Good Bye, Missouri... Hello Arizona

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Jun 25, 2005
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After 13 years living in Springfield Missouri, I have finally decided to move back home... Well, Almost. Home is California, But i will not make that move.

I was a former Desert Rat through my high school days living in Borrego Springs, Then moving to Lake Havasu in 1993. The desert sucked as a kid with no money for toys! I hated it! Moving to Missouri was the BEST choice i have made up until now. I just need to come back to what is real.

All my family is in Southern California, Southern Oregon, And Nevada. It's time to come back.

Being that the company i work for is based in Kingman, The only logical move was there... I am only 5 hours away from all my family with the exception of my dad who lives in Oregon, And EXACTLY 1042 miles for a Saddle Sore!

I have been wanting to make this move back for 3 years, And finally decided that it's time. I have nothing holding me to Missouri since i sold my house in June,2007. I was planning on moving to Reno to be closer to my mom after WFO-6, But she took a drastic decline in health due to undiagnosed Liver Cancer that was stage 4, And i lost her in August. That killed me.

Anyway, 2 years later, The time has come again to move and nothing is going to stop me now... Watch out! Here i come!

I will be temporarily moved into a place in Kingman on Oct.25th... I will be ready for a desert ride!


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A buddy of mine lives in Catalina AZ near Tucson and I keep checking the forecast.... how do people live with 80-95 & sunny just about EVERY day? ;)

I'm a Jersey boy, but AZ weather looks pretty enticing & the wife agrees, not so sure about desert brown and no trees like my 5 acres of Oaks in NJ though.

Good luck & enjoy!

the only thing you will miss from missouri is the waffle house and steak n shake.welcome the the west side of the world.

Mi amigo Adam, Bien Hecho, Welcome Home to Arizona Again! Deepest condolences on the loss of your mother, very sad. This is perfect timing for you to join the Inaugural Los Robustos M/C Meet and Eat in North Las Vegas and Wikieup. On Friday, October 30 my lady friend Rena and I're leaving Chandler for LV; we're departing from the Love's Truck Stop at Exit 162 on Interstate 10 at 0900 in case any of Tucson FJR Forum will meet us there for the ride up to Nevada. This'll put us in Kingman at approximately 1300 hours, meet you there.

Muy Peligro: I must warn you about a pestilence that has descended on Arizona since you last lived here. There's a rabid desert ground squirrel that resides around Skootsdale, AZ. This nasty greg squirrel will sneak into your home and drink your beer, eat your food and piss in your swimming pool. He'll talk to you until your ears are bloody and mooch mucho free lunches off of you. He'll convince you to get a cell and then call you at all hours of the night to babble his fool head off!

Zorlac, the desert beauty grows deeply on you and it gets under your skin with its raw majesty. Being out on a dual sport bike at sunrise riding in the Superstition Mountains is one of most gorgeous and moving experiences that you can imagine!

Piloting your power boat up the canyons of the Colorado River seeing desert wildlife taking a drink is amazingly awesome.

Adam, otro Zonie Desert Rat to another, Bienvenidos Muchacho! H: 480-917-3863 C: 480-440-4666

Best wishes on your move Adam. It sounds like the right move for you to make. It was nice meeting you at Smitty's in '06.

Have fun in the desert. :clapping:

Best Regards on the move.

Family is an important source of function; I feel your excitement; congratulations.

Sympathies for ya mom, always a wrenching thought.

Get plenty of Sores to go see Dad.

Careful packing that Feejer for transport.

After 13 years living in Springfield Missouri, I have finally decided to move back home... Well, Almost. Home is California, But i will not make that move.
I was a former Desert Rat through my high school days living in Borrego Springs, Then moving to Lake Havasu in 1993. The desert sucked as a kid with no money for toys! I hated it! Moving to Missouri was the BEST choice i have made up until now. I just need to come back to what is real.

All my family is in Southern California, Southern Oregon, And Nevada. It's time to come back.

Being that the company i work for is based in Kingman, The only logical move was there... I am only 5 hours away from all my family with the exception of my dad who lives in Oregon, And EXACTLY 1042 miles for a Saddle Sore!

I have been wanting to make this move back for 3 years, And finally decided that it's time. I have nothing holding me to Missouri since i sold my house in June,2007. I was planning on moving to Reno to be closer to my mom after WFO-6, But she took a drastic decline in health due to undiagnosed Liver Cancer that was stage 4, And i lost her in August. That killed me.

Anyway, 2 years later, The time has come again to move and nothing is going to stop me now... Watch out! Here i come!

I will be temporarily moved into a place in Kingman on Oct.25th... I will be ready for a desert ride!


Get your butt back ov'r here....

I lived in Phoenix for two yrs and it was fun ..... had friends in Prescott Az, that is a nice spot.

Good luck to ya........


the only thing you will miss from missouri is the waffle house and steak n shake.welcome the the west side of the world.
I guess he might also miss Mexican Villa and springfield style cashew chicken!

The ozarks are beautiful, too.

A buddy of mine lives in Catalina AZ near Tucson and I keep checking the forecast.... how do people live with 80-95 & sunny just about EVERY day? ;)
I'm a Jersey boy, but AZ weather looks pretty enticing & the wife agrees, not so sure about desert brown and no trees like my 5 acres of Oaks in NJ though.

Good luck & enjoy!
Check the weather in Prescott or Snowflake (correct name for the place). Lots of trees, mountains etc in both. There are places with whatever senery you want in AZ.


Oh ****, there goes the neighborhood!

Sorry to hear about your mom. Congrats on the move to Arizona.

I can't wait for you to buy me lunch!

Bless ya dear departed Mom...BTDT and we only get one Mom <sigh>

Best to ya sir on ya new adventure in was a great pleasure to meet and greet you at SFO even if you had to knock heads with the beer nazis !!!



A buddy of mine lives in Catalina AZ near Tucson and I keep checking the forecast.... how do people live with 80-95 & sunny just about EVERY day? ;)
I'm a Jersey boy, but AZ weather looks pretty enticing & the wife agrees, not so sure about desert brown and no trees like my 5 acres of Oaks in NJ though.

Good luck & enjoy!
Check the weather in Prescott or Snowflake (correct name for the place). Lots of trees, mountains etc in both. There are places with whatever senery you want in AZ.

Is AZ the anti-California? Is AZ more laissez-faire?

A buddy of mine lives in Catalina AZ near Tucson and I keep checking the forecast.... how do people live with 80-95 & sunny just about EVERY day? ;)
I'm a Jersey boy, but AZ weather looks pretty enticing & the wife agrees, not so sure about desert brown and no trees like my 5 acres of Oaks in NJ though.

Good luck & enjoy!
Check the weather in Prescott or Snowflake (correct name for the place). Lots of trees, mountains etc in both. There are places with whatever senery you want in AZ.

Is AZ the anti-California? Is AZ more laissez-faire?
Wheatie, you are pretty damn close. You can wear tank tops and swim trunks to church with flip flops and nobody thinks a thing about it when it is 115 degrees outside. You can wear a Colt six shooter on your belt anywhere that you damn please!!

If you obtain Concealed Weapons Permit, take a weekend to get one, you can carry a concealed Beretta 9mm no problemo!

Our taxes are very low, taxes on my two houses here in Chandler are the same as my one rental house in Morro Bay, CA.

In California you'd pay hell trying to register a motorcycle 1st built as an enduro, motocrosser or trials bike for street use.

Here in Arizona, that same CA bike that would never pass for street use, will have a street license plate lickedy-split by just hanging a dental mirror off the left handlebar and 1057 light bulb off of the rear fender. You can't believe what passes here!

You can drive your golf cart just about anywhere you care to, except the Interstates, there they want you on the shoulder.

Can buy 5 acres out in the boonies for dirt cheap, only trick is being able to drill down 500 feet for your well water supply.

Only pests here are scorpions, rattlesnakes, gila monsters, chuckawallas and tarantualas. California has Attorneys-At-Law!!!

There are some requirements for Arizona living though; you have to be able to say with a straight face: It's just a dry heat!!

While I still love California, twas where I was born/raised, I do love laissez-faire and Anti-California attitude that exists here!

POSTSCRIPT: We do have one known aggravating factor, rabid mangy GREGM ground squirrel living up in Skootsdale, AZ!!!

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Drive through liquor stores and we don't change our freekin clocks!

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