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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. TennFJR07

    Front Tire Wear

    i really appreciate the quick response, and i hate being one of those "too lazy to search" guys, how do i better search for specific topics like that? just good ole fashioned read through all the thread topics? Thanks again, probably will have to have my dealer do this, i'm pretty un...
  2. TennFJR07

    Front Tire Wear

    I apologize if this has been posted earlier; I have spent some time searching but did not find this specific issue. Please advise if I have missed it though. I have 3500 miles on an ’07 FJR that I purchased new. Although I do not ride excessively with no hands, haha, when I let go of the...
  3. TennFJR07

    Yamaha Touring Trunk & Attachment Kit

    didn't realize this was a nation wide problem, i ordered late july... got the trunk, the recall part, but no mounting kit... at least that's what they say, i don't have any idea what is what or if there really are 3 separate parts
  4. TennFJR07

    Highway Patrol traffic at The Dragon

    Any word if the attitudes and politics have died down at Deal's Gap... heard they were even writing tickets for lack of proof of shatterproof glasses.
  5. TennFJR07

    Riding the FJR in Heavy Rain

    what is the name of the aftermarket windscreen you were using? and... how do you like it... Price range???
  6. TennFJR07

    sliders vs highway pegs

    call me a big dumby... i am searching and even using advanced search typing "pavement surfing" and putting your username in the other field... can't seem to find it.
  7. TennFJR07

    silly question... numb butt

    wonderful forum yall got... been a member 1 day, and have had great responses... thanks a bunch... have another post about sliders vs highway pegs if you have a spare moment... again, thanks alot. Matt
  8. TennFJR07

    silly question... numb butt

    I think its a cup holder
  9. TennFJR07

    sliders vs highway pegs

    please tell me if this has been discussed previously and i'll research, but can a slider also double as a highway peg? more specifically.. .i saw these on a recent post can those double as foot rests? or are they too small or the...
  10. TennFJR07

    silly question... numb butt

    what are some ballpark prices on these seats? someone mentioned custom fit... do i send an imprint of my arse to the company?
  11. TennFJR07

    silly question... numb butt

    Have only put 1500 miles on new 07 FJR and love it. Isn't a major problem at all, but my butt goes numb and it is uncomfortable... but it doesn't pose an issue until at least 2 to 3 hours of riding. Used to riding an R6 where less weight is on the rear anyway. Enough about my A$$ for this...