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    • J
      jdrman replied to the thread startup issues.
      well so far so good 👍. Went WOT, added in a bit of sea foam and its doing much better so thank you, I appreciate your help!
    • J
      jdrman reacted to Ignacio's post in the thread startup issues with Like Like.
      RossKean is a smart 'fella--especially highlighting this as two distinct issues. I agree with what he said and would add that the "fast...
    • J
      jdrman reacted to RossKean's post in the thread startup issues with Like Like.
      Two things... If you are not planning to go for a ride, you are not doing your bike any favors by starting it! If you have to start it...
    • J
      I have a 2004 FJR. I'm having startup issues. I bought it last year and everything was working fine. I couldn't ride the bike for about...
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