95 or 395 Vegas to Reno?

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
The wife has opted to fly to Vegas, something about not wanting to do back to back BBG's on the freeway between Ottawa and Denver.

Checking the map I have either options on Route 95 or cut over on 190 (Death Valley) or 6 and then 120 and up the 395.

A) If we have all day and get an early start which would we the best route

B) If we are pushed for time which would be the best route


You don't wanna be in DV in July, unless, of course you are into rapid weight loss and massive dehydration... That route is taking you way outta your way if you're coming from Ottowa via Denver. Is this by intent or you just trying to ditch the missus for a while? :D

Summer in Death Valley during the daytime is a darn bit toasty unless you like it 115-125 degrees,great in winter but no way in the summer. Start early, ride 95 north to Beatty, fuel and breakfast or snacks, liquids continue north.

Now for the senic stuff and a bit cooler with higher elevation passes, turn left on 266 through Lida(no services, heck it is only a couple houses) over to Oasis Ranch (same as Lida) turn left on 168 with a 7313' pass over to Big Pine/395

North for fuel and lunch in Bishop(plenty of good places to eat). I would ride 6 to Benton and you can't beat 120 from Benton to 395 when it comes to the fun factor on the woops ( ride it and you will know what I mean) 395 North of 120 will be a nice senic cruise up to Topaz Lake for gas and on to Reno. See you there! B)

Are you asking for a route from Vegas to Reno, or Denver to Reno?
Vegas to Reno

I have a week from Denver to Vegas, Going to check out Utah before Vegas.

Thanks to all for the advice


I have a freind who spent some time touring through Utah. After looking at his photo's I made a route that covered some of the highlights. Not sure where you plan on riding, but I know this route here will be a little jewel.


I have a freind who spent some time touring through Utah. After looking at his photo's I made a route that covered some of the highlights. Not sure where you plan on riding, but I know this route here will be a little jewel.
+++++1111111111111111 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did this on a 10 day road trip through the SW last spring. That is an excellent ride!! B)

+++++1111111111111111 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did this on a 10 day road trip through the SW last spring. That is an excellent ride!! B)
I KNEW IT!! I also know that the pictures wouldn't do it justice, so got to plan this ride one day. :dribble:

Thumbs up here too on Utah highway 12. Awesome!

Capitol Reef N.P. is one of those unsung heroes of the National Park system. Beautiful scenery, so much so that you actually have to slow down while riding through it.

+ 1 to Bugnator's route. I did it last summer and it was spectacular. Purchase a Joe Rocket "Sahara" vest (you soak it in water and wear it under a mesh jacket to stay cool) and a gatorback (water container you wear on your back so you can hydrate while riding). You will be fine.

Made that exact same route 3 years ago. The scenery will wear you out. Highly recommended! Grand Staircase/Hwy12 is spectacular! South of the interstate in Utah should simply be renamed Utah National Park!


Many thanks for the route I'll work it into my plans, :)

So many roads not enough time,

If I could afford it I would start make tracks the WFO this weekend.

Have to Work and pay the bills though.

July is a long way away :(


Made that exact same route 3 years ago. The scenery will wear you out. Highly recommended! Grand Staircase/Hwy12 is spectacular! South of the interstate in Utah should simply be renamed Utah National Park! :D    
The locals call it Vacationland. +1 on the Grand Staircase.

They're right on the Death Valley run. It will be a toaster. Best if you leave before sunrise if you decide to do it. Another route is to take 95 out of Vegas, Catch 266 west through Lida connecting with 168 in California and get on 395 at Lone Pine. It is quite desolate and has a decent change in altitude. Allows some respite from the heat of the desert valley floors. 95 all the way to Reno is rather boring. Hit up Mono Lake on the way. The scenery is worth it.

I hope this helps.

Glad you all had this discussion. I'm going to try to use this route out of Cedar City on the way back home after WFO.

Hijack: If we continue on eastward, it looks like we could end up in Glen Canyon. Is it worth the trouble to take the ferry accross the lake to Halls Crossing, then up and down route 666 to Cortez? That sound like a pretty nice ride? Recommendations/problems in that area?

