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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. mophead

    Recommended LED headlamp bulb for my 2013 Fjr1300a . Has anyone gone through the many different makes, and found one that's really compatible and de

    Same here for the Morimoto 2 stroke bulbs. Have them in my 2014 and made big difference at night.
  2. mophead

    Bare wheels balancing

    Speaking of wheel weights, anyone have a source for lead weights? Last weights I got are steel and do not adjust with dikes like the lead weights. Rather not get the dremel out to get half a weight and burn my fingers doing it.
  3. mophead

    Bare wheels balancing

    Been using this setup for years. Before you mount your tire be sure you get all the old rubber removed from around the seating edges so you don't end up with a slow leak. Also good time to check the wheel bearings and brake pads. Not sure you get that service at a dealer with some pimple...
  4. mophead

    Motorcycle For Sale 2016 ES

    Recalled Tranny been done?
  5. mophead


    Will this size tire work on the rear? Anyone running this size on the rear without clearance problems?
  6. mophead

    The Beaver has Landed!

    Does she ride? I may know her.
  7. mophead

    The Beaver has Landed!

    Amarillo has finally been declared a real city now that our Buc-ees has opened. Pulled in yesterday to see about their gas prices and found this. Hope it stays this way! First time the FJR ever got above regular. Haven't seen 93 octane around here either unless at the Sunoco racing fuel station...
  8. mophead

    Parts For Sale Handy Industries SAM 1000 Lift + Extras

    Best motorcycle accessory you can ever buy!
  9. mophead

    5th Amendment doesn't cover YouTube

    The old saying, Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes. Evidence against yourself and posted to the public. Don't believe I would have posted that about myself but then again I'm not seeking Youtube revenue. He is about to here from his insurance company I would imagine.
  10. mophead

    Time to say goodbye

    All this talk of Goldwings and not one person has mentioned changing the air filter versus changing on the FJR. Still have my FJR.
  11. mophead

    Video from a recent FJR gathering in the Ozarks

    The road from Forsyth to the ferry is a great ride!
  12. mophead

    Odometer Error

    170/60 on the rear puts the speedo within 1mph accurate at 80mph. Close enough for me.
  13. mophead

    Metal valve stem source

    If you have screw on sensors why does it matter if you screw them onto a straight or angled valve stem? Same weight either way and I'm sure the wheel doesn't know the difference. Just curious.
  14. mophead

    Metal valve stem source

    Most folks go with the angled stems for replacement. Much easier to check pressure and get an air chuck on them. Kurvy girl sells good ones. Have them on all my bikes.
  15. mophead

    Sponsorship Opportunity. 🤷‍♂️😆

    Helmet is ok to carry. If you have tail or back pack be sure there are no tools inside. If you carry tools you will have to check the bag as luggage. Been there done that.