Rider down - Grumpy

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Parsimonious Curmudgeon
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Shandaken, NY
For those of you who know Grumpy but do not visit the other forum, he has crashed and is in the hospital. That's about all I know. Look here in the fjriders forum for more information.

Update: Here's the link to Caring Bridge from Jwilly's post below so it is easy to find.

You'll have to create a userid there in order to view it, but it's worth the effort.

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Not a member there. Could you cut & paste the info?

Sorry to hear the bad news.

Rider down, one of our own - Prayers needed.

Forum member Grumpy took a spill this past Saturday on his FJR. I'm not going to discuss specifics, but he's in the hospital and in need of every happy thought, good vibe and prayer that can come his way. He got banged up pretty good.
Direct them towards North Carolina. His friends and family thank you.
Prayer sent.
Jim and Judy are great people, and deserve all our support.
I am very sorry to hear this. All of my best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. Please keep us posted on any news.
This news makes me grumpy. Grumpy better get well soon and make me happy. Otherwise I'll be dopey.
I had dinner with Grumpy and Snow White at EOM in Johnson City. They are good people. If there is anything I can do for Grumpy, Snow White or family please let me know. Prayers going up.
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sucks to hear! but...prayers and positive thots sent

heal fast, Grumpy!

Not many details are public at this point. He put his bike down in the mountains of North Carolina and when he slid off the road surface hit a mailbox post. The extent of his injuries are pretty serious and the doctors are working every angle possible to help with his recovery.

Please say a prayer for Jim and his family. Grumpy and Snow White (Judy) are great people and we are pulling for his speedy recovery.


The extent of his injuries are pretty serious and the doctors are working every angle possible to help with his recovery.
JW, please share that my thoughts and prayers are with him... along with the belief that you can overcome the impossible... it's in the spirit and energy of those around him that he CAN persevere and make it to the other side of all of this. You know well I speak from experience... and I'm sending those experienced thoughts his way... ya gotta believe and that goes for him and his family/friends... it makes a huge difference.


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