Gen 1 - Seat stuck on the bike!

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Opinionated curmudgeon
Dec 8, 2015
Reaction score
York County, PA
I feel very stupid. I got the Seat Concepts seat "kit" and installed it, but I had some small wrinkles. It was suggested that I put it on the bike and after some warm or hot weather, stretch the cover again to eliminate the wrinkles. Simple enough, I thought. I did not trim the excess fabric on the underside of the seat so I would have something to grab when I re-stretched it.

I put the seat on, and it was reluctant to latch, but after a few attempts, it did finally latch. Now, however, I am unable to turn the key to release the seat. I've attempted sitting on it and turning the key, but still no luck. I cleaned, then lubed the lock with a Teflon spray just in case it was an issue with the lock, but that did not help either. I do not want to force it and end up breaking the key off in the lock.


So, in retrospect, it was not a particularly genius move leaving the excess seat material near the latch. I can only assume that it is pre-loading the latch, and that's why the key won't turn. I'm looking to the forum for ideas to try to get it off without damaging anything. Today, at lunch, I'll see if I can get a beefy coworker to sit on the bike while I attempt to get the key to turn. If that does not work, I'm at a loss for ideas.
As you say at the and of your poste, make strong pressur on the seat to alleviate latch

Push down on the front seat while you turn the key. Then hold the key twisted and let up on the seat.
That should do it.
As you say at the and of your post, make strong pressure on the seat to alleviate latch
I tried pushing down on the seat and turning the key with no success. Hopefully the weight of someone sitting on it will do the trick, but I don't have high hopes for success.

Since I have only had the seat off once, will someone please remind me of the location of the latch? Is it at the front or the back of the front seat?

putting the bike on the center stand, you can do it alone, the lock is not so far.
I look for the lock when leaving work
The problem is not reaching the lock, it is applying sufficient pressure to the seat while turning the key.

I may have been pressing on the front of the seat. I'll try again while pressing on the back of it. Thank you!

You will have to push really hard at the center back portion of the drivers seat just above the latch. I suspect it is being stressed with the added material and the latch won't release until the catch has enough free




Thanks, everyone, for your help. I trimmed some of the extra material. and while still difficult to remove, I can do so alone now by pushing in the correct location.

Ahh too bad. I had a great solution. :lol:

I'm saving it for the next guy who gets his seat stuck.

Nah. I'll tell ya. But you'd need a good heavy duty ratcheting tie-down cable. I have sort of a GI surplus one that can exert tremendous pressure. Bet you could put it around the bike, maybe a piece of wood between the strap and anything delicate, and compress till the key turns. Hey, bet it would 'a worked.

Ahh too bad. I had a great solution.

I'm saving it for the next guy who gets his seat stuck.

Nah. I'll tell ya. But you'd need a good heavy duty ratcheting tie-down cable. I have sort of a GI surplus one that can exert tremendous pressure. Bet you could put it around the bike, maybe a piece of wood between the strap and anything delicate, and compress till the key turns. Hey, bet it would 'a worked.
EXCELLENT idea! Way to think outside the box!

My seat latch mechanism got sticky to the point it didn't work. Took it apart, cleaned and lubed and all is good. Cleaning and lubing will likely help you some.
