phone calls to the police after passing a motorist illegally? I know this possibility is what keeps many from passing on the double yellow even though it may be safe to do it. I'm sure that I have heard stories of cops tracking down a biker after only getting a complaint by phone. Maybe it varies by jurisdiction?
I'm no lawyer (nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night) but I've heard that there are things (speeding etc) which in some jurisdictions requires that the cop actually see what happened. I think this requirement exists so that you can't call up and say "that biker was going 140 mph" because it's your neighbor and you hate how his leaves blow onto your lawn. A civilian doesn't have a trained eye to judge speed so it becomes a "my word against yours" and that won't clear the "beyond a reasonable doubt" hurdle.

I too have heard of cops tracking down the offending driver (motorcycle or car), but then gave a warning, not a ticket.

A more likely scenario is that the passed cager gets pissed, calls the cops, and the cops set up down the road (if convenient) and then acutally clock you going 90mph in a 25mph corner and, rather than be impressed with your body position and how you look through a turn, cite you for excessive speed, careless driving and if another vehicle is present, reckless driving.

A lot of times when I see a potential idiot,*******, I will stay behind them. They may be annoying as hell but I feel safer behind where I can see them. They usually turn off or I will to avoid an accident. It appeared on that road it was hard to get clear of him with small towns and lots of stops. Some of these idiots can't stand to be passed for what ever reason. I would think that a guy who enjoys riding Quads would not hate motorcycles. Luckily this one had a good ending!

Oh .. another thing .. while it is fun to blow by the slowpokes in top gear with the motor singing and show them how fast we can go, it's generally not a good idea. We can't do anything about the drunk rednecks (is that why these stories all involve pickups?) but more often than not, it's an a housewife, teenager, retired korean war vet, accountant, or other mild-mannered driver. They get startled when suddenly a bike comes out of nowhere with the exhaust screaming past their open window and proceed to tell the story of the suicidal crazy biker phucks who cut them off and they're tired of hearing about the crashes and ambulances and blah blah blah. Better to be nice about passing cars and trucks in lower gears and not a huge differential in speed.

I hate the thought that my wife, on her SV650 and not obviously a woman in all her gear (unless she's got her pink jacket on) may cross paths with someone we've pissed off and then transfer all that rage onto her.


And one day .. Uncle Jim Bob gets up in the morning and since he was planning on helping a friend at the women's shelter tear down a yard shed he throws his crowbar into the truck and goes to work riding a combine harvesting corn. Around lunch he heads to the bar for a sandwich where his cousin works the taps and has a couple brewskies and hears about how the farm bill no longer has subsidies for high fructose corn syrup and figures he can't afford his ATV anymore and he's sort of getting pissed at the crunchy granola anti-corn-syrup-hippies (I mean, it's corn syrup right? isn't corn a healthy vegetable?) and the elitist politicians they elect just don't know how much they need those subsidies to compete with the Brazilians. On his way back to work he stops in at home to throw the ATV into his red pickup truck so he can sell it and talks to his grandma Nanny who lives with them because grampop died and didn't leave them any money but he takes care of his kin and can't kick Nanny out or even take her license away and she's telling him how coming back from the Baptist church bake sale and snake handling that morning she suffered a little stroke and almost a heart attack when one of them crazy-drug-dealing-loud-ass-taking-lords-gift-of-life-for-granted bikers passed her real fast from out of nowhere and even gave her a little stroke and "here, it's hot out there today, grab this six-pack for the long day up in the combine". Jim Bob gets back into his truck with all these thoughts rumbling in his head and realizes it's getting warm so he opens a beer .. just one okay? save the rest for later when he's out in the field going 10 mph .. and he's still warm and as he's trying to get his overshirt off cause he knows he'll be more comfy in just his wifebeater and kind of swerves a little to the left trying to get it off and HOLY CRAP where did that bike come from ?!?!??! Well, he has the ATV in back and can't really see behind him... dammit now he's late getting to work so he speeds up but this ******* biker in front doesn't know how to ride and must not be from around here since he doesn't seem to know the corners as well... and besides, who the hell can take time off during the day to play on their motorcycles? Jesus he is going slow, gonna make Jim Bob late for work and why won't that biker just get out of my way and stop slowing me down? ********* he's stopping and blocking my right turn, is something wrong with his bike? I'll get my crowbar out, maybe I can fix it, pry something apart? Nah I'll call AAA to help dammit I'm gonna be late for work ...
