Which (Cee Bailey) windshield to buy?

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
West Hills, CA
Soo my bike came with a Cal Sci windshield, I measured it as 23" high on the bike which I believe is an XL or maybe an XXL (not 100% sure here as Cal Sci doesn't provide dimensions on their site and precise measuring is difficult with the frame on the bottom and some trim on the top added by the previous owner).


I'm pretty tall (6'5") with a relatively short (34") inseam which means I have a very long torso.



With the current shield in the fully down position there is a lot of air going straight onto my helmet's faceshield, this is a good thing at low speeds especially when it's hot out but on the highway it's a bit much.

With the current shield in the fully up position I have essentially no wind on my helmet (or any other part of my upper body), no discernible buffeting but what I do have is a truly amazing amount of wind roar. At 70MPH it's much noisier with the shield up than with it down.

I've tried various intermediate positions but it mostly seems to be the worst of both worlds, with limited protection from the wind and a lot of wind noise.

After reading a whole lot of threads here I decided that I probably want a Cee Bailey with the reverse flip. The question is what size to order.

The ones I am considering are the 23" (+4) and 25" (+6) Since my current shield is either a +4.5 or +5.5 Obviously the 25" will be the safer choice to eliminate wind noise I don't want to go taller than I need to, especially if it means I may be looking through the flip portion of the windshield. I know the flip changes the dynamics of the shield and airflow completely which is why I think I may be able to get away with the 23"

Another factor is width. Apparently the Cal Sci is 2" narrower than stock at the top, maybe this narrower width is the source of some or all of my noise and the height is just fine. I may be able to get away with a 23" +2 or +4 wide. A +2 would in theory be 4" wider at the top than what I have now. I might even be able to get away with a 23" (+5)+2 without the reverse flip. I have no idea how I might be able to test this to find out for sure.

I think the more I think about it the less sure I am what I want.

I'm thankful for any advice that people here want to give.

I am sorry to hear about your response. They have been helpful to me.

Since you are so close...ride over to their shop.

I have the +4 +2 Flip and it has been remarkable...hardly ever gets bugs since they blow over the screen and don't even get wet when riding in rain at speed.

But since I am not your height, I can say nothing more to assist you more accurately.

I am sorry to hear about your response. They have been helpful to me.
The guy I spoke with seemed pretty distracted, and seemed to be having a conversation with someone else in the room while on the phone with me.

Since you are so close...ride over to their shop.
Thought about that, but they aren't close enough that I wouldn't have to take off work to go there, and I'd hate to do that, get there and have them be all "WTH are you doing here?"

Unfortunately, just like most business, they are all cutting back to the bare bones and this is the overall feelings we get on our end.

See if you can call again and I think I talked to George or ask for a manager/owner. Sometimes they don't always know what the front line is doing.

Good Luck with this...I think it is worth the effort.

I have a +2 high, stock width, flip CB shield that's my summer shield. Obviously too short for your needs, but I'm posting about the flip. I hated the stock shield due to horrible buffeting hitting my helmet when it was raised, although it was fine all the way down if I wanted lots of air.

I wanted to keep the clean lines of the stock shield and not block too much air for summer use, so got the +2 flip shield. I've been very happy with the shield because I still get good airflow when down, but minimal buffeting when raised up. I can see over it fully raised. I also have a Vstream shield for winter use and it's about 4 inches taller (and much wider).

To compare the two for height only: I can get the same reduction in helmet buffeting with the CB as the Vstream with less height. In other words, I need to raise the Vstream up to where I'm barely looking over it to get the sweet spot, whereas the CB can be lower. I like to think of the flip as adding 2 inches to "effective" height without actually adding any height if that makes any sense.

I have a +4 high, +2 wide, reverse flip. I'm 6'0" with a Russell seat that I bought used and was not built for me - I think it's a little tall/I sit a bit higher. My windshield is perfect for me IMO. I leave it to where I can just see over it and if the weather gets really bad I raise it all the way and tuck in behind it.

The reverse flip seems to work well but one little nit is that if it gets wet, or has that morning dew on it, the "dip" doesn't dry/blow out easily. Not a huge issue and I guess it's working as designed, but still a sidebar on the design I guess...

Please consider RIFLE. I installed a +5 / +4 yesterday. I now have a new bike. The RIFLE is right on target for your needs.

I have spent $thousands of $$$ trying shields on many bikes. The only true satisfaction has been the RIFLE and the angle concept. It was the only shield that worked for me on the Honda ST and on the V strom. Just do it, if for any reason you don't like it, you will be able to resell due to RIFLE reputation.

Welp I just pulled the trigger on the 25" (Max height) +2 width. I'll be sure to report here when I get it and try it out.
