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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. J

    Do I sell my bike or not?

    Thanks for all the comments. This may need the push I need. I probably should have mentioned, while I am not exactly ready for an episode of ‘Buried Alive’, I have a tendency to hold on to things (you might be a redneck if you pay $2000 a year to store $300 worth of stuff <_< ). This...
  2. J

    Do I sell my bike or not?

    Here is the deal. I have a perfectly blue 05 FJ with a bunch of farkles plus a whole Rubbermaid tub full of uninstalled stuff that I hardly ever ride. It only has (gulp) 5,500 miles on it. There are various reasons (three other bikes for one) why it never gets ridden, but none of them are...
  3. J

    Golf in Golden

    Thanks, I (think I) PM'd him. So we'll see if there is any room.. If anyone is up for playing Thursday, drop me a message.
  4. J

    Golf in Golden

    Fairlaner, I am local and could play either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday afternoon. Let me know a price threshold, when and how many and I will set up a tee time. :telephone: JKC
  5. J

    EZ PASS Holder

    Velcroed inside the top box lid. Works 100% of the time. Only hook is you need the trunk!