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Alan Doak
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    • Alan Doak
      If you get some of these bulbs make sure the power cord comes out the back of the cooling wings. I bought some where the power comes out...
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak replied to the thread Workshop Manual wanted.
      Thanks Infrared - I have purchased from a reputable seller and have a 775 page PDF loaded onto my computer. Thanks for all the help.
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak replied to the thread Workshop Manual wanted.
      Thanks everyone. All sorted. I also didn't realise that Yamaha sold them via their publications website. I doubt if any dealer in NZ...
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak posted the thread Workshop Manual wanted in Wanted.
      Hi everyone, I like to work on my bike. I'm not expert so there's a limit to where I can go but having a workshop manual let's me decide...
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak replied to the thread Back on an FJR.
      Thanks. Have seen the movie, and have seen the motorbike which lives in a hardware store in Invercargill, at the bottom of the South...
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak reacted to tschutter's post in the thread Back on an FJR with Like Like.
      @Alan Doak, if you have Prime and a quiet evening, you might want to check out 'The World's Fastest Indian'. It's the story of Burt...
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak replied to the thread Fuel Tank Capacity.
      Every road in NZ is a backroad ((almost) so 340km sounds like a good compromise. Good luck in IBR. I'd like to hear about how you do...
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak reacted to Camper333's post in the thread Fuel Tank Capacity with Like Like.
      I have done multiple IBA rides on a 2015 FJR1300ES and I don’t punch it past 300 km high speed on highway or 350 km backroads I am...
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak replied to the thread Fuel Tank Capacity.
      Thanks. I've decided for the purposes of planning distance rides that 340km is a happy distance.
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak replied to the thread Back on an FJR.
      1670km in around 22 hours, which is slow for me. A couple of things - my body is not so tired today, compared to riding the ST1300 which...
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak replied to the thread Fuel Tank Capacity.
      I'm a little confused here. I recently returned to an FJR, Gen III. I rode the bike until I got a LO reading on the dash, and so I...
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak replied to the thread Back on an FJR.
      I'm doing a 1600km Saddlesore tomorrow, in the North Island. I'll basically ride around the perimeter of the big thick part of the North...
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak reacted to tschutter's post in the thread Back on an FJR with Like Like.
      Welcome. I've never been to New Zealand, when you go for a ride (or a weekend trip), do you cover most of your island?
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak reacted to RossKean's post in the thread Back on an FJR with Like Like.
      Shortest route end-to-end is 2,000 km (including a ferry). With LOTS in between (don't think riding would be any more repetitive than...
    • Alan Doak
      Alan Doak reacted to Trailrider57's post in the thread Back on an FJR with Like Like.
      Welcome aboard from the great state of Texas!
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