Slip sliding away, oh slip slip slippy, add me to the crash club!

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
Federal Way, WA
Well folks,

Here is a little tale, but not of two cities, ho hum.

So me and the lads go riding this afternoon, covered over 150 miles with a coffee break at one of our local hang outs.

As it's getting dusk we decide to head home via I-90, I-5 and down towards Burien on 509.

As the rest of the gang live near Burienm, I have a little over 30 mins to get near my home West of Federal Way. As I exit 509 to join the road that goes underneath the SeaTac runways, I see some pretty white stuff falling from the sky.

Up to this point the roads were bare and dry, so seeing that the road was not that "white" and the temperature was around 37F, I proceed on my merry way.

After crossing beneath the runways I turn South onto Highway 99 South. Now I see the road is a little more white, but the traction was still good as I gently came to the stop before turning South.

Following a car (good distance between us both) in it's tire tracks I get through a couple of blocks towards a little down hill gradient.

Now the lights turn "red" and I gently apply the brakes (front and rear) and that's when "cherry" left her jockey, bam down I go at 30 mph.

At first (split second) the bike was on my left leg so I pushed Cherry away with my right hand, held my head high and made sure we were both detached from each other. My heated gear plug pulled straight out of the socket as I slid a good distance down the road, with "Cherry" looking at me with those big white eyes (read lights).

Lucky for me there was no car behind me, so once I was stopped I got up and ran over to pick her up. She had only just been given some ligquid, so she was heavy!!!

In this day and age we hear of so many horrible things people do to each other but several passing cars stopped to ask if I needed help, nice folks here in WA. Soon after this a young woman, who played pro football, came over to help me push the bike to a nearby hotel. A young Police Officer (great personality) stopped traffic in each lane as we pushed the bike to an undercover part of the hotel.

Skyway's frame sliders did the job, just damage to the left casing,left muffler (underneath) and no tank or plastic rashed up. The starter makes a funny noise engaging but goes away after start. No bar ends were scraped at all which surprised me.

I always wear full gear but I thought some of it, including the new boots, would be trashed. Good news is that the Arai helmet and gear was in good shape, no road rash. I confess to having fallen off many bikes, so I am happy to walk away from any "spill" in tact.

My boss at work would have thrown a hissy fit had I received injuries, as I had an ER room invitation last June when my 8 week old CBR 1000RR was totalled by a car hitting me broadside. That little trip cost me a punctured lung on the right side with broken ribs and a whole mlot more! Thank god for racing leathers.

So now I am searching for some parts for Cherry.

Oh, did I mention that these weather forecasters suck here in WA!! Quote from King 5 news today "sunny afternoon, cold and clear night".

Well, enough of my drivel, hope you all were entertained reading my screed.

Ride safe,

Stop for snow..... I am so stupid for not stopping.... memo to self....must stop for the white stuff...

Thankfully you weren't injured...except for some pride and ego.

I don't blame the forecaster because they can't CONTROL the weather, just report computer profiles. If I am at a different altitude or there is a sudden temperature eyes and skin should tell me more than their best guess. Especially with the changeablility of conditions in the PNW.

Sorry for what you are going through.

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Well folks,
Here is a little tale, but not of two cities, ho hum.

So me and the lads go riding this afternoon, covered over 150 miles with a coffee break at one of our local hang outs.

As it's getting dusk we decide to head home via I-90, I-5 and down towards Burien on 509.

As the rest of the gang live near Burienm, I have a little over 30 mins to get near my home West of Federal Way. As I exit 509 to join the road that goes underneath the SeaTac runways, I see some pretty white stuff falling from the sky.

Up to this point the roads were bare and dry, so seeing that the road was not that "white" and the temperature was around 37F, I proceed on my merry way.

After crossing beneath the runways I turn South onto Highway 99 South. Now I see the road is a little more white, but the traction was still good as I gently came to the stop before turning South.

Following a car (good distance between us both) in it's tire tracks I get through a couple of blocks towards a little down hill gradient.

Now the lights turn "red" and I gently apply the brakes (front and rear) and that's when "cherry" left her jockey, bam down I go at 30 mph.

At first (split second) the bike was on my left leg so I pushed Cherry away with my right hand, held my head high and made sure we were both detached from each other. My heated gear plug pulled straight out of the socket as I slid a good distance down the road, with "Cherry" looking at me with those big white eyes (read lights).

Lucky for me there was no car behind me, so once I was stopped I got up and ran over to pick her up. She had only just been given some ligquid, so she was heavy!!!

In this day and age we hear of so many horrible things people do to each other but several passing cars stopped to ask if I needed help, nice folks here in WA. Soon after this a young woman, who played pro football, came over to help me push the bike to a nearby hotel. A young Police Officer (great personality) stopped traffic in each lane as we pushed the bike to an undercover part of the hotel.

Skyway's frame sliders did the job, just damage to the left casing,left muffler (underneath) and no tank or plastic rashed up. The starter makes a funny noise engaging but goes away after start. No bar ends were scraped at all which surprised me.

I always wear full gear but I thought some of it, including the new boots, would be trashed. Good news is that the Arai helmet and gear was in good shape, no road rash. I confess to having fallen off many bikes, so I am happy to walk away from any "spill" in tact.

My boss at work would have thrown a hissy fit had I received injuries, as I had an ER room invitation last June when my 8 week old CBR 1000RR was totalled by a car hitting me broadside. That little trip cost me a punctured lung on the right side with broken ribs and a whole mlot more! Thank god for racing leathers.

So now I am searching for some parts for Cherry.

Oh, did I mention that these weather forecasters suck here in WA!! Quote from King 5 news today "sunny afternoon, cold and clear night".

Well, enough of my drivel, hope you all were entertained reading my screed.

Ride safe,

Stop for snow..... I am so stupid for not stopping.... memo to self....must stop for the white stuff...

I am glad you are OK. dont get much of that white stuff down here in texas. but I had a similar incident when I locked up my front tire in the wet where there was gas or oil spilled.NO FUN... about stopping, I can a motorcycle rider we have kind of a don't quit attitude, kinda like when you are in a lean in a blind turn, and you find out that it is sharper than you think. you increase your lean, but (with me any way) a little voice makes you want to slow down and hit your brakes, we all know what will happen then, but you stick with it through the turn, and make it ok. i have been through some pretty bad storms, and passed many of overpass thinking I shuld wait it out, but keep on going to the house visualizing me pulling into my driveway and into my garage. Lets face it if we were not risk takers we would be driving 4 wheelers all the time....... Hope you get what you need to get back on the road soon..

Glad you weren't hurt and came out of this well...The bike is easier to mend than you are. I managed to get a few miles today but did stay out of the white stuff, lots of sand on the roads though.


man there are some things you just shouldnt do

1) you dont tug on supermans cape

2) you dont spit into the wind

3) you dont pull the mask of that ol'lone ranger

4) and you dont mess around with A ******* BIKE IN THE SNOW :)

PS I use to work at a Toyota shop at the end of 509 there in Burien; thats a funny story. Is it still there?

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Sorry you had that experience Taff, unfortuntely I've been there. Did you ride home?

Which Skyway sliders did you have, Delrin or aluminum? Just curious.

Glad you came away rather unscathed....

Soon after this a young woman, who played pro football, came over to help me push the bike to a nearby hotel.

And, damn happy that you are ok!



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Sorry you had that experience Taff, unfortuntely I've been there. Did you ride home?
Which Skyway sliders did you have, Delrin or aluminum? Just curious.

Glad you came away rather unscathed....
Hi there,

I have the Delrin sliders, did a great job.

After the bike was at the Hotel I called my riding buddy who got his friends trailer to haul the bike home.

There was no point in trying to ride after that spill as the roads were very icy etc and I wanted to check me and the bike out at home in the dry.

Thanks to all of the replies.

Ah, sheesh. This is not good news, except that you are okay. Sometimes, these things just happen. Been there, done that. A few times.

man there are some things you just shouldnt do1) you dont tug on supermans cape

2) you dont spit into the wind

3) you dont pull the mask of that ol'lone ranger

4) and you dont mess around with A ******* BIKE IN THE SNOW :)

PS I use to work at a Toyota shop at the end of 509 there in Burien; thats a funny story. Is it still there?
Think the stealership is still there!

The snow hit only a small area (about 2-3 miles) so it was a real eye opener!

No major weather was forecast for this evening, just cold and clear!!

Oh boy we are glad you are ok. I like up North of you so I know the weather. I usually ride a drz400 dual sport with great tires and I never really get to worried about rain or snow but with wind mixed in it is another story with that bike. But anyway I just rode home my new used 03 FJR1300 from Skagit Power sports yesterday in the pouring rain mixing with a little snow. I just kept repeating to myself this aint no little 30 horse dual sport, take it easy! I made it with no problems and I realized you can ride this bike anytime as long as it isnt snowing or icy. Take care your your girl. Note to self..Buy sliders ASAP!! I just need to know the metal or plastic ones.

Soon after this a young woman, who played pro football, came over to help me push the bike to a nearby hotel.

Did you at least get her number?

Glad you are OK and wishing you a quick repair...
Although I am single and looking for a SOH, this young lady was so kind but Cherry would be in a whole bunch of hurt if she was to mount my steed :yahoo:

Glade to hear you are OK

Next time remeber these three letters

ABS it's an accident like this that make it is worth the money!

Oh boy we are glad you are ok. I like up North of you so I know the weather. I usually ride a drz400 dual sport with great tires and I never really get to worried about rain or snow but with wind mixed in it is another story with that bike. But anyway I just rode home my new used 03 FJR1300 from Skagit Power sports yesterday in the pouring rain mixing with a little snow. I just kept repeating to myself this aint no little 30 horse dual sport, take it easy! I made it with no problems and I realized you can ride this bike anytime as long as it isnt snowing or icy. Take care your your girl. Note to self..Buy sliders ASAP!! I just need to know the metal or plastic ones.
Get the Delrin (black) sliders.

They just saved me lots of dosh!


Stop for snow..... I am so stupid for not stopping.... memo to self....must stop for the white stuff...

Sorry you wrecked your steed. And thanks for the warning about snow . Here in Tn we get some occationally and I also always want to push on and take my chances. Good luck with the repairs.
