Another one down

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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
From a Email I received today-

Recently over this last weekend of November 26th, Sunday I was hit by an automobile on our way to Big Bear. Hit by no less a small SUV, this ford was able to get the best of my left hip side,and completely destroyed my yamaha FJR. Because of the many friends that I was surrounded with, I was in good hands while I lay injured.

Luckly our group had various experiences of this type, and quickly helped traffic, notify law enforcement, fire department and dispatched ambulance very quickly. I was un aware of many of the courageous deeds our own members did for me, but I was looked after like angels, caring for a sparrow with a broken wing.

Soon I was transported to Big Bear Medical Center then to Kaiser in Anaheim, where I was being prepared for x-rays and emergency surgery on my hip. Instead of full hip replacement, they were able to salvage most of the intacted hip and leg bone and use screws to secure the fused and fractured area. The doctors will monitor the progression of the hip circulation since many hours were spent in transportation between hospitals. I was released from the hospital last night and will recover over the next many months bed ridden at home.

From this message I want to again thank all the guys who were by my side to help with the EMT's, police and other emergency services that were provided. Also the personal companionship and all the visitations from our members that lifting up my spirit, sneaking in food and deserts, and reassuring my wife that things were going to be ok.

I think we have probably the best group of caring folks I've met to date, and just want to thank personally all of you who are a part of Epicurean Riders!


Larry Crystal

Seems to be approaching epidemic proportions! :eek: Heal fast ZZ.

Heal fast ZZ man!

Keep that left foot moving up & down (a few times every TV commercial) so you don't form any blood clots from inactivity!

good luck


Sorry this tragic event occurred. Best regards. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.



Instead of full hip replacement, they were able to salvage most of the intacted hip and leg bone and use screws to secure the fused and fractured area. The doctors will monitor the progression of the hip circulation since many hours were spent in transportation between hospitals.
Damn ZZ, that sounds nasty. Good job in a bad kinda of way, spoken by one with many breaks in the past to you now. Very sorry to hear of the crash.. take your time, you'll have too.. and remember to not take *all* the good pain killers... save some for you buds? :dribble:
Larry -

WTF bro! Glad your relatively OK - heal well and fast. Might as well get the order in for an 07 or the Kaw maybe? What about the Santa Claus ride, I think I know a guy with a hack, ya see we could hook up and IV holder and .......... Get well soon - and enjoy the Holidays as best you can!

man, our community does seem to be taking more than our share of hits lately.

hang in there ZZ! a brand new FJR is in your future!

Larry, take care, get well soon, and come back around. As you must know by now, life is short enough without wasting time on the small stuff. Yours (or any of ours) could've been ended in an instant. Every living day forward is a gift.

Sellin' any farkles?
