Is a FJR a money thing?

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downn2(aka starcruiser)

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I have notice many saying they are drawn to the FJR because it's a BMWs have gotten way too expensive......

Is that the big draw........the cheapness? You don't have enough money for BMW or just too cheap to put out the bucks?

If money was no object........would you even in the slightest sense consider this bike over the BMWs new K1200GT priced around 19K?

Well for most price is a consideration but I am sure that most would still ride the FJR is prices were equal. The performance is just simply worlds above the BMW. But to each his own. Post this on a beemer site and I am sure the response will be quite different.

I am interested in seeing the new GT but when it comes down to it...........ouch.

The performance is just simply worlds above the BMW.
I'm not so sure about that. I think we will have to wait and see.

I rode the '02 GT when it first came out but really, the FJR just feels right. Could be my wallet talking though.

Not really. My buddy's K-RS spent plenty of time in the shop for warranty work, as did my 2001 R1200C. Guess what? My FJR has zero warranty work (knocks on wood)! My time is worth money and the BMW is NOT worth its price. Oh, and I like having TWO usable saddle bags.

Yep, I'd consider a K-GT if it was LESS expensive than the FJR. How can you possibly think it is worth MORE than the FJR? Better performance (by any moving measure)? No. Longer range? No. More storage? No. More reliable? Absolutely not. So what imaginary BMW virtues are you thinking of?

I'll give you two. The K-RS fairing doesn't block as much air but its air stream is smoother/quieter than the FJR's. The K-RS doesn't let as much heat reach the rider (but still has some). BFD, wear some riding pants and you won't feel the heat on either.

edit -- didn't catch that you were talking about the new K. So now you're asking me to compare vaporware to the bike I'm actually riding for the past year?

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Not really.  My buddy's K-RS spent plenty of time in the shop for warranty work, as did my 2001 R1200C.  Guess what?  My FJR has zero warranty work (knocks on wood)!  My time is worth money and the BMW is NOT worth its price.  Oh, and I like having TWO usable saddle bags.
Yep, I'd consider a K-GT if it was LESS expensive than the FJR.  How can you possibly think it is worth MORE than the FJR?  Better performance (by any moving measure)? No.  Longer range? No.  More storage? No.  More reliable?  Absolutely not.  So what imaginary BMW virtues are you thinking of?

I'll give you two.  The K-RS fairing doesn't block as much air but its air stream is smoother/quieter than the FJR's.  The K-RS doesn't let as much heat reach the rider (but still has some).  BFD, wear some riding pants and you won't feel the heat on either.

edit -- didn't catch that you were talking about the new K.  So now you're asking me to compare vaporware to the bike I'm actually riding for the past year?
The repair aspect was my concern eventually turning me away from BMW....I read too many post in the BMW rooms about weeks of disrepair concerning dealer's lack of wanting spend the money to keep a good inventory of parts, resulting in long periods between shipments between German and the U.S..And then you hoped they'd diagnosed the problem correctly as to order the right parts....

I can only image some $10.00/yr bubba back in service dept, scrathing his head over the complexity of some poors dudes $20K BMW, meanwhile consumed with wishing he could get a job at the HD dealer down the street so he wouldn't have to think so hard and could get himself a deal on a harley........

I'm sure if we were anywhere in Europe it'd be a different story, as it's obvious the U.S. dealers aren't only too tight to carry a fully loaded parts inventory but a way to cheap to send anyone to BMW (Germany) school to become a BMW qualified mechanic....Hell,they got too many Triumps, Aprilas and Ducates to work on anyway to let someone off for a month to actually learn what he's doing working on just a BMW...

I could afford either..........but with that said, I believe it has more to offer with a better price, which means not only can I save money but use it toward more farkles.

Is that the big draw........the cheapness? You don't have enough money for BMW or just too cheap to put out the bucks?
There is nothing that is "cheap" about an FJR. I have ridden a lot of BMWs and if I ever find one that I like better than what I already have then I will buy it.

Just because the Beemer costs more, doesn't make it a better bike, or even worth the extra money, ****, you just have to look at the Hardley Driveables to quash that theory.

Marketing maketh the world go round.


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A bike is a very "tactile" thing, IMO. I rode an FJR, and just wanted one. Having ridden other bikes after owning an R1, well, other bikes just didn't "ring my bell". The fact that it didn't cost an arm and a leg didn't hurt either.

Well…if I was to consider a BMW, it would only be the K1200S that I recently test drove. I found it extremely comfortable and smooth. The ESA option was very cool and would be a joy when touring. The new K1200GT is absolutely BUT UGLY and makes even the Honda ST1300 look like a queen in comparison. LOL. Bottom line: Money no object…then yes, I might consider the K1200S but NOT the K1200GT! Dealer Nationwide support really wouldn’t enter my equation. If money is hypothetically no object (& I am a rich SOB) and my Beemer dies “in action“…I will just leave it at the side of the road and buy another one at the next dealership. Ta Ta. :p

All of the brands have poor performing units (some more than others) and poor service departments dotted around, even in europe. BMW is currently installing a brand new state of the art facility in AZ at MMI to add presence for training techs for their product in the US. I build different products for the high performance BMW aftermarket, and the most common problem with their auto's is electronic's problems. Not sure about the bikes though?

I have always been tempted by the BMW, but apart from the first place Harley, the BMW is the second place brand of bike I see most stranded on the highway. The IBR is not a bad litmus test either for the durability of a product. For now I'll take my chances on a rice burner.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter how much you spend on a vehicle, $1 or $100.000, if you can't find a good mechanic to service it, it's not worth squat.

The money issue was a question always asked on the Roadie forum -if you had the $$ would you buy an HD? The resounding answer was always that the Roadie was a better bike/fit for most. The Roadie has a bigger motor, more torque, better brakes and fit me well - the comparable HD's made me feel cramped and seemed too small. The FJR IMO is a much better looking bike than any BMW out there plus the research I did alerted me also to service issues other have already pointed out here. While money wasn't an issue I still have a problem paying more for something just because it's a staus symbol or perceived as a 'top of the line' product. The purchase decision should take into consideration the value of the item but if it's what you want then money usually isn't a deciding factor. At least not for me.

If money was no object........would you even in the slightest sense consider this bike over the BMWs new K1200GT priced around 19K?

Money as no object would assume I could afford anything I wanted. So my next priority would be reliability. BMW's do not impress me here. I'd rather buy the better looking FJR and then blow some money on a MV or something if I wanted something more european with questionalble reliability. As impressive as it might sound to others to own a "Beemer"..a company has to impress me with it's PRODUCT not it's name. There are many fine motorcycles on the market today, and after long and careful research, I chose the FJR..and did it not based on price...which BTW is still a bit of a reach for me financialy. But I am confident that the FJR will fullfill all the requirements I would expect from a bike of this type, and go far beyond some of my expectations.

If you want to impress your freinds or those with no motorcycle knowledge..the BMW will do that. You will have alot of time to tell them about your bike at that quaint bistro you go to with them...while your bike sits in the shop.


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I have notice many saying they are drawn to the FJR because it's a BMWs have gotten way too expensive......
Is that the big draw........the cheapness? You don't have enough money for BMW or just too cheap to put out the bucks?

If money was no object........would you even in the slightest sense consider this bike over the BMWs new K1200GT priced around 19K?
I came from riding a BMW R1150RT to ordering the 06 FJR. I loved my 04 BMW, but felt I had to get rid of it, here's why. I ordered and rode the bike in Germany for over a year. I never had any issues at all mechaniclly. I also never worried about it cause there were BMW shops all over the place. Once we came back to the states that was no longer the case. The closest dealer was over and hour ride away. The dealership/garage for BMW bikes in the states are far and few inbetween. I just did not feel confortable taking a long trip knowing that help could be over 400 miles away at anytime. Also, I found that I felt I needed more power in my bike. Honestly, I first looked at the BMW R1200RT, but again the dealership network was lacking. Also, the price was ridiculous. It did however answer the power problem, but all the other downsides put it out of play for me. So, I began looking at the alternatives. I have kept an eye of the FJR for a couple years now, but I thought they (Yamy) had not worked out the touring in sport touring with the FJR until the 06 model year. For that reason I was looking at the Honda ST1300. I was ready to buy the Honda until I saw that the only change for the ST for 06 was the color. I then checked the FJR and could not believe the changes for 06. It showed me that Yamaha cares what the community thinks and makes the changes needed. The only think that I wish Yamaha did was make heated grips standard. The price was good at 13,5 and I was ready to buy. I contact 5 dealerships and the best price I could get was 12,5. That was just fine with me since I was coming from BWM's and this price was well below BMW and the FJR now seemed to be set up for touring as well as sport. Then I heard about D&H and I put my money down at 11,5. So, if money did not matter, I would still get the FJR because of the dealership network.

I have notice many saying they are drawn to the FJR because it's a BMWs have gotten way too expensive......
Is that the big draw........the cheapness? You don't have enough money for BMW or just too cheap to put out the bucks?

If money was no object........would you even in the slightest sense consider this bike over the BMWs new K1200GT priced around 19K?
I can buy whatever I choose and...

I wouldn't touch a BMW with a ten foot pole. IMO, they are over engineered and waiting to break.

OK, I might touch a k1200s, maybe, possibly. But then it's like why bother when there are Japanese bikes that are better.


I was looking at BMW's untill the surging problem cropped up and I saw BMW's response... "Its a BMW! BMW's are German engineered, They can't surge!"

It reminded me I've seen this viewpoint from Germans before.

I'll never buy a BMW.

I was looking at BMW's untill the surging problem cropped up and I saw BMW's response... "Its a BMW! BMW's are German engineered, They can't surge!"It reminded me I've seen this viewpoint from Germans before.

I'll never buy a BMW.
Exactly part of my point.

My wife has a VW bug and although not a BMW, it's the last German thing I'll ever buy. It's not that it's a bad car it's just the proprietary nature of many of the parts and such.


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When I bought my FJR I owned 2 BMWs. I chose it because it was a better bike for me.

Cheap? Not in my case. It's about value.

None of the BMWs, to date, performs as well as the FJR in the mix of faster, slower, turn - and in areas ease of use. And then, all come with crap I just won't tollerate anymore -- and have to pay extra to put up with. While the upcoming K1200GT might offer similar or even greater performance values, and similar accommodations... it's still going to cost more for crap I don't want.

To stay out of BMW Bashing, consider Cost Of Ownership issues for yourself - particularly including its "special fetures". Then consider every extra dollar also came at the cost of your time, and your disposition.

I want my bikes to be Fun. All aspects of owning this one have been just that. And that's quite the opposite of my BMW ownership.


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