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    • infrared
      Ozzie, You should have a trusted FJR rider check out the bike at the far end before you buy. Buying sight unseen is fairly risky...
    • infrared
      infrared replied to the thread Pay It Forward.
      Just a note: Package shipping (UPS, USPS, FedEx, et c.) is expensive. Truck shipping can be quite reasonable. Some shippers offer...
    • infrared
      infrared replied to the thread New member IrishMick.
      IrishMick, In the USA, have your VIN in hand, and you can contact the Yamaha mothership directly, by phone or on-line: Yamaha...
    • infrared
      infrared replied to the thread New member IrishMick.
      In case you need an Owner's Manual, you can get them from Yamaha, or here (click the green DOWNLOAD button). Owner's Manual
    • infrared
      infrared replied to the thread New member IrishMick.
      IrishMick, Welcome to the madhouse.! ;) Pull up a seat, and be among friends. At the risk of being obvious, since the bike is new to...
    • infrared
      Gene, All IMHO, of course . . . I believe the "vents" are there to deform the fairing only for the rider's comfort. Set them IN for...
    • infrared
      MisTer TwiSTer, I'd suggest checking that all the factory recalls (if any) are done or not. In the USA, have your VIN in hand, and...
    • infrared
      Bruce, Try to pull up on the brake pedal, and if it does not "live" at the top of the range, clean and lube the foot brake pedal pivot...
    • infrared
      infrared replied to the thread Horn Help.
      If that is correct, then I believe your problem is simple. New handlebars caused it. You probably need to get a good ground to the...
    • infrared
      infrared replied to the thread Horn Help.
      Bigdog, Common car relay in the diagram. It just plugs into its' socket like a power cord. Connecting a wire to a socket pin is really...
      • relay 2.jpg
    • infrared
      infrared replied to the thread Horn Help.
      Bigdog, Clip one lead to the negative battery terminal whenever you are checking for power.
    • infrared
      infrared replied to the thread Horn Help.
      I would expect power at the switch. For that, I would consult the manual and check fuses. You say there is an inline fuse for the...
    • infrared
      infrared replied to the thread Rear brake solution.
      Levs_Denis, Would you consider a heel shifter? Here is a DIY bolt-on for you: https://www.fjrowners.com/posts/1377117/ You may need to...
    • infrared
      infrared replied to the thread Handguard fit?.
      Not sure what you have there, but on my 2008, I drilled and tapped the lever pivot bolt head for a small machine screw. It does not...
    • infrared
      infrared replied to the thread Fender extension - 3D print.
      Kebo, Looks good. My local public library has 3D printers. They will print out bike parts for small change, or even teach you how to...
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