Anyone use that silicone tape door prize from EOM?

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2006
Reaction score
Orleans, IN
Anyone use that silicone tape door prize from EOM? Hopefully there'll be some excellent silicone tape adventures posted here, and next year I'll direct TED to this thread to see how much we liked it.

This year he sent 27 rolls, perhaps he'll send more next time if we seemed to like it.

I have used it as wire wrap and water sheilding on wiring.

Works really well for that type of stuff.

Of course, this tape is not going to have any duct tape stories, because it only seals against itself.

It's not going to get your busted fairing home.

Mine is in my topcase waiting for the moment that I need to use it. I CAN wait.

The table I was at last year did not win anything at all. It was funny to see people going up and getting 2 or 3 things and we all were sitting there with nothing. I hope I have better luck this year. As for the tape, I have some from another source and it does in deed work wonders. Used it to stop a pin hole leak in one of the water pipes of my house until I had time to fix it properly.

Rick, there was bike polish that was an open box free for all. Did you get any of that? That stuff works great!

I almost felt sorry for you after reading that story but you know what? I've spent a few years @ EOM where I got 0 things at the prize giveaway. do you feel sorry for me?

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The table I was at last year did not win anything at all. It was funny to see people going up and getting 2 or 3 things and we all were sitting there with nothing. I hope I have better luck this year. As for the tape, I have some from another source and it does in deed work wonders. Used it to stop a pin hole leak in one of the water pipes of my house until I had time to fix it properly.
Did you participate in the "TABLE DRAWING" first ?
