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      fjr1300_2006 replied to the thread Side case surgery.
      When you raise the handle you will see the teeth appearing one by one. So while pushing the handle with one hand, I also helped with a...
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      fjr1300_2006 reacted to torch's post in the thread Side case surgery with Like Like.
      No, I never found a video. It turns out my major problem was the hooks had worn way down with years of vibration, so they could pop off...
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      fjr1300_2006 replied to the thread Side case surgery.
      mystery solved...moved one teeth up..now everything locks better! thanks!
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      fjr1300_2006 replied to the thread Side case surgery.
      other question would be, if a tooth is skipped, shouldn't there be any signs? like the handle won't stay upward or the latching plastic...
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      fjr1300_2006 replied to the thread Side case surgery.
      hi Torch! did you find the video? or have you solved the issue? thanks
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      fjr1300_2006 replied to the thread OEM Top Box Questions.
      Yes, for sure there will be some adaptations ongoing. I was just wondering if someone did it already and can share some tips/pictures...
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      fjr1300_2006 replied to the thread OEM Top Box Questions.
      hi all! I know it's an old thread but did anyone here fitted the original topbox (with original mounting plate) on the Givi, Shad or...
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