New FJR owner / Dumb question

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Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Hey everyone! New FJR owner here. They delivered today and I took it for a quick spin in the high 40's before I got too cold... :D

Anyway, after I put her back in the garage I noticed that the right exhaust pipe looked a little higher than the other one. Sure enough, they are off by about a quarter of an inch... Is this normal? Is it adjustable? I looked and the mounts don't appear to have any adjustment mechanism on them...

Regardless, I'm glad its here and can't wait for the warmer weather (can't believe we got a late season cold spell...

Your Saddlebag may not be in the notch all the way. I had that thought and had to adjust my saddlebag to seat in the hole correctly. Otherwise look underneath and see if maybe the exaust was damaged.

I guess I don't understand. What do the bags have to do with the exhaust?

Let me clarify what I mean.

When I look at the back of the bike (while standing behind it), one exhaust is slightly higher than the other. I took out a tape measure and...

Right side - 20.25 inches off the ground.

Left side - 20.50 inches off the ground.

*measured to bottom edge of the exhaust hole

I know 1/4 inch doesn't seem like much, but it is noticeable visually. I'm just wondering if its normal or not?

If you measured that way then I dont think there is a problem. My concern when I got mine was looking at the exaust in the same way, but my saddlebags was the cause of it looking awkward. If its only 1/4 off I wouldn't worry about it, someone at the factory could of just been heavy handed installing your slip-ons.


Stupid question, but that was with the bike on the centerstand, correct? As kenoman says, check for damage underneath. Sounds a bit strange to me, but here's hoping there's nothing going on there.

Best of luck with and enjoy the new Scoot!

Hmmmm.......theorhetically, they should be exactly the same. But with only a 1/4" difference, I don't think you have anything to worry about. It wouldn't hurt to go over stuff, but me thinks you might be being juuuust a tad anal-retentive. Not that I would know anything about that. No sir.

No way to adjust it, so I think you are just going to have to get used to it.

Perhaps someone else will come along and provide some insight here.

Know what I would do? Go out to the garage, and tip your bike over onto one side, and then the other. Just get it out of the way, right from the get go. After that, you won't worry about 1/4" misalignments, or getting the first scracth or ding. It will have been pre-disastered. :lol:

Welcome, and enjoy that new beauty of an FJR, even if it is a wee bit lopsided. :p

Wondering if it would help if you loosen the clamps on the slip-on and loosen the mounting bolt, give it a tug, then tighten it back up?

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I'd go with Skoots recommendation. He is very experienced when it comes to new bike break-in procedures. ;)

I'd go with Skoots recommendation.  He is very experienced when it comes to new bike break-in procedures. ;)
Don't you mean breakin' procedures? It's all about punctuation. ;)

No way to adjust it, so I think you are just going to have to get used to it.
Perhaps someone else will come along and provide some insight here.
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you the FixAll



I might try gently whacking it with a rubber hammer. That one there looks like a bit of overkill for the job.

i'd take it back to the dealer. it would bug me too, and you should not have anything bugging you on your new ride. you'll feel better when it's straight.


Call the dealer, let em know. Take it back by when weather is good and all. It's an easy fix, but if you are faint at heart, you don't want to watch me do it. And no, it should'nt be there. Someone either laid her over on one side, or the dropped the wheel in a low spot and impacted the exhaust from the bottom. The build tollerances should be +-3mm or less.

Vehicles have not been built with 1/4 variances since the seventies.

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You could try loosening the clamp and the mounting bolt and adjusting it. There is a "little" abit of play in the mounting bolt for the muffler. You might have to lower one and raise the other, but if it worries you that much then try it. I don't know that it would signify any damage. Anything that would cause damage like that would likely leave a scar, so check under the cans to satisfy yourself.

Another thought, is your garage floor absolutely flat? It'd be easy to have 1/16"-1/8" variation in concrete. You might want to measure down from the panniers and compare.I seem to remember seeing a few FJRs with mufflers that weren't perfect. One of the things one must do when adding Holeshots is to play with the adjustments to keep the slip-ons even.

I put on the Holeshot slip-ons first about a year ago. I'm a perfectionist and took quite a few little adjustments to get the mufflers right on. Then the header comes and have to do it all over. :angry:

Thanks everyone!

The cans are perfect... I mean, there is no evidence of the bike being damaged in anyway underneath.

I'll take a picture tomorrow when it is on the centerstand and let y'all be the judge. I am a bit anal-retentive, so although I've measured and the difference is there, maybe I'm blowing it out of proportion...

It really doesn't matter what WE think. Its your bike and it bugs you. Either take it to the dealer and point it out or try adjusting it yourself.


You know, I was in my too damn cold garage last night doing something when I remembered your post. I whipped out my tape measure, and I'll be dipped in dogsh*t, but my pipes were off EXACTLY like yours. :bigeyes:

Now, I have a pretty good eye, and haven't checked really close yet (just got my bike in January), but it appears to me when on the centerstand that my bike has a very slight lean to the right from the rider's perspective. I bet this is it, and others likely have the same!

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