Kawasaki 2008 Concours 14 - Nice Features

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Jan 23, 2007
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There is a decent amount of info on there web site.

Kawi 2008 Concours

There are some pretty trick things about it. The wireless ignition key, radial brakes, variable valve timing, remote tire pressure sensors. I am sure it will be a good performer.

To bad it is ugly. IMO. Maybe if I needed to grate some cheese.

It will be interesting to read some reviews

There is a decent amount of info on there web site.
Kawi 2008 Concours

There are some pretty trick things about it. The wireless ignition key, radial brakes, variable valve timing, remote tire pressure sensors. I am sure it will be a good performer.

To bad it is ugly. IMO. Maybe if I needed to grate some cheese.

It will be interesting to read some reviews

And, unless I missed it, yet again another "Touring" bike without cruise control.

Since when is September "summer"? Last time I talked with a Kawi sales manager, he said that Sept was the new target date for the C14. Maybe the engineers got confused about introduction/production timing when marketing mentioned "C14" & they started thinking in terms of a half-life of 5730 years.

I think smooth sided bags alone would improve the looks 100%. There are a few things that definitely grab the eye. Not quite as a polished, flowing look as most bikes these days. Kind of looks like an American car - designed by commitee ;)

You guys could go here where it was discsussed and opined at length.

Or you could go up to the right hand corner and type "concours" into the search area and find 5 or 6 threads where this was all discussed before. including the thread where Bramfrank saw (maybe) the first out-of-the-crate C-14 at a dealer.

The bike actually doesn't look that bad in person...mostly like a cross-breed of the FJR and the BMW-RT. I hope they sell a ton of them. IMO, the more sport-tourers there are on the road, the better for all of us.

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I see hints of B-mer GT but that’s OK with me. I figure mm2 is on to something when he said,

The bike actually doesn't look that bad in person...
Maybe I’ll have sympathy on ‘em :sarcasm: and take the plunge on an early release unit. If so, I prefer that high-gloss black. In any event, I look forward to taking one for a test-ride. :bike:
Oh, and on a side note. I’m also looking forward to seeing and riding one of the new KLR 650’s. It just seems like a handy DS, at some point in the near future, would be a “sweet” compliment to a brand “spanking” new SST. Although sneaking both in undetected by radar (my wife) would require more than just a bit of finesse.

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The bike actually doesn't look that bad in person...mostly like a cross-breed of the FJR and the BMW-RT. I hope they sell a tone of them.
I don't have a problem with their looks. Who doesn't think Batman's a cool dude? And we all know he would ride one. Um, THIS Batman would ride one:


Not this Batman:


But what I like BEST about the Concourse-14 is who its daddy is:



P.S. Mad, did you mean a "choir" of them, singing in tune?

I hope they sell a ton of them. IMO, the more sport-tourers there are on the road, the better for all of us.
+1. I'd like to see a ton of ST bikes on the road. Big thing for me would be the standard 3 year warranty on the Kawi. . Competition usually makes the breed better. Wonder what Suzuki would come up with? The C14 kind of leaves them the odd man out.

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100 ft-lbs of torque, but still no weight figures.
Nor any HP numbers.

Some key info still missing and it's getting pretty late into the game. What's up with that?

My guess is the Connie will have great HP but will have more of a peaky curve like typical sport bikes. Something I don't want, but others (especially bench racers) will enjoy. I am also guessing it's going to be somewhat of a pig - heavier (wet) than the FJR. I bet it handles and brakes no better than an FJR, but will have a higher top end (maybe - fairing looks bigger than FJR). But I bet it will be fine for sport-touring. I don't think it will be across the board *better* than the FJR - just oriented more towards the "GT" side of things - great high speed stability at the expense of agility. Though I am impressed by it's list of features, I am not impressed with it's fit and finish or lack of sophistication in design of the details.

Of course I could be totally wrong as until we get some real world reviews, this is all just mental masturbation. Who knows how it will all play out in terms of vibration, stability, seating position, heat, fuel mileage, price, character, ect........

I noticed the following when studying the 1400 specifications:

1. The rake & trail of both the 1400 & FJR are very similar: 1400 rake/trail 26.1 degrees/4.4 inches & FJR 26 degrees/4.3 inches I would think this would indicate very similar handling assuming weight is similar.

2. The 1400 has a slighly larger rear tire and a 6 speed.

3. FJR now has linked brakes the 1400 does not (This can be good or bad depending on how/where you ride).

4. Horsepower curve and torque curve are not available for the 1400 at this time. Weight is not yet availabe either.

I guess I don't know which I would prefer at this point. I did decide not to wait after totaling my 05 FJR and take delivery of an 07 FJR in the next couple of days. Not knowing the specs on the 1400 for horsepower, torque, and when the 1400 would be available made my decision for me when the weather turned nice & I saw all the bikes out and got the fever to ride.

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I noticed the following when studying the 1400 specifications:1. The rake & trail of both the 1400 & FJR are very similar: 1400 rake/trail 26.1 degrees/4.4 inches & FJR 26 degrees/4.3 inches I would think this would indicate very similar handling assuming weight is similar.

2. The 1400 has a slighly larger rear tire and a 6 speed.
I am assuming it will be heavier. Also, without checking my possibly crooked facts, I believe the wheelbase is longer on the C14 - better stability at expense of flickability. And, larger rear tires usually has a negative effect on handling and if it needs a 6-speed, then I am assuming peaky HP curve.

Personally I expect the C14 to be closer in performance to the FJR than, say, an ST1300 (a fine machine, a bit heaver & "touring like" as opposed to "sport"). Got to say I'm not wild about the big muffler on the C14. On the other hand I'm not wild about the Black Cherry, or linked brakes on the FJR, but then it didn't stop me from buying the FJR.

Talked to D/H cycles today He indicated they were having some problems with bikes and were holding up releasing. I asked what problems and he said they werent telling dealers. He said he was in the dark but had heard rumors from factory folks he knew. He said he was not happy that the dealers were not being told what the problems were

The problem is there is too much heat roasting the nuts and it starts ticking after 500 miles. LOL


100 ft-lbs of torque, but still no weight figures.
That one more than the FJR!! what if its faster and in my impatience to not wait for its release i got the slower of the sport tourers?

Did anybody notice that they are calling it a "Transcontinental supersport tourer" as if you can change out the hardcases for wings
